22 Jul 2007

The JJ club went out for the summer picnic and party - but cos of the awful rain, we had to drop the picnic idea and just play pool and drink beer instead - not a bad alternative. Judging from most of our pathetic attempts at potting balls, clearly jujitsu and bar sports do not mix. Afterwards, we were each given a semi-serious task of coming up with an invented Jujitsu technique to act out. This was originally conceived for trying in the park. Well just because a bit of rain dampened our park activities, it didn't stop a group trying out various JJ techniques in the pub! So there's half of us standing and chatting while the other half were engaged in ingeniously constructed wrist locks and pindowns. I can't imagine what the other pub goers thought.
A couple of former JJ members turned up as well and we reminisced about old times, incidents and trying to remember old class mates. A lot of people come and go through my dojo. Most move on cos they have changed jobs or relocated to another area. But some are still in touch.
One former member, Drew Pilgram, halted her training in order to concentrate on her music career. She has recently released her debut album and it's really rather good, so here's a plug to where you can download it. We wish her luck and hope to see Drew down at the dojo soon.

Old Times

The JJ club went out for the summer picnic and party - but cos of the awful rain, we had to drop the picnic idea and just play pool and drin...

7 Jul 2007

Royce Gracie popped down to Eddie's RGDA gym yesterday to conduct a seminar. I entered the gym and there was a film crew interviewng Royce, presumably as a response to the recent doping allegation. So there was a strangely quiet atmosphere in the gym, not too many of the BJJ regulars showed up, mostly newcomers and a dozen or so I never met before. In fact, I was the only blue belt there and I think Royce tailored his seminar to cater for the majority as most of the techniques were basic beginner positions, arm locks and counters. I didn't mind, but his last seminar when we were at Bethnal Green was definitely better, as he was showing more advanced and perhaps unusual techniques. If Royce was shaken or annoyed at the recent furore, he certainly didn;t show it. He was his usual cool, very laid back and jokey self throughout the seminar. One thing I did notice at the end, he posed for pictures happily, but did not sit for a q&a like he normally does. Probably sick of answering too many questions already - not that any one of us would dare mention the 'D' word.
The evening did conclude with a blue belt awarded to Shukie, so well done to him!
Royce Gracie popped down to Eddie's RGDA gym yesterday to conduct a seminar. I entered the gym and there was a film crew interviewng Roy...

2 Jul 2007

Everyone is aware that youtube has a vast archive for martial arts nuts. Every style, every instructional, every pay per view, every classic, indeed, everything that has ever been recorded onto some form of moving footage is on there. So it also helps open my eyes to how jujitsu is practised around the world. And I'm not sure you get much more way out than this demo from Sensei Jeremy Corbell showing off his particular brand of trad JJ known as Quantum Ju-Jitsu.

This vid has already received some unflattering stick on the BJJ and MMA forums. I'm caught in two minds. One - this stuff would never work in the streets, two - this stuff is flipping amazing!
I'll leave you to make up your own minds. But if you are ever caught short for a seminar technique, there's always the flying, jumping, cartwheeling, leaping, double arab shoulder arm lock to consider...yeah right!

Quantum Leap!

Everyone is aware that youtube has a vast archive for martial arts nuts. Every style, every instructional, every pay per view, every classic...
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