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6 Sept 2015

Academy visit - Carlson Gracie Chelmsford

I spent a fun afternoon visiting Carlson Gracie Chelmsford in Essex, UK, for their grand opening event. Carlson Gracie in the UK have numerous branches outside of their London based headquarters, this Chelmsford branch being the newest to their line up.

Carlson Gracie Chelmsford is located at The Essex Dojo on Eckersley Road. It offers generous mat space, changing rooms for both men and women and several toilets.

Black belt Alain Pozo is the main instructor at CG Chelmsford but for today, instructors from the main London headquarters were present and each taught techniques.

Simon Hayes teaching his 'smash pass' in this case a version suited for nogi grappling

Dickie Martin taught both the rolling armbar and a defence to it

Eduardo Goncalves with his single leg X-guard sweep

Lee Doski taught an escape from being triangled

Dickie Martin and I rolling

All in all it was a fantastic seminar with great energy. The facilities are amazing - I fell in love with the beautiful mats!


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