19 Nov 2019

Jason Passed My Guard is a book of comic stories all written and illustrated by me. It is available now on the print-on-demand book publishing website Blurb here: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/9756553-jason-passed-my-guard

The book is 96 pages and features 75 comic stories including several that are brand new and never seen before. The comics are all based on anecdotes and stories that most people in the BJJ community will have experienced, including myself. I hope these stories reflect the BJJ journey and raise a chuckle or two.

It costs £19 incl VAT (roughly $22) plus shipping. Blurb uses a local printer so make sure you have selected the Blurb website for your territory (see the flag at top right corner of website).

Please be aware, this book is printed on-demand, so printing and shipping takes about 7-11 business days. If you fancy ordering one in time for Christmas I suggest ordering one asap due to the time it takes to make.

All the comics were great fun to draw and put together as a book. I hope to carry on making BJJ comics so hopefully next year I'll be able to compile them into a sequel to the book above. For now, hope you enjoy the comics!

What people are saying...
I sent out advance copies of my book to a few friends, here's what they said:


Jason Passed My Guard: BJJ Comic Stories By Seymour Yang, Book Release

Jason Passed My Guard is a book of comic stories all written and illustrated by me. It is available now on the print-on-demand book publ...
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