28 Feb 2019

I've designed two new T-shirts for sale at my store over on www.meerkatsu.com
Both were inspired by the Japanese obsession with all things 'kawaii' (cute).

More photos and some explanation:

Super Jiu-Jitsu, the Japanese text beneath the title translates as: cross knee guard pass. The Japanese text at the very bottom translates as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

This t-shirt is 50% cotton and 50% polyester.

Sleeve design combines all the text elements. It's inspired by 'Japanglish' products in Japan that use random English words mainly for visual design effect rather than information.

The text along the right side reads: Ude-Hishigi-Juji-Gatame (腕挫十字固)
The text along the left reads ju do 柔道
The logo at the base is my own name in Chinese: 楊 蜀望
The text at the very top: kansetsu-waza 関節技, joint techniques
The text beneath the word ARMBAR reads: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The main theme behind the tee designs are to mimic the way Japanese (and Chinese) graphic design often use English words out of context - so called Japanglish. I’ve done the same, but in reverse. All the text I’ve used relate to bone ride Judo and Jiujitsu techniques


Meerkatsu Brand: Super Jiu Jitsu and Armbar Artworks, Kawaii themed t-shirts 2019

I've designed two new T-shirts for sale at my store over on www.meerkatsu.com Both were inspired by the Japanese obsession with all ...

20 Feb 2019

For a strictly limited time, my rare geisha v demon artworks are available to buy as phone cases. All profits will go to charity. This campaign ends 8th March.

Omg where? The phone case designs are all available here: https://bit.ly/2GUApWw

Who are Fine Art America? Fine Art America (FAA) are US based but operate world wide (actually printing is outsourced to a company in your territory). They are probably the biggest print-on-demand company in the world.

Why Only Phone cases? My designs are only available as phone cases Apart from the omoplata - which is also available as a print (see here). Phone cases are a popular way to enjoy my artworks.

What phone models? iPhones: 5c, 5, 5s, 6, 6Plus, 6s, 6sPlus, 7, 7Plus, 8, 8Plus, X, XR, XS Samsung: Galaxy S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 Sorry other brand phones are not supported by FAA.

What’s the difference between slim and tough? Slim is a nice tight fit but I don't think it'll protect your phone as much as the toughened model when dropped on the floor. The tough model is thicker and bit more chunky. The printing quality appears the same on either version.

Why are they limited? The geisha v demon series are my artistic pride and joy. In the past these designs have appeared on rashguards, many of which have long sold out, so they’re rare. They have also been available as limited edition prints for previous fundraisers. To ensure the exclusive appeal I’m limiting the sale to just two weeks (ends 8th March). This coincides with the beginning of the UK Artemis BJJ Grapplethon which is the event I'm raising funds for.

Why are they so expensive? I have put a £10GBP (approx $13USD) mark up on each phone case. Every penny of this will go towards charity. This does not include the shipping costs.
Read more about my fundraiser here: https://bit.ly/2BNFkFb

When will I get mine? Depends on your local set-up but I got mine in about 4 working days.

Any other questions come ask me over on Instagram or Facebook.


Phone Cases to Raise Funds towards the Artemis BJJ Grapplethon 2019

For a strictly limited time, my rare geisha v demon artworks are available to buy as phone cases. All profits will go to charity. This ca...

11 Feb 2019

My Jitsunicorns are finally here and they're available over on my store at www.meerkatsu.com

Meerkatsu Brand: Jitsunicorns and Fire Tigers

My Jitsunicorns are finally here and they're available over on my store at www.meerkatsu.com

2 Feb 2019

Once a year I open up the door to sell extremely limited edition art prints to raise money for charity. This year I am offering FIVE of my finest artistic creations. These artworks have never before been available in print form and they will only be available for one month.

Limited Edition Fundraising Meerkatsu Art Prints

LIMITED EDITION ART PRINTS. Once a year I open up the door to sell extremely limited edition art prints to raise money for charity. Thi...
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