Today, things have changed. In order to keep in line with what the national sporting body (quango or whatever it is), that is Sport UK, instructors must now have the following:
- Enhanced CRB (criminal records bureau) check
- Current first aid certificate
- Personal indemnity insurance
- Membership to Sport Coach UK
- Complete a distance learning package
- Pass a written exam (series of short essays)
- Attend a one or two day seminar
- Complete specified number of monitored hours actually coaching
What you end up with is a NVQ or equivalent certificate, endorsed by Sport Coach UK. All in all it costs about £250-£300 every three years.
Apart from the expense, the whole process is pretty complicated and being an admin-phobic something I would rather avoid. But I think these days, there are some bare essentials that every martial arts club must have - mainly; first aid, basic safety of equipment and dojo, and insurance. And you wold be surprised how few clubs actually have even that!
MA is a contact sport that involve a diverse array of people. Things happen occasionally that are bad and unavoidable. The whole coaching certificate and mandatory requirements should go some way to helping manage such situations a bit better. Like it or lump it, coaching qualifications are here to stay.
"Series of short essays..." I had to do 14 in a weekend. Crikey. I then realised that Sensei Parker would not be able to read my urgent scrawl so I had to type them all up. Yes, 14 topics for Levels 3 & 4 (as you will learn next year).
Mind you, I learned quite a bit and Senseis Parker and Paper reinforced that learning in the training froom.
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