31 Aug 2010

Rubens Charles Maciel, aka Cobrinha - multiple World Champion, possessor of the finest quiff in BJJ, ace baker and devastating game player, yup THAT Rubens Charles, is prancing around the mat mimicking a cat - to the great amusement of everyone around. His animal impression is swiftly followed by a crawling baby impression and by now we're pissing our pants. World Champions don't do these kinds of things, do they? Read on to find out why!

Cobrinha in London!

Rubens Charles Maciel, aka Cobrinha - multiple World Champion, possessor of the finest quiff in BJJ, ace baker and devastating game player,...

27 Aug 2010

Fushida Komodo BJJ Kimono in Blue - Part Two

Fushida - presentation pic
Fushida komodo (blue) size A1x

The Fushida Komodo will appeal to connoisseurs of BJJ uniforms and experienced players looking for something understated, high quality and carefully matched to fit their own personal body size. It incorporates numerous extra layers of reinforcements designed to offer maximum longevity and toughness. Considering the incredibly good level of service, the careful fitting of the item, the extreme attention to detail of the product, this gi is possibly the best fitting ‘off-the-shelf’ BJJ uniform a person could buy. I rate the Fushida Komodo BJJ gi as excellent value for money but personally falls short of perfection. Read on for the full review...

BJJ Gi Review: Fushida Komodo - Part Two

Fushida Komodo BJJ Kimono in Blue - Part Two Fushida komodo (blue) size A1x Summary The Fushida Komodo will appeal to connoisseurs of...

25 Aug 2010

I first caught sight of Girlwonder's pictures when I was researching for more information on Gazzy Parman. I chanced on a photo of two of Gazzy's student kids grappling. It's the second photo below. What I like about Meghan's (Girlwonder) images are the sense of reality that is so apparent. Most of her images are a far cry from the glamorous ampitheatres of UFC cages and Mundials sports halls. Her photos strip away the glitz and show the grit that goes on in each and every roll. Here are Meghan's favourite photos and her own commentary. Enjoy...

Featured in this picture is black belt Ulpiano Malachias during one of his matches at the World Jiu Jitsu tournament 2010.  Even the smallest details can make a difference in the rolling chess match that is jiu jitsu.  I became fascinated as a white belt with the hand placement that black belts use in their game and have been paying attention ever since.  That holding your own foot can stop someone from moving speaks volumes.

My Favourite Photos - By Girl Wonder!

I first caught sight of Girlwonder 's pictures when I was researching for more information on Gazzy Parman. I chanced on a photo of two ...

22 Aug 2010

I don't mind admitting that due to my many product reviews, I get sent stuff every now and again in the hope that I'll give them a quick review. So that is exactly what I am about to do here with two new offerings from two different British fightwear companies: Malvado and Tatami Fightwear.

Usual disclaimers apply: I am not sponsored or supported by any one. The views expressed here are my own. Tatami are sponsoring my Crazy-Ass Gi Contest, but are not involved with me personally or my website.

Oh, the above photo is me mucking around trying to look like some super cool athlete in a swish magazine advert..yeah I know, I look like a dork. Nevermind. Read on for the review...

Tatami T-shirt and Malvado Jogging Trousers

I don't mind admitting that due to my many product reviews, I get sent stuff every now and again in the hope that I'll give them a...

21 Aug 2010

I've been chatting to Josh on Facebook and the forums for a wee while now. Nothing unusual there as I riff with a lot of BJJ folk most of whom I have never actually met but you can kind of tell when you get along when there are good vibes during conversations. Anyway, whilst online recently, I coincidentally saw a photo of Josh posted by a mutual FB friend. Here it is:

You would not believe it was the same fella would you? I simply HAD to find out Josh's story and luckily, Josh kindly agreed to answer my pestering questions. I hope you find it inspiring, I know I did...

Jiu-Jitsu Saved My Life: Josh Palmer

I've been chatting to Josh on Facebook and the forums for a wee while now. Nothing unusual there as I riff with a lot of BJJ folk most o...

