23 Sept 2014


Yes folks your very own personal one-off unique Meerkatsu rashguard in conjunction with the highly awesome CRUZ CMBT (read more about CRUZ CMBT in my review here.)

Here’s the prize: 
You pick a piece of artwork I have drawn in the past (some designs are restricted, and sorry, I can’t offer any new artwork) and I will place that artwork onto your rashguard template. I can also add your name and academy logos, a slogan...any text you want to make it more personal to you. I can even play around with colour options. Once you approve the final design, I will send it off to my good friends at CRUZ CMBT who will make up the one-off item and ship it out to you.

Check out their website for size guide. Have a look at my own image galleries for an idea of past artworks - Flickr, Redbubble, Facebook

You can even mix and match, you may for example want my Heavenly Footlock on the front and the Bow and Arrow on the back of one rashguard. Or you may want my Dueling Apes artwork on the front while the sleeves have the Gentle Ape. Have a browse, think over what you want and let me know!

How to enter: 

Suggest a past design/s of mine you that would love to have on your very own custom Meerkatsu/ CRUZ CMBT rashguard.

Write your name, address, rashguard size

Subject heading: CRUZ CMBT x Meerkatsu Rashguard Entry

Competition ends: 10pm GMT Sunday 28th September

I will pick one winner at random and notify them by email. Winner announced on Facebook and here on this blog.


Full Rules: 

  • One entry per person 
  • I can only offer artwork from my back catalogue, some designs are restricted and unavailable – I will advise which ones are available. 
  • Sorry, this prize does not extend to the creation of new artwork. 
  • I can however offer limited design and layout options on the final product – I will advise how much is feasible. 
  • Rashguard can be short or long sleeved. 
  • CRUZ CMBT and Meerkatsu logos must appear on the final product. 
  • No cash or other product alternative 
  • Due to the unique nature of the prize, it cannot be returned or exchanged
  • CRUZ CMBT will do their best to get the right size for you, but check their website fully before deciding 
  • CRUZ CMBT will manufacture the final prize up to four weeks from receipt of the final design. 
  • Once the design is accepted, no alterations can be made. 
  • Winner has 48 hours to respond – failure to respond will result in another winner being picked.
  • Both Meerkatsu and CRUZ CMBT overwrite all production and shipping costs except any import/customs charges when you receive the item (from outside the USA). 
  • Wear your unique prize with pride and joy!


Contest - Win a Custom Rashguard from Meerkatsu & CRUZ CMBT

WIN A UNIQUE ONE-OFF CUSTOM RASHGUARD JUST FOR YOU!  Yes folks your very own personal one-off unique Meerkatsu rashguard in conjunctio...

17 Sept 2014

I was sent frozen acai pulp by post from a company called Acaiteria who are based in Bournemouth, UK. The package arrived via next day delivery, contents were still semi frozen.

Review - Acaiteria postal delivery of frozen acai pulp

Summary I was sent frozen acai pulp by post from a company called Acaiteria who are based in Bournemouth, UK. The package arrived via n...

11 Sept 2014

Book review: Choque: The Untold story of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil 1856-1949

Writer Roberto Pedreira delves into Brazilian newspaper archives in a quest to uncover as much verifiable information about the origin of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Along the way, he uncovers some uncomfortable truths that may alter your perception over who did what, where and when between 1856 and 1949.  At 744 pages, it is a weighty volume and much of it consists of lists of names, fights and other accounts of raw data culled from newspaper reports and adverts. 240 pages are dedicated as an appendix and this includes numerous photographs and press clippings. It all adds up to an essential read for any self respecting BJJ enthusiast and sets the scene for an eagerly anticipated Volume 2.

Available from: Amazon in paperback or digital format
Pages: 744 (240 pages of which form the appendix)
Price: £10.68 book, £6.19 Kindle
Language: English
Print version weight:  1.2kg

Review: Choque: The Untold story of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil 1856-1949

Book review: Choque: The Untold story of Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil 1856-1949 Summary Writer Roberto Pedreira delves into Brazilian newspa...

9 Sept 2014

XTAL Clothing is a new BJJ and surfing influenced lifestyle brand based in Manchester, UK. I spoke with owner Tim Fong about the vision behind his brand.

New brand - XTAL Clothing

XTAL Clothing is a new BJJ and surfing influenced lifestyle brand based in Manchester, UK. I spoke with owner Tim Fong about the vision ...

3 Sept 2014

Strike issue the sequel to their first Crowd Control gi - a gi that was in part designed through popular voting by online followers. I found my sample to be made from the usual good quality standard and value for money price point that Strike is known for. I wasn't too keen on the quality of the drawstring, but apart from that, it's a great lightweight and stylish general rolling BJJ uniform.

Strike Fightwear Crowd Control 2.0
Available from the Strike Fightwear website
Size range: A0 to A4 including A1L and A2L mid sizes.
Price: £75

I have done freelance design work for Strike Fightwear in the past. I have no involvement with this product. All views expressed in this report are my own.

Review: Strike Fightwear Crowd Control II

Summary Strike issue the sequel to their first Crowd Control gi - a gi that was in part designed through popular voting by online fol...
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