29 Jun 2010

It's a rainy Tuesday night. A lonely figure stands outside an entrance door. On the wall is a scrap of paper with hastily written directions for 'The Meeting'. The man hesitates for a few moments and then runs upstairs. He arrives to see that the meeting has already started. The meeting leader beckons for him to sit down. After a few minutes, listening to the other people chat, but not really taking anything in, the man raises his hand, the room falls silent.

"Hi, uh, my name...my name is James, and I am...a gi addict."

The group stare approvingly and will our hero to continue with his story...

Confessions of a gi-addict: Part One

It's a rainy Tuesday night. A lonely figure stands outside an entrance door. On the wall is a scrap of paper with hastily written direct...

28 Jun 2010

Brothers and sisters, Caleb has spoken. The Fightworks Podcast WILL be doing a BJJ Blog of the Year award for 2010.

In episode #217 of The Fightworks Podcast, Caleb said he regretted not doing an award for 2009. Since then, he has been amazed at the outstanding growth of BJJ blogs and not only that, the quality of these...OUR....blogs. There may be prizes, but hey, who cares about prizes, the winner of this coveted award will stand proudest among a proud race.

People, I say this - when you next get back from training, and are too tired to write, don't give in, just do it. Sharpen your keyboard fingers, write the best you can write and let's make TFP BJJ Blogger of the Year Award the celebration of our achievments regardless of whoever the eventual winner is.


Oh, in the meantime, if you haven't already done so, join our Guild Of BJJ Bloggers group on Facebook. We share tips, plug our work and just generally annoy the tits off non-bloggers with how awesome we are.

I wish for world peace and to help little children...

Brothers and sisters, Caleb has spoken. The Fightworks Podcast WILL be doing a BJJ Blog of the Year award for 2010. In episode #217 of Th...

25 Jun 2010

The third and final interview for my So You Think You Can series: Jim McSherry is founder of the U.M.A. (United Martial Alliance) and organises tournaments covering a wide variety of styles.

So You Think You Can Organise a Tournament? Part Three

The third and final interview for my So You Think You Can series: Jim McSherry is founder of the U.M.A. (United Martial Alliance) and orga...

23 Jun 2010

Continuing my So You Think You Can series: Gracie Barra brown belt Dave Coles explains why his tournaments are such popular and successful events.

The Hereford Open

Dave Coles is a familiar figure on the BJJ tournament scene. The Braulio Estima brown belt runs the Hereford Open BJJ Championships as well as assisting with a large number of other tournaments in the UK:

MEERKATSU: Hi Dave, tell me about your tournaments?

DAVE COLES: I run the Hereford Open BJJ Championships. Previously I organised Judo (BJA), Ju Jutsu Kumite, grappling and karate competitions.

So You Think You Can Organise a Tournament? Part Two

Continuing my So You Think You Can series: Gracie Barra brown belt Dave Coles explains why his tournaments are such popular and successful...

22 Jun 2010

The BJJ and grappling scene is growing fast in the UK with, it seems, almost one or more tournaments being held every month. But what do the organisers get out of running such events? Do they make any money and how hard can it be to drag a few people onto the mats to let them rip arms off in the name of jiu-jitsu?
In a three-part feature, I talk to several organisers and ask them why they do it, how they do it and what do they get out of it? For Part One, I talk to Steve Fan, organiser of the BJJ British Open in Birmingham.

So you think you can organise a tournament? - Part One

The BJJ and grappling scene is growing fast in the UK with, it seems, almost one or more tournaments being held every month. But what do the...

20 Jun 2010

Today I popped down to south London to visit BJJ School, who were hosting a seminar given by 6th degree black belt José Henrique Leão Teixeira - or 'Ze' to his friends. And what friends!

Ze first learned his BJJ from none other than Rolls Gracie, and then, after Rolls' sad death, he continued his BJJ education with Carlos Gracie Jr. After many successful years where Leao was pivotal in many of the big developments of BJJ in Brazil, such as helping to set up the CBJJ and many of the early big tournaments, Ze began his own school and called it simply, Escola De Jiu-Jitsu (Jiu-Jitsu School). 

Naturally with all that incredible BJJ history standing right in front of me, I could not resist the temptation for a sneeky private interview with the Prof and find out more about his fascinating experiences.

But first, there was the not so small matter of the official BJJ School grading event...


Today I popped down to south London to visit BJJ School, who were hosting a seminar given by 6th degree black belt José Henrique Leão Teixei...

