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10 Jan 2011

New blog header art

At the beginning of each year I give the blog a spring clean and knock up something fresh for the blog header. Past efforts have seen me mock up a Kill Bill pastiche, a Street Fighter tribute and um, I forget but they were cool at the time.

Anyway, this year I've gone for zombie-chic...

and in case you are reading this on your google reader, here's the header again...

I chose to sub-head the blog title with 'Words and Pictures' mainly because I'm aware that I don't really use the blog as a web log in the traditional sense (ie a log of my training activities), instead I tend to post updates about my interviews, photography, artwork and other BJJ-related media activites, so the sub heading reflects that. I might still drop in the odd bit of technical and training post, as the mood suits.

Here's a couple stats from 2010:
No. visits: 90,466
Pageviews: 185,371
No. Unique visitors: 43,998

Anyway, here's another chance for me to say thanks to all the readers of this blog and thanks for all your support, comments, emails etc I do it all for you guys...okay that's a lie, I do it for me, but you're never far from my thoughts.



  1. ooohh awesome...but a bit scary!!
    He looks like Splinter (Ninja Turtles) lol!

  2. Thanks JP, yeah someone else said it looked like Splinter and I had no idea who he was referring to (Ninja turtles craze having passed by me) so I googled it and sure enough, does resemble it, only mine is a meerkat and Splinter is a rat? Oh well, so be it.

  3. Well done! Hey, you're my number one source of hits (outside of google) so thanks :)

  4. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Why yes, Splinter is a rat. An awesome NINJA rat.

    But you have an evil meerkat and Splinter fights for good, so it only works if it is a Mirror Universe Splinter :)

    @Georgette--funny--you're my number one source of hits.

    @Seymour--where is your number one source of hits?

  5. The highest referrer is EFNSPORTS - the largely UK based forum where I tout my wares and spout inane banter on a daily basis. Second is Facebook and third is Feedburner. I have no idea how many subscribers I have who use that feed.

    My biggest blogger referrer is...???

    Can anyone guess?

  6. I for one keep up using Firefox's RSS feed bar.

    Congratulations on another successful year mate.

  7. Like everybody here said it looks like splinter from ninja turtles but i think its realy cool man!

    Martial Art Training
