31 Dec 2014

2014 has turned out to be a fantastic year for all things Meerkatsu. My own brand fightwear and clothing line-up included a number of major releases which were thankfully very successfully received. I still managed to complete several big freelance design assignments and I even found time to review some gear too. BJJ training has been reasonably consistent - with my work and family commitments, I'm never going to be one of those guys who can train every day but after 11 years of training BJJ, I still love every session.

Here's my year round-up in more detail:

A review of my year in 2014

2014 has turned out to be a fantastic year for all things Meerkatsu. My own brand fightwear and clothing line-up included a number of ma...

21 Dec 2014

I'm very proud to present the Dragon Fly v2 rashguard that I designed for Tatami Fightwear.

It is available here.

You can read more about how I created the design over here, on my art blog.


Meerkatsu art - Dragon Fly v2

I'm very proud to present the Dragon Fly v2 rashguard that I designed for Tatami Fightwear. It is available here . You can rea...

13 Dec 2014

Win this unique collection of Meerkatsu stickers, art-cards, leaflets, keyring and an original sketch (the grinning sasquatch, top left).

All you have to do is show me how much of a Meerkatsu nerd you really are.

Send me a photo of you with your collection - big or small - of Meerkatsu designed clothing/apparel/prints...anything that I have with my artwork on.

The only caveat is, you grant me permission to post the photo of you with your Meerkatsu gear on my Facebook page.

I will pick one winner at random.

Contest ends Monday 15th December 9am UK time.

Email your photos to me here:

Usual rules apply:
No cash prize alternative
Some prizes include items that are unique and one-off
Winner will be notified by email and must respond within 48 hours or another winner picked
I will not use your email address for any other purposes nor will I pass it on to third parties
You agree that I can use your photograph to appear on my social media

Good luck!


Contest - Win a Meerkatsu nerd-pack

Win this unique collection of Meerkatsu stickers, art-cards, leaflets, keyring and an original sketch (the grinning sasquatch, top left)....

10 Dec 2014

It is that time of year again!
Here are my top picks for gifts you can and should buy - either for yourself or for that special grappler close to you. I chose them simply because I think they look cool or I have sampled them myself and can highly recommend.

Christmas Gift Guide 2014

It is that time of year again! Here are my top picks for gifts you can and should buy - either for yourself or for that special grapple...

3 Dec 2014

Check out my store - www.meerkatsu.com - for my latest designs. They all feature my Chinese tiger artworks and are available as a rashguard, fight shorts and grappling tights.


Meerkatsu Brand - Midnight Tigers

Check out my store - www.meerkatsu.com - for my latest designs. They all feature my Chinese tiger artworks and are available as a rashgua...
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