28 Nov 2011

In the run up to Christmas, online stores face their biggest sales of the year. Imagine, so many lovely fightwear goodies are up for grabs - either long lusted after items or spur of the moment impulse buys, big or small, Xmas is the time for getting your hands on BJJ gear.

Here are my suggestions, based purely on the fact that I have personally owned or reviewed the item and liked the item a lot. I guess it's biased towards UK readers but all the products featured here are shipped internationally or available through other retail outlets around the world.

Also, look out for the discount codes below. In no particular order:

Xmas Present Ideas - Part One

In the run up to Christmas, online stores face their biggest sales of the year. Imagine, so many lovely fightwear goodies are up for grabs -...

25 Nov 2011

A hyper luxurious premium gi, built largely from the popular Estilo model, but designed and endorsed by legendary BJJ player Fernando "Tererê" Augusto da SilvaThis signature model gi is bright and bold with in built rashguard and novel decorative features, it will appeal to fans of the star and those who simply wish to wear a design that stands out from the pack.

I have been commissioned in the past by Tatami Fightwear to produce design work for various products. I have had no contribution to this model gi. This report will be my own personal opinion and remain as objective and unbiased as I can.

Purchase Information
The Terere Signature gi can be purchased directly from Tatami Fightwear's website or via their specific site here:  www.tereresignaturegi.com which lists all the distributor contacts around the world.
Price - tbc
Available: Early December 2011

Gi Review: Tererê Signature Gi by Tatami Fightwear

Summary A hyper luxurious premium gi, built largely from the popular Estilo model, but designed and endorsed by legendary BJJ player Fe...

22 Nov 2011

Picture the scene - a work opportunity takes you to China, arguably the birthplace of martial arts as we know it. You think to yourself, what a great chance to open up a BJJ club too and spread the awesomeness that is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to a massive untapped reserve of willing new students. But things don't go according to plan. Language barriers, bureaucracy, closed doors, corruption and downright bad luck throw obstacles at every opportunity. And yet...and yet somehow, you make it work. Curious bright eyed and eager young students walk in through to door, they have somehow heard that this ground fighting thing is good for MMA. Word quickly spreads, TV and newspapers arrive - who is this gweilo asking us to grapple on our hands and knees??!!

The answer people, is Fred Greenall. You can read the full dramatic story about his move from the UK to China and the story of how his first few months trying to establish a BJJ club in Nanjing.


Guan Yu
Anyway, long story short, Fred approach me a few months ago, prior to his leaving the UK and we talked about a ton of stuff. I liked his story and vibe so I sent him a honey badger rashie to endorse. I also designed his logo for his club, Frontier Asia BJJ. The red faced character is Guan Yu - Chinese General and popular deity. I based my version on the Chinese Opera mask (of which there are many styles). I thought being the de facto God of War, it would be a cool character to use for a fight club logo:

I'm really pleased to see Fred establish himself in China, it can't be easy when so many things stand in your way, but a pure love of jiu jitsu is what drives him...what drives all of us and I hope you'll join me in wishing him the very best of luck!


Starting a BJJ Club in China

Picture the scene - a work opportunity takes you to China, arguably the birthplace of martial arts as we know it. You think to yourself,...

18 Nov 2011

A super stylish BJJ gi with some neat touches let down slightly in my pre-production sample by sleeve shrinkage. Final production models will have longer sleeve and trouser lengths according to Scramble. This report outlines sizing issues in more detail and how the gi performed during rolling. See part one for more details on styling and design.

Gi Review: 1Chiban by Scramble - Part Two

Summary A super stylish BJJ gi with some neat touches let down slightly in my pre-production sample by sleeve shrinkage. Final productio...

9 Nov 2011

UK fightwear and leisure wear company Scramble present their very first BJJ uniform – the 1chiban. This report (Part 1) offers a first impressions look at the pre-production gi. My next report (Part 2) will reveal data on shrink tests, comfort, fit and rolling thoughts.

Purchasing Details
1chiban by Scramble is available on pre-order from 11th November 2011 at 11:11am (UK) and 11:11 (Pacific Time). It is available from both www.scramblestuff.com  and www.budovideos.com for £99 plus shipping and $160 + shipping respectively. Pre-order window unspecified, but due to the limited nature, likely to be very short. Deliveries will take on average 4+ weeks.
Read the Scramble 'Everything you Need to Know' which includes a detailed size guide.

I have been commissioned in the past by Scramble to produce artwork and photography for various Scramble products. I have had no contribution to the 1chiban. This and the following report will be my own personal opinion and remain as objective and unbiased as I can. This report is based on a pre-production model, final model will differ in some aspects of sizing.

Gi Review: 1Chiban by Scramble - Part One

Summary UK fightwear and leisure wear company Scramble present their very first BJJ uniform – the 1chiban . This report (Part 1) offer...

6 Nov 2011

Strike Fightwear are a new UK based fightwear company who commissioned me to design a number of pieces of art for use as t-shirts, rashguards, grappling tights, adverts and many other items. It was a huge project and I'm very pleased to see they've opened up shop and are doing very well already.

It's a bit nervy to be entrusted with quite a bit of responsibility, I mean my designs have to be attractive enough for people to want to buy them and help launch the brand! Thankfully, since the Strike Fightwear website launched earlier last month, the cool kids in the BJJ block have been happily purchasing items.

Here are some more photos and details about the designs I created...

Apparel brand: Strike Fightwear

Strike Fightwear are a new UK based fightwear company who commissioned me to design a number of pieces of art for use as t-shirts, rashg...

1 Nov 2011

Ack! I missed Halloween by one day, foolish moi! Never mind, this painted gi patch was a lot of fun to make. It''s for an 11 year old (called Gil) who loves evil dogs and zombies, perfect!

I used fabric paints onto canvas cotton patch I bought from a department store. See my previous painted gi patch - for my Galo and Pluma design.

February 2012, here is a photo of Gill's backpatch, hoorah!

Meerkatsu Art: Zombie v Werwewolf painted gi patch

Ack! I missed Halloween by one day, foolish moi! Never mind, this painted gi patch was a lot of fun to make. It''s for an 11 year...
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