29 May 2017

A concise yet highly detailed overlook at a variety of yoga and mobility movements designed specifically for jiu jitsu practitioners (and other grappling arts). In a manner consistent with his approach to his BJJ technique videos, Nic Gregoriades takes a very concept based approach and shows the major exercises that he himself practices. Nic's personal approach and lengthy explanations to each drill mark his product differently to Sebastian Broche's Yoga for BJJ program. Unlike the latter (and Youtube yoga video in generals), Nic's set is not a 'follow me along' class video. Instead, it is more like a seminar where he shows techniques and how to do them, but you are left to repeat the flows and drills in your own made up routine.

Yoga for Grapplers is available as an online purchase for £62 on this link here.
Video duration: 2 hours 36 minutes

Review: Yoga for Grapplers by Nic Gregoriades, Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood

Summary A concise yet highly detailed overlook at a variety of yoga and mobility movements designed specifically for jiu jitsu practitio...

26 May 2017

I've been very fortunate to be asked to be interviewed on many occasions. Here is a list of appearances and mentions of me or my work within the BJJ media and blogger scene:

16th May 2017 - Panda's Odyssey
BJJ traveller Robert Barker visited my club, Borehamwood BJJ and conducted a video interview.

For more interviews...read on:

Meerkatsu Media Appearances

I've been very fortunate to be asked to be interviewed on many occasions. Here is a list of appearances and mentions of me or my work...

19 May 2017

Buy tickets here.

I cannot wait for this one to happen!
The highlight so far for me will be watching my nogi instructor and long time team mate and friend Daniel Strauss who will be fighting against Jake Shields. But I'm pretty sure all the matches on the card will be as thrilling as the past Polaris events.
Expect photos and report from my come the day.

Polaris 5 is coming to London!!

Buy tickets here . I cannot wait for this one to happen! The highlight so far for me will be watching my nogi instructor and long tim...

7 May 2017

Exactly one year ago today I launched Borehamwood BJJ. How time flies! At the time, I did not have any long term goal or plan other than to simply initiate a little training group here in my home town. Looking at the members I have with me today, I’m incredibly proud of their progress, dedication and commitment to the art - many of them were there with me on that very first day.

Borehamwood BJJ - One Year Old today!

Exactly one year ago today I launched Borehamwood BJJ. How time flies! At the time, I did not have any long term goal or plan other than ...

2 May 2017

Three new T-shirt designs just landed in my store today - check them out here.

More photos and background to these designs:

Meerkatsu Brand: Kabuto Kittens Tee, Fundamentals Tee and Owloplata Tee

Three new T-shirt designs just landed in my store today - check them out here . More photos and background to these designs:
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