30 Dec 2015

OC Industries are a newly formed company based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. They offer to print patches, logos and other designs onto your gi jacket using vinyl. I tested out their service using my recently reviewed Tatami Fightwear Estilo 5 black & black jacket.

Review - Vinyl patch printing service from OC Industries

OC Industrie s are a newly formed company based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. They offer to print patches, logos and other designs onto y...

29 Dec 2015

2015 has been a particularly busy year for me. The above highlight showcases 100 drawings I created over the year, part of maybe 200 - 230 individual pieces I completed, not including rough sketches and work in progress.

Thank you to everyone who has supported my work. Here's to another exciting and fruitful jiu jitsu year ahead!


2015 End of Year Review

2015 has been a particularly busy year for me. The above highlight showcases 100 drawings I created over the year, part of maybe 200 - 23...

19 Dec 2015

Here is my Xmas card for this year. You can read more about the drawing over on my art blog, here.

This print is available over on my Redbubble store for the Xmas edition and click here for the non-text version.


Meerkatsu art - Red Knee Ride Hood

Here is my Xmas card for this year. You can read more about the drawing over on my art blog, here . This print is available over on my ...

16 Dec 2015

I recently designed two BJJ gis for two different brands:

The Dragonfly Kimono - Tatami Fightwear - available here
Chinese Zodiac Kimono - 93 Brand - available here.

Here are some more photos and information for both models:

Meerkatsu Art - Chinese Zodiac Gi (93 Brand) and Dragonfly Gi (Tatami Fightwear)

I recently designed two BJJ gis for two different brands: The Dragonfly Kimono - Tatami Fightwear - available here Chinese Zodiac Kimo...

12 Dec 2015

Here are a bunch of cool gift ideas that would appeal to your BJJ-loving friends/partners/relatives. This list comprises various things I've seen on the internet that I personally think are very cool and would love to receive myself (hint hint!)

In no particular order:

Holiday Season Gift Recommendations 2015

Here are a bunch of cool gift ideas that would appeal to your BJJ-loving friends/partners/relatives. This list comprises various things I...

8 Dec 2015

I have a new gi design - Orchid Dragon - which will be released on Thursday 10th December 2015 at 12noon through my store www.meerkatsu.com

The first 50 customers will receive a free gift from me - a pack of art cards for colouring in. These are strictly limited edition and printed on very thick deluxe quality card stock.

A pack of limited edition art cards - free for the first 50 customers

Here is more information about the kimono:

Meerkatsu brand - Orchid Dragon Kimono

I have a new gi design - Orchid Dragon - which will be released on Thursday 10th December 2015 at 12noon through my store www.meerkatsu....

6 Dec 2015

I was extremely honoured to receive my black belt promotion by Nick Brooks and Mauricio Gomes at the Mill Hill BJJ end of year graduation seminar and event.

Faixa Preta

I was extremely honoured to receive my black belt promotion by Nick Brooks and Mauricio Gomes at the Mill Hill BJJ end of year graduation...
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