8 Jan 2008

The Meerkat is back, well sort of. Two and a bit months busy rearing mini-meerkats and doing sod all exercise means a very unfit and out of sorts kat. So off I went for a run last night, and immediately started wheezing uncontrollably. I was determined to continue so that's when the heart palpatations kicked in. Clearly I am in a poorer state than I imagined. So more running is needed, thankfully it gets dark early so no one can see my pathetic broken frame lumbering through the streets of B'wood.

All my time off has not been entirely a martial art wasteland. Thanks to youtube, I can enjoy more obscure footage, like this awesome vintage jujitsu video. I would say it is 1940's (rather than 1920's-30's as described). Mr Chomley Warner and his Pathe news pals would be proud.

Happy New Year to all my readers.

The 'weaker' sex

The Meerkat is back, well sort of. Two and a bit months busy rearing mini-meerkats and doing sod all exercise means a very unfit and out of ...
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