Those spiffingly dedicated people behind top UK publication Martial Arts Illustrated have wisely chosen to publish my interview and photo set with Master Leao Teixeira, who conducted a seminar at BJJ School last month.
Well, if you buy the August 2010 issue you get not only my Leao interview, there is also an interview and step-by-step technique by BJJ black belt Thiago 'Monstro' Borges (not written by me). And, an entry by BJJ wunderkid Daniel Agard chronicling his ADCC World Pro gi tournament experiences (where he won the blue belt division). And, the issue states quite clearly and categorically, that my BIG Roy Dean photoshoot and feature interview will be coming out in next month's MAI....Wow! Truly a bumper issue indeed. Please buy it.
I'll publish the full Leao interview on this blog once this month's MAI has run its course, but in the meantime, take sneeky look of the cool page layouts:
Someone on the forums just commented: "I quite like reading MAI now because it's got more and more BJJ coverage." Hell Yeah!