30 Apr 2012

The Atama Mundial #9 is an outstanding BJJ uniform manufactured with very high quality components. The attention to detail throughout is staggering. However, be aware, the Atama is cut pretty small for an A1 (compared to a lot of other brands) and of course the very high quality comes with a pretty high price tag.

This gi was sent to me by Atama-Europe. I regularly provide design work to a large number of fightwear companies on a freelance basis. I have no personal or business connection with Atama or with Atama-Europe.

Atama have been around for years and years. They were clothing BJJ fighters long before rebels rebelled against the mainstream, long before Predators were unleashed from cages, long before tatamis became gis, long before...ah you get the idea. In fact when I first began BJJ, one of the first gis I ever bought was an Atama - the Mundial #2 to be precise. And I loved it. You can see me wear it in this photo here. That model was a goldweave and it shrank so much I had to give it away - to a child, that's how small it got. I really missed that gi so when the opportunity came up to test out the most recent incarnation of the Mundial series, I jumped at it. the No9 is an entirely different beast to that old No2 I wore in the photo, hell, it could even be a whole 9 generations better! We shall soon see...

Gi Review: Atama Mundial No.9

Summary The Atama Mundial #9 is an outstanding BJJ uniform manufactured with very high quality components. The attention to detail throu...

27 Apr 2012

Here's an interesting story. A short while ago a friend alerted me to a BJJ academy that appeared to be using one of my artworks on their official logo. It was instantly obvious that the person who designed this logo had simply lifted the crow art from my Lisbon BJJ logo and placed it on to the Charm City BJJ logo. See here:
Old Charm city BJJ logo

My original creation

I tried contacting the owners of Charm City BJJ several times but didn't get a response so I designed a tongue in cheek poster aimed at attracting their attention. Boy did it work. I was stunned by the massive exposure on the internet and moved by the huge show of support from my Facebook followers and friends who all shared the poster on their walls.

It didn't take long before I received a message from the instructor at Charm City, Pablo, who explained his situation and offered his deepest apologies. It seemed they had been duped by an unscrupulous 'graphic designer'. I felt a little bad now that I had heeped a pile of negative traffic his way.

But rather than hide or ignore the situation, Pablo put himself out there and made this statement:

"We'd like to issue a formal apology to Mr. Seymour Yang for the logo design that is clearly his work. When we opened a year ago, our logo was the last thing we needed. We asked a graphic artist to create a Raven logo with a kimono, as it's our city's mascot. Obviously, it was copied and we've been rightfully reprimanded. The jiu jitsu world is too small for these kind of things and we assure you that we'll work with Mr. Yang to make this right. Ossss!"

Even though Charm City BJJ had bought the logo in good faith, Pablo held himself accountable and wanted to do whatever he could to make things right. I too wanted to do something right. My cheeky O Hai poster was a huge destructive mallet and I wanted to redress the balance - to offer something constructive, not destructive. So Pablo and I agreed, the right path was for me to create a new logo...and after an enjoyable exchange of ideas, I'm pleased to say, here it is!

The scenario I experienced here highlight a couple of things for me. Mainly that the internet, however vast, can also be quite small - it didn't take too long before the logo was spotted by someone familiar with my work and it didn't take too long for my calling out poster to spread like wildfire.The story also brought home to me the fact that the majority of folk in the BJJ community only want to see positive and good things happen. It's a wonderful sport that connects a lot of amazing people together. My dialogue with Pablo has been hugely productive and it seems events have concluded happily for all parties concerned. I waived my fee for the new logo, it just didn't seem right. But I asked if they could support Tap Cancer Out with a donation, which they have most generously done.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all my supporters who helped me and to Pablo for trusting in my abilities to create a new logo for them.


A Tale of Two Cities

Here's an interesting story. A short while ago a friend alerted me to a BJJ academy that appeared to be using one of my artworks on thei...

Gorilla sportwear are a brand new fightwear brand from Minsk in Belarus. As far as I can tell, they only have this t-shirt out, but then again, they have literally only just started up. As a mad keen animal cartoonist myself, it's no surprise to hear that I adore this design.

Roma, who first contacted me, explains the principles behind the brand: "The sportswear line "Gorilla" is specially designed for the people with active lifestyles. Catchy conceptual design emphasizes the individuality of each of the represented model clothes. "Gorilla" is the apparel created for ambitious, motivated and strong people. Your style is your character."

I like the Belarusian script on the back:

According to Roma, it reads: "The winner is not the one who's stronger, but the one, who's ready to go the end."

Thanks for the tee guys, look forward to seeing what new stuff you bring out in the future.