19 Jun 2010

You! Yes you reading this right now. Did you know that you, dear BJJ blog reader are "a discerning and intelligent bunch"? That's what I say in an interview I gave to BJJ e-zine UK-BJJ.

Like wow, an interview, I've never been interviewed before and finally I got the chance to pretend at being someone worthy of being, um, interviewed.

If you feel so inclined, you can read what I really think about my instructors, other BJJ bloggers, the state of BJJ in the UK today and find out my plan to bring out a consumer magazine called "What Gi?".

Well, that's my allotted 15 minutes of fame. Guess I'll have to grapple naked if I want to make the news again...oh hang on, that's been done before.

The "Me" in Meerkatsu

You! Yes you reading this right now. Did you know that you, dear BJJ blog reader are "a discerning and intelligent bunch"? That...

15 Jun 2010

If you are like me you'll love reading other people's blogs. But not everyone does, they prefer something where the writing is a little more formal. Here are some of my favourite BJJ e-zine type websites that I highly recommend you check out:

1. The Fightworks Podcast
I'm sure no one will mind me saying that TFP is the number one site to check out if you are at all interested in BJJ and grappling. It began as a tiny radio show run by a couple of enthusiasts who trained at the Fightworks BJJ Academy in the States (hence the name) and has grown over the years into one of the leading voices in the sport. What I love about TFP is the very enthusiastic, friendly and approachable style of the two hosts Caleb and Dan. Despite all the stars they've interviewed and places they've visited and events they've covered, Caleb and Dan always are so humble - you really get the sense that their beloved audio show, which is released each week without fail, is made by fans of BJJ, for fans of BJJ.
If you must pick one show to listen to, Episode #190 with Renzo Gracie will go down as the all time classic rant (it helps to listen to episodes #189 and #191 to put Renzo's interview into context).
Finally, TFP website itself contains great content, with polls, tournament reviews, interviews and all sorts of extras to keep a BJJ enthusiast happy.

2. BJJ Weekly
A weekly newsletter, sent free of charge, with interviews, product reviews, technique videos and plenty of other juicy BJJ titbits...I'm surprised no one else thought of it before! What I love about BJJ Weekly is the simple but easily digested formula and layout of their newsletter (sent as a HTML attachment or viewed on their website). The quality of the production, research and writing is of the very highest standard. They're already onto week 5 and I really hope they have enough material and legs to continue for a long time more to come. Subscribe now!

3. Kombat Clinic
Kombat clinic presents itself as a serious, interview-heavy BJJ website. David Webb somehow finds time in between his day job, family and teaching comittments to produce a BJJ journal of the very highest standards. If Kombat Clinic was a newspaper, it would be like the Independent or the Guardian (although David tells me he prefers The Times!). The layout is nice and clean and the content is top level. If you browse around, you'll find very well thought out and intelligently written interviews with the likes of Fabio Gurgel, Vinicius Magalhaes (Draculino), Robson Moura, Emily Kwok and many more - these are the top guys and girls in our sport. Check out the site, or better still, sign up to the email updates and Facebook group to be notified of when new articles are posted.

Another fairly new website, UK-BJJ, run by Kevin Adshead, is crammed to the brim with exclusively shot technique and fitness videos - all filmed by established UK instructors. There's also a Features section and Best of the Web section where you'll find some really interesting articles, some of which are also exclusively written. The UK-BJJ website definitely fills the gap for a place to showcase British BJJ talent and announce British based BJJ news.

5. BJJ Heroes
Another well designed and popular website, the main attraction to BJJ Heroes is the Fighter Database, which lists the stats and biogs of many of the world's leading BJJ fighters. If you sign up to news updates on Facebook, you'll get feeds from most other BJJ news sources too, so you won't miss a trick when it comes to BJJ news around the world.

Other very good general BJJ sites to visit also include BJJ Heroes, Gracie Magazine and Tatame.


Further Reading

If you are like me you'll love reading other people's blogs. But not everyone does, they prefer something where the writing is a lit...

10 Jun 2010

So excited! I think a little bit of wee just came out.

[Furiously scribbles tough questions to ask]
1. Why are you called Cobrinha?
2. What do you think of the 50/50 guard?
3. Do you feet hurt after your Mendes fight?
4. How do you keep your hair so peaky and well conditioned.

Oh yeah, your friendly neighbourhood BJJ reporter will be on the scene.


Cobrinha in the UK

So excited! I think a little bit of wee just came out. [Furiously scribbles tough questions to ask] 1. Why are you called Cobrinha? 2....

