14 Jul 2021

This blog address will not longer be updated, I'm moving over to Wordpress which hosts the main Meerkatsu website - https://www.meerkatsu.com/blog/

All the contents previously posted here will remain so but for all new posts - the meerkatsu.com/blog/ - site will be where these are published. I won't be porting the old blogger posts to the Wordpress site, but I may republished updated versions of older articles on the new site.

Thanks for reading so far, look forward to more fresh content over on the new site.



This blog address will not longer be updated, I'm moving over to Wordpress which hosts the main Meerkatsu website -  https://www.meerkat...

18 Jun 2021


The BJJ world is overflowing with a vast amount of BJJ instructionals. Reviews, like mine, can help people make the decision on whether a title is suitable for them or not. 


  The BJJ world is overflowing with a vast amount of BJJ instructionals. Reviews, like mine, can help people make the decision on whether a ...

17 Jun 2021

Belgium black belt Wim Deputter might just be one of the best-kept secrets in the world of online jiujitsu tutorials. He has a highly impressive cv - 20 years of BJJ training, over 600 grappling and MMA matches more than 500 of which he has won. He puts together this wealth of experience plus his training in other disciplines (mainly wrestling) to offer a wide variety of novel concepts and methods for use in BJJ. This report takes a look a some of his best tutorial work...

Instructional Review: Wim Deputter

Summary Belgium black belt Wim Deputter might just be one of the best-kept secrets in the world of online jiujitsu tutorials. He has a highl...

6 Apr 2021

My friends launched a new website - www.grapplersforlife.com - all profits from the sale of these items will be donated to The Samaritans and Papyrus UK.

Tiger Lotus - Fund Raising Tshirt and Hooded Top

My friends launched a new website - www.grapplersforlife.com - all profits from the sale of these items will be donated to The Samaritans a...
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