More information: http://www.facebook.com/gorillasportwear


Apparel Brand Showcase: Gorilla Sportwear

Gorilla sportwear are a brand new fightwear brand from Minsk in Belarus. As far as I can tell, they only have this t-shirt out, but then...

22 Apr 2012

Michelle Nicolini smiles sweetly as I take her portrait photos, her relaxed demeanour is deserved - she's just arrived in London off the back of another utterly impressive tournament victory - this time it was the prestigious World Professional BJJ Championships in Abu Dhabi. Nicole beat her rival Kyra Gracie with a devastating foot lock submission - the first time Kyra has tapped in competition as a black belt (afaik). The title adds to her already impressive haul of elite level gold medals. See her BJJ Heroes post here.

Seminar: Michelle Nicolini, London

Michelle Nicolini smiles sweetly as I take her portrait photos, her relaxed demeanour is deserved - she's just arrived in London of...

18 Apr 2012

A beautifully designed and well fitting gi that was super comfortable and light to roll in. Shoyoroll excite huge debate among the BJJ community, on this model, they ticked all the right boxes.

Credit and Disclosures
I was sent this gi from UK based webstore www.grapplersdelight.com. I regularly provide design work to a large number of fightwear companies on a freelance basis. I have no personal or business connection with Shoyoroll.

Woohoo my first ever Shoyoroll! No other BJJ fightwear company excites as much debate as this company. For those who are not familiar with Shoyoroll, they are a US based company who issue several strictly limited edition pre-order only gis a year. Each release is received with huge expectation from their large and passionate fan base. They also attract a fair amount of criticism regarding the long production times and occasional quality control issues. This thread here on Sherdog is typical of the variety of reactions to Shoyoroll.

My review here will ignore all the hoopla and concentrate on the gi as a stand alone entity. It's moot whether this review serves any long term purpose as you cannot buy the Maeda anymore. But second hand and resell Ebay trade among Shoyoroll models is ripe so hopefully this report will provide some useful data for those contemplating a purchase...

Gi Review: Shoyoroll Maeda 1878 Edition

Summary A beautifully designed and well fitting gi that was super comfortable and light to roll in. Shoyoroll excite huge debate among ...

10 Apr 2012

Just wanted to post a quick update of gis that I have had a hand in designing and that are available to buy right now (bar the Ronin).

Before I do however, some people have asked, why am I able to design gis for several different companies who are, in effect, rivals of each other? Another couple comments I received were over the question of how my role as a designer of gis affects my impartiality when it comes to gi reviews? In the words of one person who rather unflatteringly posted somewhere: Meerkatsu has sold out!

Let me respond to the first question; it's quite simple, I tout myself as a freelance illustrator so freelance means I get to work for whoever wishes to pay me. So far I've been very fortunate to work with a bunch of great companies - all of whom approached me with the full knowledge that I also work for other fightwear companies. It hasn't been a problem so far and I'm hopeful it is a situation that continues to grow. If there was a conflict of interest, they haven't mentioned it to me. I guess I am the Cozy Powell of the fightwear design world (Cozy is a famous rock drummer who has played for a ridiculous number of different bands).

On the second issue of impartiality, well, there's not much I can do if someone distrusts my gi reviews. I write them as honestly as I can. I always disclose my full involvement. I don't have to and I am not accountable to anyone, but I feel it is important to state these things so the reader can at least understand the circumstances in which I write the reviews. Does my freelance status affect the positivity or negativity of my gi reviews? I personally don't think so - regular readers will note that I back up my commentary with hard stats. If a gi is shorter than other gis, I show the figures to prove it etc. I have even critiqued my own products so I'm even hard on the stuff that I design myself! People have limited money to spend on these things, and many of these products are expensive. I'm not going to take the piss with my writeups. If something sucks, I will state it. It's up to you then to make your mind up based on the review and the facts. It also helps to check out other bloggers' reviews too.

Anyway, on to the round up:

This baby was launched today at 3pm and I must say, here was a bit of a mad rush! Several hundred were sold within a couple of hours. There are still plenty left so here are the sellers in case you still fancy one:

UK: Tatami Fightwear
USA: Budovideos, MMAOutlet, NHBGear, martialartssupplies
CANADA: Fighters Market
JAPAN: BT Fight Gear
GERMANY: TatamiFightwear.de
SWEDEN: Tatamibjj.se
FINLAND: TatamiFightwear.fi
AUSTRALIA: tatamifightwear.com.au

Some independent reviews from: Gi Reviews, BJJ Gear Junkie, Grappling Addict.

2. Red Dragon Kimono
I first revealed this gi here. It was designed in honour of it being Year of the Chinese Dragon. The good news is these are here and available now both here in the UK and now, in the USA!

