14 May 2013

These tees were a huge bundle of fun to produce. I came up with the idea after I saw this very famous t-shirt design and thought, hmm, maybe I can do something similar using BJJ terminology.

I wracked my brain for reasonably amusing puns and plays on pharma themes plus twisted some known hazard and warning symbols. With a little help from my BJJ Artist friends, the final design was complete.

I'd like to thank BJJHQ and 93 Brand for supporting me on this design. It's a big departure from what I normally draw. When the initial batch went live on BJJHQ, their entire allocation sold out in less than 40 minutes!

I would also like to thank CTRL Industries. Unbeknownst to me, they had previously produced their own jiu jitsu as a drug themed t-shirt. When I emailed the owner to see if was ok with my design, he was again utterly supportive.

As they say in BJJ drug circles: Prescription before Submission! (that came from one of my contest winners).

This t-shirt is available from 15th May 2013 at my Meerkatsushop store from 1pm GMT.


Meerkatsu Art: Jiu-Jitsu Drug Warning T-shirt

These tees were a huge bundle of fun to produce. I came up with the idea after I saw this very famous t-shirt design and thought, hmm,...

11 May 2013

24 year old Cristobal Hernandez contacted me and asked if I would share his story. He also features in the current edition of Jiu Jitsu Magazine.

When Cristobel was a young teenager he was obese and suffered terrible bullying at school. His self esteem was at its lowest and things were on a continual downward spiral. But at 18, he took a drastic course of action - embarking on an epic regime of weight loss through dieting and exercise. He went from 315lbs down to 215lbs (22 stone to 15 stone). This in itself is a remarkable achievement. But he wanted more.

In 2010 he started jiu jitsu and currently trains at the Westside Training Center, Los Angeles. His goal was to lose as much weight as he could and compete at the IBJJF World Championships. After a brief break, forced by injury, he eventually hit his current weight of 17lbs (12 stone) and did compete at the Mundials.

Cristobal explains: "I just love to train jiu jitsu, I have fun doing it, and it really keeps me disciplined and focused in all aspects of my life.... Most of all it forces me to stay on top of my diet so I don't have to worry about the weight coming back on ;P I truly hope this story can motivate any of you struggling to this day. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish it."

I would like to wish Cristobal all the best for his future career in BJJ and thanks for allowing me to share his inspiring story.


Real Lives: Cristobal Hernandez

24 year old Cristobal Hernandez contacted me and asked if I would share his story. He also features in the current edition of Jiu Jitsu M...

7 May 2013

To celebrate ten years of me training BJJ and existing as my nom de plume Meerkatsu, I have scoured the store room to find as many Meerkatsu designed t-shirts, rashguards and other items as I can get my paws on his this, the mahooooosive free prize giveaway. One lucky winner plucked at random will win the entire lot!

How to win
All you have to do is become a subscriber to my email newsletter. Visit www.meerkatsushop.com and enter your email address at the bottom right hand side of the home page. That’s it!

You will receive one email newsletter from me. Then I will pick a winner at random on Wednesday 15th May 2013.

After this date, feel free to unsubscribe yourself but if not, then look forward to exclusive content and freebies when my newsletters arrive. I promise not to spam you relentlessly or give your details to third parties.

Please read the rules and notes below.

The prize in detail
This is the biggest prize I have ever offered. It may never be repeated again. Included in the stash of goodies are several impossible to find but much in demand items, such as my honey badger rashguards (both of them) and my Mandrill rashguard. Several t-shirts were never made for sale, such as my Rickson Gracie seminar tee and my two Grapplethon t-shirts. Sizes vary but there is something for everyone.

Here is the full list:

Grappling Oddity t-shirt  LARGE
50 Foot Lutadora t-shirt  LARGE
Honey Badger rashguard version 1  SMALL
Rickson Gracie Bear t-shirt  MEDIUM
Gentle Omoplata t-shirt  LARGE
Red Dragon Head t-shirt  MEDIUM
Raspberry Ape v2 t-shirt  MEDIUM
Miyao Miyao Lucky Cats t-shirt  LARGE
Hereford Open t-shirt in black MEDIUM
Hereford Open t-shirt in brown  LARGE
8th Day Man Created Jiu Jitsu T-shirt LARGE
Katanapus t-shirt MEDIUM
Be Gentle ‘gorilla’ t-shirt  LARGE
Morcegao big bat RASHGUARD MEDIUM
Grappling Thing t-shirt  LARGE
Raspberry Ape t-shirt v1  LARGE
Tengu t-shirt  MEDIUM
Meerkatsu gi patch
Man Drill To Win T-shirt - LARGE
Grapplethon 2012 Kabuki t-shirt  LARGE
Grapplethon 2013 Edwardian jiu jitsu t-shirt LARGE
Havoc in Heaven t-shirt  LARGE
Heavenly Lions t-shirt (brown)  LARGE
Heavenly Lions t-shirt (white)  LARGE

