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30 Jul 2009

Feel the love - What do other martial artists think of BJJ?

BJJ is the best martial art and combat sport in the world...fact. Sadly, not everyone in the martial arts world agrees. I was curious to see what bloggers and forum posters from other styles had to say about BJJ. Here are some choice snippets. Of course these views are simply those expresed by one person at a time and may not represent the general consensus but they give a reflection of views outside the closeted world of BJJ:

"It requires more skill to become a good thrower than to be good at ground...If I do a clean throw with no mat/tatami and smash someone's head into cement I guarantee it's game over. Nobody rolls on the hard ground, especially when others are around to kick heads."
From Judo Boy, Apr 23rd 2009, Seattle Dojo Forums.

"My opinion (READ: OPINION) Technique wise Aikido is really rich compared to the B Jujitsu. It will be hard for a B Jujitsu to tackle down a well versed AIKIDOKA...On the ground with the B Jujitsu on top of me ( We started with me lying down) I was able to do both IKKYO and NIKKYO on one of the hands holding me down."
From Aries Navy 26/2/02 aikiweb forum

"I think BJJ is overrated...Aikido to me is a martial art BJJ is a sport...Both have applications for self-defense, but both are flawed. If you really wanna learn to defend yourself take a 6 week Krav Maga course."
From Erik 13/9/07, Aikiweb forum

"fighting on the ground like this, doesn't protect your balls... A real street fight have no rules... and jujitsu is doomed to fail. And if your opponent is a real ninjutsu artist, and go for a free for all, he would just poke your eyes out with his fingers."
From Ling1134, commenting on Rorian versus Kung fu guy video here:

" if anyone has noticed recent UFC and other "MMA" fights, the one using the guard is getting his face pounded to a pulp, but he still maintains the guard. This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen!"
"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques are neither Brazilian nor Jiu Jitsu. They are a stylize form of Japanese Judo, and they may be highly effective under the rules of a competitive format designed for it, but it is NOT a reliable form of self-defense in a street attack!" - The Problem with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques, by Commander Nitro.

Can't you just feel the love people, feel the love.


  1. I'm always intrigued at the prevalence of "a real street fight" as the metric by which martial arts are to be measured.

  2. BJJ is a great martial art, but like all other martial art, it got its own flawed. I dont think there's one best martial art, one often compliment another one way or the other.

  3. My favourite statistic is 90 percent of fights end up on the ground. Like, who is counting?
    Almost as the MYTH of the karate fighter who went to punch someone but pulled his punch short of the target. MYTH guys, all myth.

  4. Anonymous12:32 pm

    What Anh said.

    Sooner or later BJJ will become less fashionable and at that point people will be more inclined to see it as what it is - on excellent martial art amongst many.

    Oh and your Jikishin licence has expired.

    David T.

  5. Man this is funny... this whole time I was under the impression that Rorion and Royce Gracie, running around looking like athletically fit tennis players, making an embarassment out of everybody else like, 20-30 years ago -- I thought that pretty much put an end to the discussion. Somebody better call up every single MMA fighter ever and tell them that their combo of Muay Thai-ish striking and BJJ grappling, with elements of boxing and submission wrestling sprinkled in, is ineffective and cannot compare to Aikido or Eskrima or whatever the hell we all practice now. Alright enough talk from me I gotta go sharpen my throwing stars for Ninjitsu class... we're doing eye-poking and groin-ripping today.

  6. Meerkat spend half an hour watching fight videos on YouTube... 90 percent of them end up on the ground.. Not 91, not 89, 90!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks guys, I have recalibrated my sums and the official figure is 91.5% of fights end up on the ground. So there!

  9. Anonymous4:25 pm

    Dear Meerkatsu,

    Thank you for reminding me that I am supposed to care what other people think. I was concentrating so much on how much fun I was having doing BJJ that I completely forgot to care what random Internet people thought about my sport.

    This has been remedied. I am in full-on care mode now. One could even say I care deeply. I now realize I need to quit BJJ because it is not fully preparing me for all the street fights I should be getting in.

    The real question: is it bad form to notify your instructor via text? He doesn't really speak English, so I'm not sure if he'll know what I'm talking about. Please respond to the event invite "BJJ WALKOUT 2010" that is set to take place on August 28. I'm inviting all BJJ people to quit with me.

    Let's make this happen. Right after I roll tomorrow.

  10. Since you brought this post up again on Facebook: Bakari of the Jiu-jitsu 365 blog actually did do the counting.

  11. Tartovski8:28 pm


    That is all.

  12. Dennis11:51 pm

    There are several myths here, quite often purported by the likes of those that sell "Ultimate X" fighting styles. Yes, you too can learn to beat people in REAL street fights, against MULTIPLE attackers... with KNIVES AND GUNS!

    What a joke these folk are. Anyone who tells you they can teach you a way to defend yourself against multiple attackers that doesn't involve runnig really damn fast in the opposite direction is either deluding themselves or being dishonest.

    I've trained BJJ for the last few years and in the last 12 months have thrown in some Krav Maga a couple times a week for the extra cardio and to work on my eye gouges. Seriously though, it is good stuff for stand-up defence against an unskilled attacker and uses some very effective pressure techniques to train it.

    Nothing beats the reality of BJJ though for practice and intensity of training.

  13. Once you know the gimmicks of BJJ, you'll never fear it again.

    I usually welcome both guard pull when standing (there are many *nasty* counters to that move) and I welcome anyone stupid enough to put me in "full guard/closed guard".

    BJJ people are actually very poor at grappling, if you refuse to play their game. They do not know how to pin, they do not know how to ride, they don't know how to properly apply holds, and they have blatant bad form on many techniques.
    Their stubborn dogma is a blessing in disguise: they are very predictable, and despite the fact they have built complex systems of fighting off their back, their entries into that game are easy to shut down once you know them.

    The most interesting aspects of BJJ are probably stalling tactics, offense setups from the body scissors (guard), a couple of sweeps that may have use here and there...

    But really, if you know how to grapple and refuse to fall for BJJ's tricks (literally refuse to play their game and don't give them any opportunity to apply their flow-chart)... BJJ isn't much of a threat.

    It's great practice to spar BJJ people, because it makes you more conscious of any mistakes you make. If you use bad form, bad pressure etc.. a BJJ person will let you know by trying to exploit it.

    The only reason why BJJ is so dominant in MMA is because... it's pretty much 99% of grappling available. The other grappling arts are so obscure that they rarely produce champions (Talent Pool theory).

    To finish this; let me direct you towards a couple of videos:
    -Sakuraba vs Vitor Belfort
    -Sakuraba vs Renzo Gracie
    -Josh Barnett vs Dean Lister
    -Crocop vs Gabriel Gonzaga
    -Fedor vs Nogueira
    -Genki Sudo vs Craig Oxley
    -Igor Vovchanchyn vs Edson Carvahlo


    PS: what about ken shamrock? Well, Shamrock was trained by Funaki indeed. But he was only taught the rudiments of real wrestling, never the complete catch system. He focused more on pro-wrestling.
    Imagine if UFC1 had Sakuraba (who trained directly under catch Guru Billy Ronbinson)... do you think BJJ would have been this popular? Remember the Gracies started UFC1, they hand picked their opponents carefully avoiding the truly dangerous ones.
