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26 Jan 2007

Mirror, mirror on the wall

I seem to take a perverse delight in showing everyone unflattering images of myself in action. Well, here's another one. Meerkat is bottom, Eddie Kone on top demonstrating a lapel collar choke.
You can see the full set of photos here and here

Two new forums have materialised that may be of interest to readers. The first is the Jikishin Ju-Jitsu Association forum and the second is the RGDA-UK forum.
You know me, I hate to chat. IF you find me clogging up those forunms with my inane banter, it's not me honest.

More news on the secret new martial arts product that Senseis Grant and Eddie have invented. It will hopefully be officially unveiled to Jikishin in February at the next Kobudo. I'm dying to show photos, but I guess I'll wait until Feb to unveil onthis blog.

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