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3 Jan 2007

Happy 2007

Happy New Year – let’s hope 2007 will be another action packed year.

Meerkat entered the murky world of website analytics as the first set of stats for the Imperial website came up on the google analytics site. The adverts are clearly working as we are averaging about 50 clicks per day, and I had my first intake of newbies last night. The web stats are amazing. Did you know, for instance, that although the club website is really only aimed at Londoners, that I get people reading it from places such as Caracas, Bratislava and Melbourne! Truly a world wide web.

Meerkat is also helping out with the promotion for a newly invented martial arts weapon. It is top secret at this stage, until the patent number is released, but having played with the product, I can honestly say, it is very, very impressive. More details about this at a later date.

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