19 Apr 2017

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms all over the world are universally proud to display their group team photos. A good team photo is a front window to the wider world. But the presentation can vary quite a lot so I thought I'd take a look at the different approaches gyms take when it comes to the group photo and offer some of my own commentary on the topic:

From Formal to Crazy, 6 Different Jiu-Jitsu Team Formation Photos

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms all over the world are universally proud to display their group team photos. A good team photo is a front wi...

18 Apr 2017

This amazing film about Roger Gracie has been over ten years in the making.

You can buy it (video on demand) here - http://www.bantamfilms.com/tradition/

Film maker Daren Bartlett is a true artist. Tradition is beautifully edited and produced. It captures a truly golden period in sport BJJ. The intimacy he depicted made me feel I was literally right there seeing, feeling, hearing, sensing every moment. It is wonderful stuff. Please watch it!


Film: Tradition, Rise of a Gracie Fighter by Bantam Films

This amazing film about Roger Gracie has been over ten years in the making. You can buy it (video on demand) here -  http://www.bantam...

I just participated in the 2017 Bristol Grapplethon run by Can Sonmez, owner of Artemis BJJ at MyGym in Bristol. This year our efforts were focused on raising funds for SARSAS (Somerset & Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support).

Can has run these Grapplethons since 2012 and I've been a keen supporter, contributor and participant for each of these events. Follow on for some photos and commentary about my experiences this year...

Event report: Bristol Grapplethon 2017 Another Successful 24 Hour Fundraiser!

I just participated in the 2017 Bristol Grapplethon run by Can Sonmez, owner of Artemis BJJ at MyGym in Bristol. This year our efforts we...

8 Apr 2017

Two new rashguard designs have just landed in my store!
Twilight Omoplata & Red's Revenge
They both come in unisex cuts but also there is a very small stock of women's cut sizes for the Red's Revenge model.
Buy them here: www.meerkatsu.com -> store -> rashguards.

See more photos:

Meerkatsu brand: Red's Revenge rashguard and Twilight Omoplata rashguard

Two new rashguard designs have just landed in my store! Twilight Omoplata & Red's Revenge They both come in unisex cuts but als...

6 Apr 2017

I'm very pleased to announce the publication of my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Animal themed colouring in book.

You can buy it here on Blurb (UK link but check the top right corner for your own territory).
I have priced it at £9.99 UK pounds plus postage and packing. The best thing is to first select your country or language option (top right corner on blurb.com) and then search for 'Meerkatsu'

It is print on demand, so it takes around a week to arrive. If you are new to Blurb, sometimes they offer a discount for your first order. Check the Blurb landing page for details.

Read more about this project:

BJJ Animal Alphabet Colouring Book by Meerkatsu

I'm very pleased to announce the publication of my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Animal themed colouring in book. You can buy it here on Bl...
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