22 May 2007

Gudzukes I just knew it. I opt to not attend this year’s SENI and judging by all reports, the BJJ tourney was a massive success and a must see event.
But it’s not all about me. In a blatant example of reflected glory transference, here are the results of the competitors that DID show and have been a part of Meerkat world in some way:
1. Marie Paule Ahanda, fellow Jikishin instructor at Imperial Ju-Jitsu Club, won silver and bronze in the women’s blue belt division.
2. Remus, the Romanian big guy at Eddie’s RGDA club wins gold in the white belt super heavies.
3. Oliver Geddes, regular email buddy and one time guest at Imperial – joint gold (awarded silver) in the blue belt 76Kg category.
Meerkat extends his paw of congratulations to all those who competed and the continuing success of SENI and BJJ.


Gudzukes I just knew it. I opt to not attend this year’s SENI and judging by all reports, the BJJ tourney was a massive success and a must ...

14 May 2007

The Gracie BJJ Invitational tournament at SENI is almost upon me. At first there was a definite resolve to compete, then the resolve turned to some umming and arrring, now it seems, fate has dictated the fact that Meerkat will sadly no longer compete at SENI this year. Shame, as it would have been an excellent opportunity to pit ones skills and learn from the experience. Maybe next year.

Not a lotta bottle

The Gracie BJJ Invitational tournament at SENI is almost upon me. At first there was a definite resolve to compete, then the resolve turned ...
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