30 Jul 2004

Why is it I never get the sympathy inducing injuries? It's always something very internal and odd, like my neck strain, and elbow strain, or the little toe is a bit wonky? Tell someone your neck is a bit dodgy and they just look at you funny. Of course, my refusal to bundle up in swathes of bandages or acres of neoprene supports obviously doesn't help. I say this because this month has seen a spate of niggling injuries to the dojo members. One member is out with damaged ligaments in her foot and has to hobble around on crutches (a definite 8/10 on the sympathy spectrum). Another is bedridden with flu (only a 6/10 here) and another has a twisted knee (possible great name for a rock band). Rumour has it, that someone once died of a heart attack doing ju-jitsu - now that is a whopping 10/10 in my book.I finally decide that the elbow thing is not going to go away so I see the doctor. She's clueless about my odd elbow and refers me to Hospital. Wow, now I'm in the sympathy zone big time since going to hospital is, like, a big deal. A couple of zaps of x-ray and the radiographer decides I am not an emergency case and sends me packing. I'm back to zero in the sympathy kudos stakes.

Injury kudos

Why is it I never get the sympathy inducing injuries? It's always something very internal and odd, like my neck strain, and elbow strain...

28 Jul 2004

The training with A. is going well as she is practicing every lunchtime now and puts me to shame with her diligence.
In the old days, a martial arts master would take on board one or maybe two eager young proteges to learn his ancient ways. I am in no way claiming the throne of an old master – far from it - but who would have thought of all the people in the office, the only one keen to learn ko-budo is a 40-something mother of two with scoliosis!
It all began when my brand new katana arrived at the office and I unwrapped for a sneeky inspection.  Passing by was A and she was open mouthed in marvel at the sword. A few months went by and, perhaps being inspired by watching Last Samurai or Kill Bill, she asked if I could show her a few moves with the katana.
Sure no problem! Come to class and we will do some weapons. But A didnt want to learn any of our ju-jitsu, just the katana. She mentioned her scoliosis and busy out of office family life so I figured, sure why not?I lent her a bokken and over the next six or seven weeks, showed her the katana of 8 cuts kata step by step. She learnt it all by heart and has now moved on to nunchaku. I think she is really loving the weapons work but I may present her with the biggest challenge yet - weapons demonstration in front of a select group of co-workers. Let's see if the moves are as slick when the pressure mounts!

Personal Student

The training with A. is going well as she is practicing every lunchtime now and puts me to shame with her diligence. In the old days, a ma...

25 Jul 2004

Last week I had to deal with a little trauma in the dojo. The way we stack the jigsaw mats there usually is little space for the poor buggers to dry out after a heavy session. Well, last week I turned up early and each single mat was dripping. A week's worth of bodily fluids were still embedded in the mats and, as it was summer and very humid, they were minging - i mean really minging!!! It almost made me want to
I layed all the mats out and put one of those office fans on full blast. Unfortunately, since there is no air circulation in our basement dojo, all this seemed to do was to waft all the combined odour of ancient matting and sweat by-products (read: ammonia) around the dojo.
Enter all the gang and the look on everyone's faces! Ewwwwwwww!.
The funny thing is that you soon get used to the noxious odour until someone else walks into the room and goes 'ewww what's that stink?'

We stack the mats vertically now, so they have some chance to dry out.

Smelly Jitsu!

Last week I had to deal with a little trauma in the dojo. The way we stack the jigsaw mats there usually is little space for the poor bugger...

23 Jul 2004

Well, it's here, the first entry in my new time-wasting achievement...the weblog. It won't change the world, and it won't pay the bills, but I'm pretty chuffed to be joining the ranks of millions of others within the Blogging community.Currently, I am laid low due to an elbow injury. Unusually, it is not self-inflicted, rather, an over-enthusiastic ju-jitsu instructor threw me so hard I had no time to unfurl the full length of my arm to breakfall properly. Instead, the very point of my elbow hit the woefully thin mat and it has hurt for the past three weeks.Luckily, this has given me the opportunity to start this blog and concentrate on other neglected duties, such as playing Xbox and updating my growing collection of Ogg files.

First entry

Well, it's here, the first entry in my new time-wasting achievement...the weblog. It won't change the world, and it won't pay th...
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