The first of the series of seminar extravanganzas was held last night at our club - Eddie and club regular Richard kindly came down to offer our members some BJJ techniques. For many of the 20 or so members that came down, it was quite an eye opener and from the look of rapt concentration on everyone's faces, it appears to have gone down a storm.
We had talked previously about what techniques Eddie would be doing, but in the end, he taught a sequence of mount submissions and guard sweeps that were along the lines of what we know in our syllabus, but modified to be used against a resisting opponent. They were fairly basic but the technical adeptness needed to perform some of them were what made the difference between a failed technique and a successful one.

I seem to get the hang of it!!
Despite some similarities between the two styles of ju-jitsu, there were obvious differences - an amusing one being the way our club formally lines up and performs a respectful rei to our instructor (sometimes with an added 'ooss', or 'yes sensei'!!). This was amusing because BJJ clubs simply do not have any of this type of formality and it seemed to slightly embarrass our guests. But if things are going to be done, I think it was right for us to go about them in the way we know best. Crucially, throughout the seminar, Eddie was keen to point out the self-defence applications of the many techniques he showed. BJJ is a great sport, but also an important platform for self defence, or self protection as we prefer to call it, whilst on the ground.

Eddie demonstrates a technique on Richard
All in all, a very worthwhile seminar and one I am proud to have hosted for the benefit of our members. One regular reader of my blogs has posted his views here, saying that in the USA, such seminars rarely, if ever happen, due to self interest and the worry that they will lose students if they see a better art. For me, this has never been a concern. If anything, you will gain the respect of your students if they can see that we are open to outside ideas, whilst still maintaining the integrety of our base art. BJJ is no different, in many respects to traditional jiu-jitsu. ie the idea of not using power or strength to defeat an opponent. Only the manner in which it is practised is the difference. And one we should all learn from.
Next seminar to come, the head of our association will make his debut on our mats in September. Another session definitely not to be missed.

Aubrey finds the funny side
We had talked previously about what techniques Eddie would be doing, but in the end, he taught a sequence of mount submissions and guard sweeps that were along the lines of what we know in our syllabus, but modified to be used against a resisting opponent. They were fairly basic but the technical adeptness needed to perform some of them were what made the difference between a failed technique and a successful one.

I seem to get the hang of it!!
Despite some similarities between the two styles of ju-jitsu, there were obvious differences - an amusing one being the way our club formally lines up and performs a respectful rei to our instructor (sometimes with an added 'ooss', or 'yes sensei'!!). This was amusing because BJJ clubs simply do not have any of this type of formality and it seemed to slightly embarrass our guests. But if things are going to be done, I think it was right for us to go about them in the way we know best. Crucially, throughout the seminar, Eddie was keen to point out the self-defence applications of the many techniques he showed. BJJ is a great sport, but also an important platform for self defence, or self protection as we prefer to call it, whilst on the ground.

Eddie demonstrates a technique on Richard
All in all, a very worthwhile seminar and one I am proud to have hosted for the benefit of our members. One regular reader of my blogs has posted his views here, saying that in the USA, such seminars rarely, if ever happen, due to self interest and the worry that they will lose students if they see a better art. For me, this has never been a concern. If anything, you will gain the respect of your students if they can see that we are open to outside ideas, whilst still maintaining the integrety of our base art. BJJ is no different, in many respects to traditional jiu-jitsu. ie the idea of not using power or strength to defeat an opponent. Only the manner in which it is practised is the difference. And one we should all learn from.
Next seminar to come, the head of our association will make his debut on our mats in September. Another session definitely not to be missed.

Aubrey finds the funny side
A taste of Brazil
The first of the series of seminar extravanganzas was held last night at our club - Eddie and club regular Richard kindly came down to offer...