20 Aug 2010

I'm very proud to witness the BJJ scene here in good ole Blighty maturing very nicely thank you. As a blogger I find it really cool to document all the changes and happenings that go on especially when it concerns instructors that I know very well personally or admire greatly from a distance.

First up, I wrote a little interview for the very excellent Kombat Clinic website with the UK's youngest BJJ black belt Michael Russell. Michael is only 26 years old and earned his promotion whizzing through the ranks in less than six years. He's often cited as one of the most talented and innovative young grapplers in the country. You can read his thoughts about his short but stelllar career here.

Next, the multi-talented David Onuma, who is a black belt in a million different martial arts, was interviewed by my good blogger and writer pal Carl Fisher, aka The Fighting Photographer. David teaches a lot of classes at our Mill Hill BJJ Academy and is a very charismatic and interesting guy. Read his interview, again on Kombat Clinic, here.

Finally, the very superb print magazine Martial Arts Illustrated published an interview, written by my pal Martin Lopez, on my instructor Nick Brooks couple months ago and Martin has kindly given me permission to reproduce the interview right here, so just read on...

Three British BJJ Black Belts

I'm very proud to witness the BJJ scene here in good ole Blighty maturing very nicely thank you. As a blogger I find it really cool to d...

18 Aug 2010

So I was chilling on the PC the other day going over random ideas with my blogger pal Liam (of the Part Time Grappler fame). We were both agreeing about how cool all the What Body Animal Type Are You? drawings were when it hit us, like a tsunami, only less wet - why not get people to design their own flipping crazy-ass fantasy BJJ gi? We both simultaneously got so excited our PCs exploded. I immediately drew my design on the most expensive bit of notepad I could find:

My crazy-ass design, what's yours?

So I issue this challenge to you - dear reader, dear blogger, dear gi addict. Draw me a crazy-ass gi, send it to my email address (seymouryang gmail) and if you are a blogger - post your idea up online too. Let's make this the craziest collaborative social media experiment in a BJJ gi context...EVER!

There will be prizes, I promise!

Oh, and here's a gi design template if you want to use one. Just print it out, or colour it in using MS Paint, Photoshop or absolutely ANY method of design you like. Heck ignore it if you want and draw your own made up gi I don't care. Snap it on your mobile, scan it in, photocopy it....whatever. Just get me that crazy gi design. Do it! (pretty please).

I look forward to your ideas people!


The design your own crazy-ass gi CHALLENGE!

So I was chilling on the PC the other day going over random ideas with my blogger pal Liam (of the Part Time Grappler fame). We were both a...

16 Aug 2010

Busting my neck earlier in the week had an unlikely positive effect on me today. Despite not being able to take part in the Fernando Terere seminar today, held at BJJ School's Battersea dojo, I was able to concentrate fully on taking snaps and absorbing the cool vibes. I was also able to grab a quick interview with the great man so all in all a fab day out of the office. Here are some more photos...

Meeting Terere

Busting my neck earlier in the week had an unlikely positive effect on me today. Despite not being able to take part in the Fernando Terer...

13 Aug 2010

Thanks to all my jiu-jitsu comrades for submitting their crude but beautiful sketches. I asked What Body Type Are You? And you guys delivered. Here they are!!

bjj-hippo by Julia Johansen
BJJ Hippo by Julia Johansen

Kick-ass hippos, drowning sloths and laughing Buddhas

Thanks to all my jiu-jitsu comrades for submitting their crude but beautiful sketches. I asked What Body Type Are You? And you guys delivere...

12 Aug 2010

It is my personal quest to get BJJ into mainstream sports media, but first, I must tackle the martial arts media and so for the brand spanking new September issue of Martial Arts Illustrated magazine (Britain's biggest MA publication) which is available in all newsagents from today - you can read my full feature interview with BJJ black belt, Roy Dean.

Oh and the photos are mine too.

The step-by-step techniques that Roy demonstrates are sweet too. Go buy, help bring BJJ to the masses!


My Roy Dean Interview in Martial Arts Illustrated

It is my personal quest to get BJJ into mainstream sports media, but first, I must tackle the martial arts media and so for the brand span...

