29 May 1999

Full list of BJJ DVDs, Book and Other Media Reviewed by Me


Instructional Reviews

Full list of BJJ DVDs, Book and Other Media Reviewed by Me Wim Deputter - Review of all work Priit Mihkelson - Review of all work Dre...

28 May 1999

From Formal to Crazy - 6 Different Jiu-Jitsu Team Formation Photos
A good team photo is a front window to the wider world. But the presentation can vary quite a lot so I thought I'd take a look at the different approaches gyms take when it comes to the group photo...

Sponsorship in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
In this write-up I provide a round up of a bunch of very good articles on the topic - each with their own set of guidelines and nuggets of advice. I also summarise at the end a bullet point list of five practical tips.

How to use local media to promote Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Local media is still very effective in reaching out to members of the community in a way that social media and the internet doesn't always satisfy.

Designing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Uniforms - Part 1 and Part 2
As an illustrator and designer of hundreds of fightwear projects I wanted to write down some of my thought processes when it comes to the do’s and don’t’s of designing a BJJ uniform.



From Formal to Crazy - 6 Different Jiu-Jitsu Team Formation Photos A good team photo is a front window to the wider world. But the prese...

26 May 1999

I am an illustrator and have produced numerous designs for academy logos, fighter mascots and fightwear clothing company apparel. Here is a sample of my work, click on the images for more information about each design. You can also visit my art specific website here: Meerkatsu Art, for reviews of art related products and detailed breakdown on how I produce some of these images.



I am an illustrator and have produced numerous designs for academy logos, fighter mascots and fightwear clothing company apparel. Here is a ...
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