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26 Jul 2011

Gi Preview: Raptor (pre-production)

Raptor is a new model made by UK fightwear company Black Eagle. They are pre-production samples and I usually avoid reviewing such items until the full production models are finished due to the large number of changes that usually take place between sample and final model. I am told that the Raptor will be made available for pre-order only directly through Black Eagle sometime around middle of August. I do intend to cover these gis in detail at a later date, however for now, here is some eye candy in the form of photographs...

28th JULY 2011 UPDATE: Black Eagle have informed me that the Raptors are now available for pre-order from their website here:

The pre-order window will close at the end of August 2011.



  1. The icy chill of that white-and-lilac gi is calling to me, in this humid summer torpidity...

  2. It would be interesting to know, when the pre-order has finished, which colour combo sold the best and by how much? Also, how many of the purple/white buyers were men/women.

  3. My inner gi fetishishist (might not be a word, but I like it) is veering towards the black.

  4. These are some pretty cool looking gi's. Wish I knew a bit more about the company though... would love to see one in person.
