28 Apr 2007

Some war wounds from Friday's sparring class. This is what happens if you refuse to tap out to a collar choke - the thin edge of the gi collar grinding into my neck. Well, what can I say, the choke was not on and I felt I could escape (I did), but perhaps received a good deal of unnecessary tissue trauma in the process.
Some of the tips from David Adiv's seminar were beginning to filter through, including improved tips on how to hold posture whilst in the guard (floating hips and stomach down), and how to make it really hard for uke who is in your guard (non-stop attempts at unbalancing using your legs). Simple stuff really, but easy to overlook.

Rubber neckin'

Some war wounds from Friday's sparring class. This is what happens if you refuse to tap out to a collar choke - the thin edge of the gi...

23 Apr 2007

Just finished a two-day weekend seminar with 2nd Dan BJJ expert David Adiv.
What an amazing teacher David is. I mean, the sheer quality and attention to minute detail is amazing and just blew my mind away. The emphasis this weekend was on balance and base- the root foundation of Gracie and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
David started off the seminar by showing us a few simple throws. Even here, the insights into where to place your foot or the grip or the turn of your hips of shoulders - you could train this for years and still not get right, but one session with David and he shows you instantly.
Then a long section on passing the guard. Something all us novice-intermediate students frankly are poor on and try our best to avoid if at all possible. David showed us the fundamentals, but taught in a straight forward- this is nothing to be afriad of once you know the basics - sort of way. Here, David's catch-phrases came to the fore, such as: I don;t want to see his knees! Or, if you don't understand this, then you just chewing water!

The final section focused on submissions from the guard, including one amazing trick that I shall not divulge but suffice to say, it is the most outrageously simple choke. Just goes to show, it;s not what you know, its the way that you do it.

I wish I could remember even a tenth of what David taught us these two days. I look forward to his next visit to the UK.

Chewing water

Just finished a two-day weekend seminar with 2nd Dan BJJ expert David Adiv. What an amazing teacher David is. I mean, the sheer quality and...

14 Apr 2007

Hoorah! It's back. After a lengthy absence, the 24fighting chickens website is back. I thought Rob Redmond had gone into hiding due to the very strong opinions he voiced on his website about his views on karate, Shotokan and the organisation. But obviously, all has become clear. He was busy being a daddy and finding time to do a complete website makeover.
There are some publishings in the martial arts world that every student NO MATTER WHAT THEIR STYLE, simply must read. One is Angry White Pyjamas and the other is this website. Read every article, absorb in the wisdom and common sense, laugh at the humour. Honestly, if any of my online offerings can reach a mere fraction of the depth and wit of this guy, then I can rest in peace. Truly the work of a legend.
Speaking of books and writings. I see the Gracies have put out a couple of new titles. Oh dear, looks like my groaning bookshelf will have to accept a new intake of tomes as these look especially good. I prefer instructional books to videos. I fall asleep to vids, but books you can pick and choose when and where to read them. Mind you, I never actually remember or learn anything from them. I just like buying jujitsu books.

Week 2 of my road to SENI. So far I have managed one run around the park and two sessions of BJJ. Very poor. In fact, I doubt I can really make a good stab at proper training due to family commitments. But I will still compete. Tonight's BJJ class was the best so far. Eddie taught some truly awesome techniques and my sparring was on top form, even managing a baseball bat choke from knee on belly against a bigger guy. But then I had to show off and got caught out in a rear naked. Pah!

It's back - 24 fighting chickens, the world's greatest martial arts website

Hoorah! It's back. After a lengthy absence, the 24fighting chickens website is back. I thought Rob Redmond had gone into hiding due to t...

11 Apr 2007

Let me state first and foremost, the Meerkat abhors violence and will always seek peace above all else. But there has been some bad mouthing on the MMA forums and the Meerkat felt obliged to step in and take sides. http://cagewarriors.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32183
When someone slags off your sensei, in the old days, you would be fighting to line up and defend the reputation and honour of your instructor. These days, all the fighting is done online, on internet forums and chatrooms. Today's flaming post is tomorrow's digital fishnchip wrapper - but withe the difference that messages on forum posts tend to remain permanent unless the mod removes them, so it is important to right wrongs and say what must be said to clear the air.

Whilst on the subject of confrontation. A regular at Meerkat's Imperial club reported that he had got into a fight. It was totally unprovoked and, despite several attempts to disengage from the row, it led sadly to him having to 'clock' two of the three antagonists. One of whom was knocked out cold. Rather than feel victorious, our man felt nothing but regret, that he had to use physical aggression to hurt someone, when the entire incident was totally unnecessary on their behalf. A sad world, but I'm afraid young lads high on testosterone and alcohol will always do stupid things - like pick fights with the wrong people.

Fightin' Talk

Let me state first and foremost, the Meerkat abhors violence and will always seek peace above all else. But there has been some bad mouthing...

3 Apr 2007

Had the 'Man' flu all week. Pah, still didn't stop me training, although hacking up
greenies every five seconds kinda puts people off wanting to spar with you.
Anyway, today marks the day when Meerkat ups the ante. In 6 weeks time, the Gracie Invitationals beckon and it may offer me one last hoorah before I retire from competitions. The training towards the contest will incorporate 2-3 BJJ sessions a week, 3 runs a week and once a week JJ teaching at Imperial where I will roll with 'volunteers' to help me get more mat time. With my weight teetering on the borderline of the lowest weight category (aptly named rooster weight of under 57.5Kg) I may be in the unenviable position of having to shed a few kilos before the big day.

Leo Negao's Fight First website made use of my Porchester centre pictures. They don;t look too bad I suppose, but I am determined to get a better hit rate in future and I know where I went wrong.http://www.fightfirst.co.uk/portal.htm

Man Flu

Had the 'Man' flu all week. Pah, still didn't stop me training, although hacking up greenies every five seconds kinda puts peopl...
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