7 Jun 2010

Thanks to Budovideos.com for hosting an awesome weekend of live Mundials on the internet. Props too for the excellent commentary by Shawn Williams and Caleb from The Fightworks Podcast. Caleb also worked hard on Saturday's live blog, which was fun as you could contribute your comments as well.

To sum, there were so many great matches but of course, how could you not be in total awe at watching Roger storm his way to the gold medal in super heavyweights? But he did come up against some resistance in the final. Many thought that Roger had a certain armbar but his opponent would not tap and, but rather than snap his arm in two, which Roger could have done, he let go to find another position. Echoes of his match against Jacare many years ago may have played on his mind, or maybe he felt sorry for him, as one person on FB suggested!

Another superb genius of the mat was Rubens Charles, aka 'Cobrinha'. This man does not know the meaning of the words points victory - Cobrinha goes for the kill each time. So it was sad IMO that his final with Raphael Mendes was a bit of a 50/50 guard snore fest. Technically awesome, but not very interesting to the layperson.

The ladies had some amazing matches. Hillary Williams just snuck in a win against very tough opposition. She used some very intelligent gi lapel grips to break her opponent's posture. Penny Thomas lost her crown to Michelle Nicolini - who was fighting three or four weight classes above her normal one, for no other reasons that simply because she felt like the challenge of a heavier weight group. Amazing!

Also amazing were Leticia Ribeiro winning with her awesome attacking display and Kyra Gracie who I think had a very narrow win.

As of 2am Monday morning Romulo Barral looks like he may not get his absolute match against Roger due to a knee injury sustained in his weight division final against Tarsis Humphrey. I guess I'll know the morning.

Oh and it was really cool to see Mauricio Gomes honoured with a red and black belt - which is what you get whe you reach 7th dan and spend over 30 years as a black belt. Sweet.

There is so much more to talk about and the forums and BJJ news channels will be abuzz with the stories, gossip, controversy and footage for many days to come. Once again, thanks to the guys organising the live stream, it has made countless fans around the world very happy indeed.


It was like being there!

Thanks to Budovideos.com for hosting an awesome weekend of live Mundials on the internet. Props too for the excellent commentary by Shawn Wi...

6 Jun 2010

Instructional book and DVD review: The Back Control and Choke by K-Taro Nakamura, Published by Fighting Spirits.

This book and DVD set by Japanese grappling and MMA fighter Keita 'K-Taro' Nakamura covers no-gi techniques with the single aim of taking the opponent's back and finishing from there. The book contains enough English words for a non-Japanese speaker to navigate their way around and the DVD is a straightforward moving footage version of the book plus some extras at the end.

K-Taro Nakamura Back Control & Choke Review

Instructional book and DVD review: The Back Control and Choke by K-Taro Nakamura, Published by Fighting Spirits. Summary This book and DVD ...

4 Jun 2010

I first bumped into Caz at the Ana Maria India seminar last year and since then I've followed her progress as she storms her way through the no-gi grappling competition scene. So, without further ado, let me present my up and coming fighter of the month with perhaps the oddest nick-name in grappleworld: Caz 'Ghost-Owl' Tweedy!!

(May 2010) UMA 2010 open NoGi Groundfighting Championships. Photo by Gen

Fighter Profile: Caz 'Ghost-Owl' Tweedy

I first bumped into Caz at the Ana Maria India seminar last year and since then I've followed her progress as she storms her way through...

2 Jun 2010

A quickie post to say a massive Meerkatsu good luck to all the Brits competing at the IBJJF World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championships, aka, The Mundials.

It's the biggest BJJ tournament of the year (well, maybe the Pans is bigger in pure numbers) but it is certainly the most prestigious. Definitely the one to put on your cv.

So who are these plucky Brits?

Off the top of my head, and sorry if I've missed anyone, fingers will be firmly crossed for:

Pippa Granger, Leoni Munslow, Daniel Agard, Daniel Strauss, Ross Nichols, Stephen Martin, Oli Geddes.

Factoid fact fans - did you know, only one Brit has ever won an adult gold at the Worlds (Caoimhe McGill).
Well at least that's what my stat people tell me, I could be wrong, please correct me if I am. So come on UK BJJers, let's show the world that we are ready, for, WAR!


Britain's Got Talent - Brits at the Mundials 2010

A quickie post to say a massive Meerkatsu good luck to all the Brits competing at the IBJJF World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championships, aka, Th...
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