28 Sept 2004

My cover has been blown. It seems the boys at the BJJ class are all aware that I am a ju-jitsu instructor and my days training as an anonymous beginner are over. No idea how they found out as I certainly never said anything, but it seems they are cool about the fact and the coach even chatted about how good it was to don a white belt and try something new. It's a different attitude to when I told the other BJJ class about me and they all saw it as a green light to thump me to submission. Anyway, making interesting progress with the BJJ as I managed to get a couple of tapouts. In fact I enjoyed it so much time just flew and sparred for over an hour past the official finishing time. Sadly, two weeks holiday for the coach means I am BJJ-less for a fortnight and with Nationals fast approaching, I may not be match fit in time.

My cover is blown

My cover has been blown. It seems the boys at the BJJ class are all aware that I am a ju-jitsu instructor and my days training as an anonymo...

22 Sept 2004

Ko-budo on Saturday started off badly as during the very first warm-up exercise, the sleepy headed Meerkat managed to bash his injured elbow with nunchakus. Severe pain, but managed to hack way through 6 hours of weapons training, the highlight was some nifty new tonfa strikes and a new nunchaku kata.

Sunday was a day of rest thankfully - calm before the storm as I willingly stepping into the BJJ class on Monday. Two hours of grappling fun. MP commented that I was going rather manic on the mat. Manic is not the word - getting tapped out for six is what I would say. But Eddie is a good instructor and the club is the friendliest I've been to.

Today, Tuesday, was our guest systema seminar. I was worried no one would come but in the end, an ace turnout and most of the members were raving about systema. A couple didn't seem to think much of it, but that's usual I guess. It might even have pursuaded a couple to try it out on Friday nights.

Tomorrow is more training and then off to Milan....phew!!!!

Not enough days in the week!

Ko-budo on Saturday started off badly as during the very first warm-up exercise, the sleepy headed Meerkat managed to bash his injured elbow...

16 Sept 2004

Injury-bedevillled Jamie has come back from a few weeks absence of training to tell us of his amazing injuries. I'm pretty sure he won't mind me recalling his antics but this one is a corker: Jamie is frustrated at with his niggling joint injury so decides to do a spot of exercise using those giant elastic bands that you have to pull and stretch to gain resistance workout. This he does fine until, doing an upward pull, the rubber thingy slips from his foot grasp and, in the recoil, slaps him full force on his right EYEBALL!! Hitting it so hard that it started bleeding, and to top it off, starts to close up like a twelfth round boxer. Everytime he closes it to sleep or blink, the wound opens up again to bleed some more.Ok, horrid injury, go see a doctor you say, but Jamie is hospital-phobic and has so far resisted the temptation to see anyone. A week after his accident, he still can't see properly out of his eye. The best we can convince him to do is to at least see a high street optician.


Injury-bedevillled Jamie has come back from a few weeks absence of training to tell us of his amazing injuries. I'm pretty sure he won...

11 Sept 2004

I cannot recommend enough the forthcoming epic movie 'Hero'. It is a martial arts spectacular following the traditional storytelling of Chinese folklore - you know, ancient King, mystical assassins, lots of wire-fu action etc. Very crouching Tiger, but what sets this movie apart from the others is the sheer majesty of the cinematography. Colours - Jeees yes COLOURS wrap the film like a soft silk sheets. Action - you can believe a man can fly. Acting - love, betrayal, vengeance, kick-ass swordplay it's all there. Stars - ha! could you GET more famous than Jet Li, Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, Donnie Yen and Zhang Ziyi.
This film screams OSCARS!!! It's also number one film in America right now, a stunning achievement when you consider it is in a foreign language.
Go see it.

My Hero

I cannot recommend enough the forthcoming epic movie 'Hero'. It is a martial arts spectacular following the traditional storytelling...

9 Sept 2004

I never used to prescribe to alternative therapies and supplements, I still very much doubt 99 percent of it stuff actually works, but I thought I would give Cod Liver Oil tablets a try. These fun sized translucent egg-shaped pessaries allegedly alleviate joint pain and, after a couple of weeks of eating them, I must admit, I am waking up with far less joint stiffness and the aches have virtually disappeared. Now all I have is muscle pain.

A fresh intake of newbies last night at class. It’s kind of like the start of new academic year at school. Keen, eager young students stand there wide eyed giving me there best “show me what you got” stare. Well, I think I did a good introduction as they all left with smiles and promises to return. Sadly, as is tradition, there is always one for whom the pace of warm-ups exceeds their own fitness expectations and he had to run to the loo, hand holding back a mouthful of vomit. He was fine afterwards and seemed very embarrassed. The irony is I thought I did a very short and easy warm-up segment. Oh well, we all have to begin somewhere.

Speaking of feeling sick, I was told that the girl we were watching very carefully hash her way through green belt grading on Sunday promptly collapsed in a feint at the end. Blimey, if you thought green was tough, wait til brown and black belt!!


I never used to prescribe to alternative therapies and supplements, I still very much doubt 99 percent of it stuff actually works, but I tho...

6 Sept 2004

Grading day at the big HQ and it's here where us dan grades have to offer to volunteer as spare uke for partnerless kyu grades. My first one was incidentless as a yellow belt uke - pretty easy stuff. I get my pass stamped, breathe a sigh of relief and think: ''well, done my bit.'' But they are a man short down at the purple belt end and I'm the nearest one to the room...darn, I have to uke again...and this time, I get Big Tom. Big Tom is so tall that my pathetic over head punches barely reach his nose. Conversely, I'm too short for an effective shoulder wheel that he merely stoops over, making us both look rather dodge. Despite our height difference, he pulls off a near faultless grading as I get thrown around the dojo with gay abandon and the senior senseis have observed that I have given of myself to association causes more than adequately. Still, I think I had it lucky as all the other dan grades had to partner for brown belt, and man, that is one hell of tough a grading.

Volunteer punchbag

Grading day at the big HQ and it's here where us dan grades have to offer to volunteer as spare uke for partnerless kyu grades. My first...

1 Sept 2004

KBXG coach is back from his sabbatical in Thailand and don't we know it! I'm still sore after endless hours of roundhouse kicks to a big fat kick shield. It's such good fun and it puzzled me why his club didn't use shields before - relying instead on gloved partner cooperation. Shields are ace since you can whack them with mindless full force. Mind you, they are so big that you simply can't miss the pad, which probably means bad habits creep in, and probably why coach hasn't utilised them before. The kick drill where you start with one, then two, then three etc all the way up to ten is hard. One to five are great, then you hit a mini-wall and by the time you get to nine and ten, your previously invincible kicks are turned into a pathetic and weak imitation, then, you have to do the whole thing again for the other leg. And that's only the first drill!
I do like the fact that coach is still finding new ways to improve his own martial art development (we're talking about a real World Champion here) which ultimately we will benefit from. It's the right attitude and something I hope to emulate.
MY BIG FAT THAI KICKPAD KBXG coach is back from his sabbatical in Thailand and don't we know it! I'm still sore after endless hours...
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