31 Aug 2011

Whether you have only just started BJJ or are a long time grappler there will be no doubt that you have come across Budovideos - it's like a gigantic Aladdin's Palace of jits-related goodies. I've been scanning their site for years and even purchased the odd item here and there. From my experience, when you order stuff from Budovideos, it arrives pretty damn fast.

As well as selling a huge range of gear and media, Budovideos also produces the live internet feeds from many of the major grappling tournaments, and for that, we are most thankful indeed! But what really got my attention recently, was the increasing presence of British fightwear brands being stocked by Budovideos.

To celebrate the rise of the Brits, and, to help build up towards the forthcoming ADCC tournament in Nottingham (also being covered live by Budovideos), I bugged co-owner Jake Mckee, aka Budo Jake, for the lo-down on how his empire began...

Interview: Budo Jake from Budovideos

Whether you have only just started BJJ or are a long time grappler there will be no doubt that you have come across Budovideos - it's...

29 Aug 2011

A beautifully designed gi loaded with extras. The pearlweave jacket was light, well fitting and comfortable but the trousers were hugely disappointing over a number of crucial areas.

This gi was sent to me by the cool folks at:
http://www.breakingguard.com/ (for UK customers)
http://www.gidirekt.de/ (for German customers)

Gi Review: Origin Comp 550

Summary  A beautifully designed gi loaded with extras. The pearlweave jacket was light, well fitting and comfortable but the trousers we...

22 Aug 2011


Win: Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine Issue 4 + Monkey Steals the Peach T-shirt + Jiu Jitsu Style gi patch

Question: The Monkey Steals the Peach t-shirt is one of FOUR t-shirt design collaborations between myself (Meerkatsu) and Scramble clothing. Can you find and name me all four of the collab t's?
[Clue - you have to mine various Facebook galleries to find the other three, some designs may be uncredited ;)]

First correct answer that is posted as a comment here on this page will win the prize. Entrants must post their full name, the size of their t-shirt and prefered colour* and email address plus correct answers to qualify. Contest opens midday GMT 23rd August 2011 and closes midday GMT 24th August 2011.

All info on this page will be wiped clean after 24 hours to guard against spam.

*some colours may not be available so an alternative will be offered

Good luck!



TUESDAY 23rd AUGUST 2011 Win: Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine Issue 4 + Monkey Steals the Peach T-shirt + Jiu Jitsu Style gi patch Question...

21 Aug 2011

Regular readers and those who have kept up to date with news on my Facebook page will know by now that my collaborative t-shirt design "Monkey Steals The Peach" is now out and available.

You can buy it from the Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine webshop or the Scramble web store for £20 plus shipping.

For some reason, the colours we chose to print the t-shirt on just doesn't seem to be captured by digital cameras faithfully, the green is much nicer in the flesh than in the photos, and the purple is less saturated than these photos would suggest. However I hope the following images are good enough to at least show the detail in the artwork. Better hurry though, some sizes and colours have already sold out...

and more photos...

T-shirt design: Monkey Steals The Peach II

Regular readers and those who have kept up to date with news on my Facebook page will know by now that my collaborative t-shirt design ...

15 Aug 2011

In the eighties, pop video makers had carte blanche to do what the hell they liked. Some videos remain classics of their time, others were, shall we say, 'experimental'. For a visual kinda guy, I've only rarely dabbled in video production. It's just not something I am very good at. So for this little number, let's file this under, 'experimental' and I hope you at least can enjoy the battle of the debutatant gi designers:


Video: Raptor vs Ichiban

In the eighties, pop video makers had carte blanche to do what the hell they liked. Some videos remain classics of their time, others were, ...

13 Aug 2011

I'm still on hols in Bournemouth and itching for some more training so last night I popped in to the Gary Baker Academy, just east of Bournemouth town centre. Friday nights are run by Scramble head honcho and BJJ purple belt Matt Benyon. The Gary Baker Academy resides inside an industrial/works unit just off the main road. It's basic and gritty. When you walk in, you are greeted by a bunch of weightlifters and people with big muscles. At the back is the matted area.

Matt began class with a series of BJJ specific warm up drills aplenty. After drilling these for a 30-40 minutes we went straight in to sparring. I had a good series of rolls with everyone and I'm very impressed with the standard of the students. Matt teaches good core principles gleaned from his training in Japan, from Gary Baker and David Onuma and the guys all seem to apply their stuff very well (ie I got a thorough beating).

Afterwards Matt and I goofed around in front of the video cams, both showing off our self-designed gi prototypes (his known as the 1chiban and mine of course being the Raptor). I'll post up the video in the next week or so once I get a chance to get on my home PC.

Gary Baker Academy, 172A Windham Road, Springbourne, Bournemouth, BH1 4RA
Website: gbacademy.co.uk
BJJ taught Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat


Academy Tour: Gary Baker Academy

I'm still on hols in Bournemouth and itching for some more training so last night I popped in to the Gary Baker Academy , just east ...