You can buy it here from MMAOutlet in the USA
Or here in the UK (and ROW) from Strike Fightwear.

3. Raptor Gi
I first revealed the Black Eagle Raptor Gi here and soon after it was made into a pre-order special. Since then, Black Eagle ordered a few more to hold as stock so they are still available. In my biased opinion, I honestly believe it is one of the most beautiful gis on the market right now. Maybe that's why the ladies version (Raptora) has been selling so well!

You can buy it here on the Black Eagle website.

4. Ronin Samurai Gi
This is not quite out yet, but here's a sneaky preview. I drew the 'Ronin' typelogo and the sleeve 'kamon' patch and placed all the elements together for Ronin. So it's roughly 50-60% my work. Not sure when this is out but stay tuned on the Ronin Brand Facebook for news.

If you are one of the lucky purchasers of these gis, I just want to say THANK YOU!! My dual role here might be rather unusual, possibly unique! But when it comes to gi reports - I make sure my damndest to present facts and a clear analysis in as objective manner as I can. On the flipside, then it comes to fightwear design, I place equal amounts of energy and emphasis on the quality of the design. It's my mission to design the most kickass original, fresh and funky fightwear designs on the planet. I just hope you all like them and continue to give me the opportunity to make them :)


Meerkatsu Art: Gis that I have designed

Just wanted to post a quick update of gis that I have had a hand in designing and that are available to buy right now (bar the Ronin). Bef...

9 Apr 2012

Review: Scramble Grip Trainer
Gul Nawaz Hussain

“Get a grip!” was a phrase I unfortunately heard far too often whilst growing up. Luckily for me, in BJJ the phrase has different connotations and a solid grip is something all practitioners are keen to develop.
Most of us will have scoured the web searching for ways to develop grip strength. Products range from thosethat look like a pair of pliers,to the “Eagle Claw Grip Catcher” found advertised in martial arts magazines of yester year and power balls that use centrifugal force and gyros.

Bruce Lee famously coined the phrase “dry land swimming”. He used it to describe those who do not train in a way which directly correlates with what they want to excel at. For BJJ players it’s not a generic grip but gripping the giwhilst it is being pushed and pulled that we want to develop.
Enter the grip trainer by UK based Scramble. Scramble pride themselves on being an innovative brand. They shun all things gothic – sorry no flaming skulls or daggers. In its place you’ll find plenty of modern nuanced designs with a firm nod to Japan

Design and build quality
When Scramble asked would be reviewers to contact them I argued my case. I’m of limited talents but arguing a hopeless case well is one of them. Apart from allowing me to work as a barrister my only skill won me a pair of Grip Trainers too :-)
The Grip Trainer is small enough to fit inside a kit bag. First impressions are that it is very well made and aesthetically pleasing. I’ve had this product for a little over two weeks and had the opportunity to subject it to some somewhat unconventional testing.
The trainer is made out of gi material. It looks like a gi sleeve with a sturdy, reinforcedloop/handle at the other end. There is no way the product could be described as “dry land swimming”. It looks and feels exactly like the gi you want to better grip.

Use and effectiveness
The ways in which the Grip Trainer can be gripped will be instinctive to BJJ players. The sleeve section is long enough to be comfortably gripped at various points. The cuffs too are just like those on a gi in terms of design, reinforcement and dimensions.
Upon initial inspection at the academy, it wasn’t clear how the product should be used. My son helped us get started :-) As the subsequent pictures show, pull ups (from lying flat on the floor with various grips) were performed whilst a training partner held the loop. The loop felt sturdy and very secure. As the pull up was performed, weight distribution was good such that the person holding the loop felt no uncomfortable exertion or pressure.
It was also used in a ‘tug of war’ manner; the person holding the loop applying increasing levels of force in a snatching manner in an attempt to cause the other person to release his grip. In my humble point of view, this exercise was spot on as you seldom have a compliant opponent moving at a constant speed, in a linear fashion. The same force when applied in a staccato way is much more difficult to deal with.

Both ends of the spectrum: My 6 year old son Salahudeen and 6’ 10” M1 and Cage Warriors veteran Dave “The Iron Giant” Keeley.

At around this time, as if he had sensed his product was being mistreated, I received an email from Matt at Scramble HQ.In it was a handy pic of how the item should be used. The item is secured around a chin up bar or the handle of a kettle belletc. by feeding the sleeve end around the equipment and then through the loop at the other end. As you’re using the entire piece of material as opposed to a thin strip like some alternative products or the loop itself(as we had earlier), this method is infinitely more secure.
The view of many at the academy was that they would appreciate an illustrated guide setting out the basic exercises that can be performed. My simple experimentationhighlighted that there are a plethora of ways this product can be used. I’m sure many will, like we did, develop their own particular methods. With a company like Scramble which embraces the use of social networks, these methods could easily be shared and critiqued.

