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29 Aug 2013

Kyra Gracie and her bottom

Womens BJJ superstar Kyra Gracie made a bit of a splash last week when a photo from her latest magazine photoshoot was posted online (source unknown). The photo showed her with a gi top on and no trousers. Reaction from the majority of people online was predictably laddish - for example the many as can be found on this Reddit/BJJ thread.

My team mate and instructor - UK brown belt champ Daniel Strauss - decided it was time to send up the image with his own hilarious take on the same photo.

Fellow blogger Julia has her views on the Kyra-as-sex-object discussion, you can read it here.

Not enough assery? Here are more photos of Daniel #kyra-ing. Photographs by Sophie Walters who is the actual one that owns the purple gi with the yellow Meerkatsu patch. Enjoy!



  1. Anonymous10:47 pm

    This is Brilliant!!! LMAO

  2. I concur! Brillinat

  3. I concur! Brillinat!

  4. Monsneaks11:31 am

    SO refreshing! Thanks Strauss! I think every girl that does BJJ is about to become fans of the Raspberry Ape!

  5. Oh my lord. This is so perfect and amazing. I sincerely hope I can meet Daniel some day. I think he'd be hilarious and fun to hang out with. I WILL BUY THAT MAN A BEER!

  6. LOVE his expressions. They're dead on and not overdone. I want to be his friend.

  7. Anonymous6:50 am

    Kyra's booty is what's most brilliant.

  8. Thank you, thank you!
