28 Nov 2014

Black Friday weekend seems now to be an established part of the retail sector...so here's my little bit to tempt the consumer.

HEAVENLY20 will get you 20% off everything at www.meerkatsu.com

Valid all weekend and Monday too. Doesn't include shipping.

Happy shopping!


Meerkatsu Brand: HEAVENLY20 for a 20% discount at the store

Black Friday weekend seems now to be an established part of the retail sector...so here's my little bit to tempt the consumer. HEAV...

27 Nov 2014

Big name brand carrying big name expectations. I found that the Contest did indeed live up to the Adidas high quality. I also liked the very eye-catching three stripe branding down the sleeves (though some observers hated it) and the fit was pretty decent for an A1, if erring slightly towards the baggy side.

Review: Adidas 'Contest' Gi

Summary Big name brand carrying big name expectations. I found that the Contest did indeed live up to the Adidas high quality. I also li...
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