20 May 2015

Stylish and super practical backpack designed to carry a full gi and nogi set along with accessories and all the accoutrement necessary for a day out travelling to training or a competition. The bag was very comfortable to carry even when loaded with heavy items, I found however, the material was a bit too plasticky compared to my usual backpack (Datsusara Battlepack Mini) and the lack of a water bottle holder to be a major omission. Overall however, great value for money and thoughtfully designed backpack.

Available to buy from the Tatami Fightwear website here.
Price £39.50 (roughly $62USD)

Review: Tatami Fightwear 'Onyx' backpack

Summary Stylish and super practical backpack designed to carry a full gi and nogi set along with accessories and all the accoutrement ne...

9 May 2015

An attractively designed, soft fabric uniform with a great feel and overall fit, except for shrinkage along the sleeves - typical for goldweave fabrics - which resulted in a gi with arms too short for my personal dimensions.

Available to buy from the Gawakoto Store for £100 plus shipping.

I have worked with Bong Abad, owner of Gawakoto, on a number of collaborative projects in the past. I have had no involvement with this product. All views expressed in this review are my own and represent what I feel is a fair and unbiased opinion of the product.

Gi Review - Kalabaw Republic Kimono by Gawakoto

Summary An attractively designed, soft fabric uniform with a great feel and overall fit, except for shrinkage along the sleeves - typica...

3 May 2015

Super15 is a brand new event based on the now popular submission only grappling super fight format ala Metamoris, Polaris etc. For this event, the '15' represents the maximum number of minutes for each fight. A win could only be called when one opponent submits another. I was asked by the organisers and Jiu Jitsu Style magazine to take photographs. Here are a few gems from the night...

Tournament report - Super15, O2 Academy, Bournemouth

Super15 is a brand new event based on the now popular submission only grappling super fight format ala Metamoris, Polaris etc. For this ...
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