Meerkatsu HQ has been busy busy busy designing ever more devious and cunning academy logos. Here are some of my latest designs, enjoy!
Chinese BJJ Group
Our little band of Chinese BJJers is growing as word spreads. Last week we got together for our second open mat and dim sum get together - this time within the exquisite matted rooms of Imperial College, London. Among the many things we all chatted about was the topic of what patch design to wear. Initially folk quite liked my Panda logo, but then I drew a dragon and it all took off from there. Thanks to the excellent patch printing services of Tatami Fightwear, we'll soon be rocking these patches very soon!
Here is one of my earliest sketches of the dragon. This is an example where design by committee can work for the better. I showed the sketch to the group and everyone seemed to suggest the dragon should loop into a triangle shape to symbolise BJJ a bit better:
Spider Team BJJ Saudi Arabia
The great thing with the internet, this blog and Facebook in particular is the way that I can reach out to folk from all over the world. This logo took four months to finish. There was a lot of communication between the client and myself over how to shape the logo which resulted in dozens and dozens of sketches and redrafts. Just as we were close to agreeing on a design, some horrid floods wiped out the part of town where the dojo was located. After a few months we were back on track and I continued to tweak and refine the design which you see below:
Here is an early version of the can see how far it has transformed...
I would have loved to have kept the arabic text in the logo but sadly there just wasn't room without it looking very cluttered.
Raspberry Ape
My Mill Hill BJJ team mate Daniel Strauss, who has a liking for crazy wrestling masks and capes, calls himself the 'Raspberry Ape'. Don't ask me why, he just says it's a colour thing. Anyhow, ages ago he asked me for a logo and like the lazy ass that I am, I never got round to doing it until now. Here it is, in all its raspberry hued gorgeousness!
Meerkatsu Art
Finally, I decided to update my Meerkatsu logo and create something that can be used to brand my artwork. The chinese characters spell out my full name and the M logo is a reworking of my original logo, which I'll still use for my photo watermarks and forum avatars.
I guess one day I might be able to make a living from illustration and design. Until then, I'm just happy making these when the time allows. If anyone is interested in seeing more of my designs, then join up on my Facebook page, or, drop me an email if you are interested in hiring me. I warn though, I have about a month's backlog of assignments right now, so it might take a while for me to get round to yours.
So sick!!!!