Rules, terms and conditions

  • One winner to be picked at random and their name displayed on this blog post as an update
  • Winner will be notified by email and must respond within 48 hours or another winner will be selected
  • No cash or alternative prize is offered.
  • No returns
  • Prize will be shipped by post paid for by me but if overseas (I’m based in the UK) you are eligible for any import and customs tax fees yourself.
  • One entry per person - different email address from the same person will render the entry void
  • Entrants agree to receive at least one newsletter after which they are free to unsubscribe.
  • Closing date for entries is 15th May 2013 09:00GMT  entries after the closing date will be added to our newsletter subscriber list as normal
  • Your details will not be passed on to any third parties
  • Automated/bulk entries and entries from third parties will be disqualified
  • Judges decision is final


Prize contest: Win a huge selection of Meerkatsu designed clothing

To celebrate ten years of me training BJJ and existing as my nom de plume Meerkatsu, I have scoured the store room to find as many Meer...

6 May 2013

I recently had the pleasure of working on numerous designs for Modern Flow Brand. This new clothing and fightwear brand is the brainchild of David 'koala bear' Garmo (who I first met when he commissioned me to design his koala bear mascot) and his buddy Saif Askar.

They approached me last year with their chess themed ideas and I came up with the belt wearing designs you see in the photos.

When the designs were releases it received a huge amount of support and positive comments on the internet and was widely shared.

The belt here is mad by Kataaro. Regular readers will recall that I bought a Kataaro belt when I needed a purple belt. You can read that old review here. I will be reviewing how this belt handles alongside a small bunch of other brands in my forthcoming brown belt brands review.

You can visit the Modern Flow website to check out their current line up of products here:

I also recommend visiting their Facebook page as they update regularly: https://www.facebook.com/modernflowbjj


Apparel showcase: Modern Flow

I recently had the pleasure of working on numerous designs for M odern Flow Brand . This new clothing and fightwear brand is the brainchi...

5 May 2013

Over the weekend I took part in another 24 hour Grapplethon fundraising event at Gracie Barra Bristol. The event was organised by my blogger friend Can Sönmez and was held to raise funds for Rape Crisis (England & Wales).

I only rolled for four hours this time. It allowed me to really enjoy sparring more or less at normal pace but I did miss having to leave the party early when the buzz and great vibes were in full swing.

After 24 hours, I can confirm, that the Team total (including cash donations on the day) raised is now a staggering £8,600. The event fundraising page will be kept open for further donations here on the JustGiving Page.

The event gave me the opportunity to catch up with many of the great friends I have made in BJJ over the years, including those I met at last year's Grapplethon.

Huge congratulations to Christian Sayer from Gracie Barra Birmingham who took the prize for the most numerous number of rolls - 95 I believe. Several fellow grapplethoners who lasted the entire 24 hours managed to push out 80-90 rolls each so massive well done on their Herculean achievement!!!

Many more photos from the event can be viewed here:

The tremendous efforts of everyone involved in this campaign will go to a much needed and good cause. For the reason why we are doing this, here is some chilling information found on the Rape Crisis website:

Government statistics released in January 2013 estimated that 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year, that over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted annually, and that 1 in 5 women (aged 16 - 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16. The same study reported that 28% of women who are victims of the most serious sexual offences never tell anyone about it, and we know from our experience within the Rape Crisis movement that only around 15% of women and girls who experience sexual violence ever report to the police.

If words are not enough, here is an infographic produced by the Independent newspaper that reveals the scale of the problem faced in this country alone.

Thank you to everyone who donated and raised funds. 


Event: Grapplethon 2013, Gracie Barra Bristol, UK

Over the weekend I took part in another 24 hour Grapplethon fundraising event at Gracie Barra Bristol. The event was organised by my bl...
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