11 Aug 2011

I'm on hols in Bournemouth at the moment so I've used the opportunity to visit some gyms and get some training in. Phoenix MMA is a relatively new academy teaching MMA, BJJ, grappling, wrestling, Muay Thai, boxing - pretty much everything you can imagine in the world of combat sport. I met gym owner Jimmy Johnstone at Grapplers Showdown and was very impressed with his guys' team spirit at that comp.

The Phoenix MMA gym is located in the outer region of Bournemouth city right on one of the major roads (725 Wimbourne Road). A 'shop' sign advertises the gym and you need to walk up the car ramp to get in to the academy. Once inside you are greeted by a massive open plan training space, completely matted and equipped as would be expected with any modern mixed martial arts gym. It's pretty impressive stuff.

Their BJJ classes are taught by South African black belt Micah Atkinson, who I've long heard of in the past few years and was very keen to meet him. Micah taught a series of drills based on rolling over ones shoulders whilst hooking inside the opponent's leg and attempting either an omoplata or triangle. It was neat, precise, fundamental jiu jitsu at its core. After technical portion of the class, I rolled with Micah and it was pretty mind blowing. Micah appears rather slim and light but rolls, as you would expect from any experienced grappler, with the ability to apply intense pressure and precise grips that I found impossible to defend against. Micah was cool enough to always show me where my mistakes were.

I rolled with several other Phoenix students after and it was very interesting to see all of them adopting techniques that Micah has previously used on me...and doing them rather well! Overall the men and women were really friendly and the sign of any good gym in my opinion is that the folk were clearly enjoying their training.

I had a great time training at Phoenx MMA, thanks to everyone there for making my short visit so welcome.

Left to right: Jimmy, me, Micah

Phoenix MMA, 725 Wimbourne Road, Bournemouth
Website: phoenixmmauk.co.uk


Academy Report: Phoenix MMA

I'm on hols in Bournemouth at the moment so I've used the opportunity to visit some gyms and get some training in. Phoenix MMA i...

10 Aug 2011

I was commissioned to design a T-shirt for entrants to the Grapplers Showdown NoGi 4 Challenge tournament, which happens on Saturday 18th June in London. Here is the link:
If you enter now, you'll get the chance to pick up this T for free. Otherwise, it might be available to buy on the day. Division winners will receive the T as a prize.

And here is the T-shirt:

If you'll indulge me, here's the story of how this design came to be...

Meerkatsu Art: Satanic Versus

I was commissioned to design a T-shirt for entrants to the Grapplers Showdown NoGi 4 Challenge tournament, which happens on Saturday 18th Ju...

8 Aug 2011

Pre-production limited edition pre-order only model from UK brand Black Eagle offers lightweight design with comfy interior lining and a dappling of 'bling' graphical elements designed by yours truly!

The Raptor is available on pre-order only (during month of August) from the Black Eagle website:

Introduction & Disclosure
I'll be honest here, this is not going to be a normal gi review. Why? Because Black Eagle offered me a blank canvas and asked me to come up with a decorous gi design so here it is, the Raptor. Given my obvious involvement with this model, I'll try my best to offer objective facts alongside my personal commentary on the gi design. I was paid a fixed fee so whether this gi sells in the thousands or the tens does not affect me, however it would be nice if it was the former :)

Gi Review: Raptor - Part II

Summary Pre-production limited edition pre-order only model from UK brand Black Eagle offers lightweight design with comfy interior lini...

5 Aug 2011

A limited edition exotically flavoured lightweight gi with a generous cut and some nice details but ultimately let down by a few poor quality parts.

This gi was sent to me by MADE4FIGHTERS.

Disclosure: The contents of this report are my own opinions. I have in the past worked with a number of fightwear brands, including Breakpoint, on various projects which are unconnected with this product.

When I reviewed the Breakpoint Deluxe gi I loved everything about it and it is still a gi I wear in my regular rotation. Would Breakpoint's latest gi model match or exceed the high standards of their Deluxe model?

Gi Review: Breakpoint Acai

Summary A limited edition exotically flavoured lightweight gi with a generous cut and some nice details but ultimately let down by a few...

I test and compare three earguard models made by Cliff Keen and one made by Brute.

Cliff Keen earguards are available to purchase in Europe through Made4Fighters - who kindly sent these items for review. Brute earguards are available from most leading MMA webstores.

The views expressed in this review are my own opinion. I have worked on various projects with a number of fightwear companies, none in connection with this review.

Let's face it, earguards are dorky with a capital DORKY. Find me ONE cool photo of a person wearing earguards and I'll eat my Brute Quads. Seriously, I reckon the fact most BJJers do not wear earguards is because they look about as cool as your dad dancing at a wedding. But if you can get over the dork factor, then I present you with a number of earguard options, some of which are better suited than others...

Gear Review: Cliff Keen and Brute Earguards

Summary I test and compare three earguard models made by Cliff Keen and one made by Brute. Cliff Keen earguards are available to purch...
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