The final test
At least one other manufacturer has fielded a grip product for the BJJ crowd. Whilst not having tested it, I understand anecdotal reports suggested it ripped under stress.
Those of you of a certain age will remember the TV ad’s where a man was glued to a board and suspended in various dangerous situations. The aim was to show the strength of the adhesive. It was a good idea in the 80s so…
The final test was securing the Grip Trainer to the large crane in our academy (it used to be a storage warehouse) and looking for a gullible guinea pig brave volunteer. Following protracted negotiations which settled at 25p and half a chocolate bar resident dare devil James “Hollywood” Fairclough agreed to be hoisted off the ground whilst holding onto the Grip Trainer. This was done both in the official wrap around way and by simply placing the loop over the crane’s hook. In short, the Grip Trainer’s integrity remained intact long after James’ courage (and bowel control) had failed :-)

Final Thoughts & Conclusion
With its appearance many may quip “Why not just use an old gi?” Well there’s nothing to stop you but how many have a gi they are ready to butcher for such a use? More importantly the Grip Trainer, in terms of design and reinforcement, is made specifically for its intended use. Yes thesleeve that you grip is easy to replicate; the way you secure it to something is where this design seriously comes into its own.
All in all it is a very useful training aid which Scramble has manufactured to a characteristically high standard.
When you have the kit you then just need to find the time to use it. For the last few weeks I’ve been working in London and commuting on the Tube. Whilst being buffeted along the Central Line in conditions worse than the most severe side control you’ve been subjected to, I had an idea. The Mayor can bring BJJ to the masses and help commuters stay on their feet by securing grip trainers to all the bars in the carriages. Result! 

Disclosure and credits:
Gul is a Blue belt 1 stripe training at Gracie Barra Sheffield under Prof. John Goldson.  This report represents his own opinions, he is not employed, paid or otherwise connected with Scramble or Meerkatsu. My thanks to Gul for his guest post.

For further unbiased reviews of this product, you may wish to visit Powering Through's review of the Scramble grip trainers - http://www.powering-through.com/2012/03/preview-scramble-grip-trainer.html


Review: Scramble Grip Trainer

Review: Scramble Grip Trainer By Gul Nawaz Hussain Introduction “Get a grip!” was a phrase I unfortunately heard far too of...

4 Apr 2012

I previously mentioned briefly my tee design for the charity Tap Cancer Out (www.tapcancerout.org) and I'm proud to say the tee has been printed and pre-orders have been through the roof. There have in fact been three extra runs to fulfill orders and still they keep selling out. Thank you to everyone who is supporting the project and who has commented kindly on my collaborative design with Scramble.

UK peeps - you may be interested to note that purchasing this from a US based store is remarkably easy - it'll cost you roughly £22 including shipping. I suggest getting in before they run out again and the dollar value goes up!

Some pics of the printing process below and if you are interested, I have documented the art process over on my other Meerkatsu art blog: http://meerkatsu-art.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/tap-cancer-out-t-shirt-design.html

'gentle omoplata' an apt play on words

Sweet cherry red inked up first

Soon as they print em, then they go have to do some more!


Meerkatsu Art: Tap Cancer Out 'Gentle Omoplata'

I previously mentioned briefly my tee design for the charity Tap Cancer Out ( www.tapcancerout.org ) and I'm proud to say the tee ha...

1 Apr 2012

A great all round gi that fits very well, is minimally but coolly styled and is reasonably light weight. Priced at around $168 (US) or £129.99 (UK) it's arguably a degree more expensive than other brands with equally good quality build, fit and feel but this gi should last a long time.

Disclosure: I was sent this gi by UK fightwear store www.mmaapparel.co.uk
I am hired by dozens of fightwear companies as a freelance illustrator and designer - I have worked with both MMAApparel and Do or Die in the past though not in connection with this product.

These days it seems barely a day goes by when there isn't two or three funky new fightwear brands popping up on the radar. Do or Die caught my eye with their outrageously bold claim: "the Hyperfly is the world's perfect GI. The Hyperfly weave is the strongest weave in the world but still the lightest and softest."
Even in today's world of marketing spin and hyperbole, stating that ones gi is the World's perfect gi, seems a touch too much to believe...so of course I had to find out if this was true....

Gi Review: Do or Die Hyperfly Gi

Summary A great all round gi that fits very well, is minimally but coolly styled and is reasonably light weight. Priced at around $168 (...
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