24 Jan 2016

Black belt competitor Gianni Grippo runs through the main entry methods and sweeps available from the single leg x-guard - a position that is among the many specialist guards taught by Gianni's instructor Marcelo Garcia. This instructional is aimed at those who are comfortable with their open guard. The techniques only show entries and sweeps from the single leg x-guard, they do not show the passes that follow. A couple of regular X-guard sweeps are thrown in at the end for good measure. Overall, an excellent short instructional from Gianni and Digitsu, ideal for intermediate to advanced players but beginners may want a more general introduction to the regular X-guard and a grounding in guard passing before tackling the single leg X.

Available from Digitsu as On Demand content, DVD disc or iTunes app.
Cost: on demand $24.99, DVD disc $39.99
Running length: 90 minutes
Chapters: 20

DVD Review - Single Leg X-Guard by Gianni Grippo / Digitsu

Summary Black belt competitor Gianni Grippo runs through the main entry methods and sweeps available from the single leg x-guard - a po...

23 Jan 2016

Raven Fightwear are a relatively new fightwear brand originating from Australia. They recently hired me to design a rashguard - The Raven - which you can see in the photo above (and can buy here).

I took the opportunity to speak with Raven owner Adam Smith about the business and where he sees it going in the next few years:

Brand profile: Raven Fightwear

Raven Fightwear are a relatively new fightwear brand originating from Australia. They recently hired me to design a rashguard - The Rav...

19 Jan 2016

From the people that brought you the Fabulous Gi, now comes the Fabulous rashguard. I've been wearing this in nogi class for a couple of weeks and it feels great.

I'm not sure when or where this will be available to buy as I can't seem to find it on either the Fabulous gi website or the Rios Fightwear website.

Review\- The Fabulous Rashguard

From the people that brought you the Fabulous Gi, now comes the Fabulous rashguard. I've been wearing this in nogi class for a couple...

1 Jan 2016

Although released back in 2009, this DVD set is still the most in depth, authoritative instructional on the 50/50 guard on the market today. Although most of the techniques assume that the heel hook as the submission of choice, there is still plenty of important content for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the 50/50 regardless of the finish.

Available as a 3-disc DVD box set from Groundfighter.com website.
Price: $124.99
Chapters: 60
Total time span: 4 hours 3 mins
Published in 2009

DVD Review: Fifty/50 Guard by Ryan Hall

Summary Although released back in 2009, this DVD set is still the most in depth, authoritative instructional on the 50/50 guard on the m...
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