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7 Jan 2011

Print Matters - BJJ Magazines Galore!

I'm super excited! I know, that's my default emotional state anyway, but right now and in the next couple of months, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will be given the most amazing exposure with the publication of several landmark publications dedicated to our beloved gentle art. In chronological order, here they are:

First up, here in the UK, out on the 13th January is the long awaited BJJ Special Edition of Martial Arts Illustrated. Inside, interviews with Roger Gracie, Victor Estima, Kevin Chan, my own instructor Nick Brooks...and my pals Oli Geddes, Leoni Munslow, Delroy McDowell and also a look behind the success of the Chris Rees Academy in Wales. Plus there's loads more besides that!

Next up is the UK's first ever BJJ dedicated magazine - Jiu Jitsu Style. If I am super excited about the BJJ special of MAI magazine, you can only guess how giddy I am with delight at the prospect of our very own BJJ periodical. Issue One will be out in late February and feature exclusive interviews with Marc Walder, Michael Langhi, Romulo Barral and whole smorgasbord of goodies, delights and wonders. Oh and I get to sneak in an interview with my good pal Pippa Granger - one of the UK's most prolific female competitors.

This photo is a very early dummy edition cover (featuring my photo of team mate Daniel Strauss), the proper one I am not allowed to show yet, but it's freakin' awesome!!!

Phewee! You keeping up? Okay, next up in our line up of coolio new Jiu Jitsu magazines is the US based Jiu Jitsu Magazine. Yay! Actually I don't know much about what Issue One will contain but I have written something nice for you gi lovers out there, so watch out for Jiu Jitsu Magazine when it hits the newstands in March.

Again, I am not allowed to show you the real Issue One front cover yet, but here's a dummy they sent me to whet your appetites:

Finally, let's not forget good ole Gracie Magazine, who have served us with exclusive BJJ coverage for many years now. Well, as you may recall, I was asked by Break Point FC if they could use my gi review montage image for their advert, well, here it is in their latest (Feb 2011) issue:

There's no hiding from Meerkatsu! Hahaha.

I totally forgot about the Jiu Jitsu Style T-shirt (designed by Scramble). If JJS magazine gets 1,000 'likes' on Facebook, they will give you one of these blue and yellow babies to 50 randomly selected winners (UK residents only). They are on 978 at the time of writing, so if you haven't already joined, please do so.



  1. will be there a website for Jiu Jitsu Style?

  2. Yes most definitely, websites for both JJS and JJM magazines in fact. I'll post updates on this blog as I hear about them.

  3. Gerry8:22 pm

    That's great. I would be running around the house screaming.

  4. Cant wait, for the Jiu Jitsu style magazine. Great way to expose the best of UK BJJ.

  5. Thanks for the update. I am excited for Jiu Jitsu Magazine here in the U.S. I will definitely pick it up.

  6. Anonymous10:03 pm

    congrats on the continuing success. I bought MAI today and shall read your Golden Words shortly.
    Best to you, Cat and children.
    Peter McC

  7. Anonymous10:04 pm

    congrats on the continuing success. I bought MAI today and shall read your Golden Words shortly.
    Best to you, Cat and children.
    Peter McC