10 Aug 2010

My good blogger pal Liam Wandi who writes the Part Time Grappler blog posted a comment on my Fushida Pre-Review that he was a T-rex shape in response to my assertion that I was a monkey shape.

I asked him to draw himself, using as crude a drawing implement as possible, and this is his work of art, having used MS Paint:

Orsum right!
There's definitely something Warholesque about these two gi, and no-gi, 'Rex's.

So in response I drew one of myself, using my daughter's etchasketch thingy. See it on his blog here. So what crazy body type are you? Gmail me okay, and I'll post up your crudely beautiful drawing.


What Body Type Are You?

My good blogger pal Liam Wandi who writes the Part Time Grappler blog posted a comment on my Fushida Pre-Review that he was a T-rex shape i...

9 Aug 2010

OMG! What a session I just had at the Gazzy Parman seminar at Roger Gracie Academy today. She had us doing all sorts of amazing upside downy, spinning, cartwheely things and that was just the warm up. I can honestly say I've never had to work so hard at a BJJ seminar as I just have today. She may be small, she may be girly, but omg, Gazzy is one tough tough taskmaster. I almost, almost had to use the bucket (more about that later).

But prior to the seminar I again met up with Gazzy to complete our interview and I'm so glad I did. It was the most mind-blowing interview I have ever been involved in, I mean she really spilled the beans on a whole ton of stuff, and yes, that included all the really nasty stuff that have floated around on the internet for the past few years about her. I was literally shaking with awe at her revelations. Gazzy is nothing, if not brutally honest and open. I really hope I can do the article justice cos when people say wtf, reading what Gazzy has to say they will scream WTF!!!!

Ahem, anyway, moving on...something a little different for this review: also present at the seminar was top female BJJ blogger Meg Smitley. She and I decided it might be nice to collab on the write up of the seminar. So here is Meg's excellent piece, enjoy!

Gazzy Parman Seminar Review by Meg Smitley

Gazzy Parman is as direct, forthright and unapologetic as the force of nature that she is, yet her fierceness is tempered by a kind heart and sense of fairness. These qualities helped to make her seminar, held yesterday at the Roger Gracie Academy in London, a truly rewarding and enjoyable experience. A keen group of white to

The Gazzinator! Gazzy Parman Seminar Review by Meerkatsu and Meg

OMG! What a session I just had at the Gazzy Parman seminar at Roger Gracie Academy today. She had us doing all sorts of amazing upside downy...

6 Aug 2010

When I asked my BJJ mate James Carey to write an essay for this blog about his gi-addiction (Part one and Part two), I did not expect his tale to conclude with a happy ending - namely that he had found his perfect fitting gi: The Fushida Mantis. James raved about the awesome level of service he encountered from Fushida and the very exacting fitting requirements. The result was a gi that fitted him absolutely perfectly - a feat that no other gi (in his 20 or so previous purchases) had ever managed to achieve. They even removed the chest patch for him as James liked his gis plain and simple.

The revelation of a perfect fitting gi with awesome customer service was too much for me to resist so I embarked on the same journey that James did of ordering a BJJ gi from Fushida. Would the hype live up to the expectations I wondered? There was only one way to find out...

The Fushida Way - a gi pre-review

When I asked my BJJ mate James Carey to write an essay for this blog about his gi-addiction ( Part one and Part two ), I did not expect his...

3 Aug 2010

I just spent a thoroughly wonderful day in the company of BJJ black belt Gazzy Parman. She's here to travel, tour and conduct a seminar at the Roger Gracie Academy in London this coming Sunday (8th August). But today was all about Gazzy the model. I took the day off work so I could accompany Gazzy to the academy where I train (Mill Hill BJJ) in north London where top BJJ photographer James Oluoch-Olunya was to do a series of jiu-jitsu and non-JJ photos. It was a right hoot since Gazzy was a barrel of laughs and we all had a smashing time...including my skull, which I'll get on to later...

Photographing Gazzy

I just spent a thoroughly wonderful day in the company of BJJ black belt Gazzy Parman. She's here to travel, tour and conduct a seminar ...
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