31 Oct 2010

Matthew Benyon is a BJJ purple belt Brit with a passion for all things Japanese. He spent a lot of time over in the Land of the Rising Sun, absorbing the culture, teaching English, learning some kick ass grappling moves from some of the finest BJJ instructors in the country. A multi-talented, multi-tasking media guru, I thought it was high time I brought some Meerkatsu attention to Matt’s awesome video making skills - a project that he calls: The Grappling Dummy.

Meerkatsu: Hey dude, let’s open up with a brief biog about you, your grappling background and what you currently do?

Matt Benyon: By day I am a mild mannered copywriter for an internet company, and by night I transform into a wildly overstretched, maniacal creative type with a debilitating penchant for coming up with new schemes before the last 12 schemes have run their course. I also enjoy biting off more than I can chew and sometimes training jiu jitsu.

I created the monster that is Scramble, a UK based clothing company that aims to breathe fresh life into a genre until now populated by shuffling zombies and the colour black. I also have a blog, The Grappling Dummy, where I used to talk about my training and tell stories about my life in Japan but now mostly use to post my creations. Which include The Grappling Dummy, an ongoing video series about jiu jitsu and grappling.

I also write regularly for Fighters Only and Fighting Fit magazine, and some others here and there. Phew, I got tired just writing that.

The BJJ TV Maker: A chat with The Grappling Dummy, Matt Benyon

Matthew Benyon is a BJJ purple belt Brit with a passion for all things Japanese. He spent a lot of time over in the Land of the Rising Sun...

28 Oct 2010

I present a small roundup of rash guards produced by British fightwear companies.

Good old rash guards. Not just the preserve of surfer type water people, but now the athletic under-armour of choice for many a full contact sportsperson. For us grapplers, a good rash guard will prevent gi burn, keep you cool or keep you warm and most of all, make you look like and feel like a lycra clad superhero. But there are a dizzying array of choices, plus there's the decision of whether to opt for long sleeves or short sleeves.
So here are a bunch of rashies that have recently landed on the desk of Meerkatsu HQ, let's take slithery peek...

Great British Rash Guard Review

Summary I present a small roundup of rash guards produced by British fightwear companies. Introduction Good old rash guards. Not just ...

27 Oct 2010

I had the honour last night of popping down to my old traditional/Japanese ju-jitsu club, the Imperial Jikishin Ju-Jitsu Club, to teach a session of ground-fighting. Now it's not cool to call it Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu whenever you visit a trad dojo - there's just too much style versus style baggage whenever a BJJer walks in, so I always refer to it as ground-fighting. It's simpler, less of a mouthful and does what it says on the tin, so all the participants can understand the basic intention for the night.

The last time I popped down (which I criminally forgot to blog about) I ran through a series of tactics and strategies designed to handle an opponent during the scramble for position and grips when fighting off of the knees. Tonight I began with a selection of the animal drills that are a fun, but exhausting, way to condition the body in readiness for a good ole grapple.

I began the technical portion of the class with a simple double leg takedown drill from standing (because somebody asked for this) and continued the sequence with a series of side mount pins, knee on belly attacks and escapes from the side mount. It was just fundamental, simple but workable techniques that I've been taught myself and I know work really well. We finished the evening with five or six rounds of position-based sparring (no submissions): top guy attempts to go from side mount to full mount, bottom guy tries to escape, sweep or block the top guy. Despite not utilising submissions, just playing positional sparring was enough to wipe out my comrades and we all ended with one of those brilliant 'I've just done a lunatic session' type faces!

I always enjoy catching up with my Imperial JJ buddies and I hope to pop down again early next year to maintain the ground fighting ethic that I believe is an important part of any ju-jitsuka's arsenal, traditional or not.

Spot the BJJ guy

I had the honour last night of popping down to my old traditional/Japanese ju-jitsu club, the Imperial Jikishin Ju-Jitsu Club , to teach a s...

25 Oct 2010

There's no doubt that I have morphed into a bonafide gi addict - talking about gis is just my way of expressing my love for the sport. One of the first brands to make their own BJJ uniform in the UK was Black Eagle. So I thought it would be really interesting to talk to the owner, Steve Turner, about what it's like to start your own fightwear company from scratch and what hurdles and dramas he encountered along the way (for there were many!). If you are even vaguely interested in the fightwear business or just how one goes about making a BJJ gi, then Steve gives a really interesting interview and I urge you to head on over to the Kombat Clinic website (you will have to join if you are not already a member, don't worry, it's free and easy to do, plus they won't spam you with Viagra and Rolex ads).

Read the interview here: Kombat Clinic interview with Black Eagle's Steve Turner.

As ever, I always like a cheeky blag and I asked Steve about his forthcoming, brand new and super superlight single weave 'Predator' gi that is about to come out...and he said he would be happy to give one of these gis away as a prize to one lucky reader of the KC interview - anywhere in the world! Whoah!

Below is a photo of Andy Roberts wearing the Predator gi...go on, click on the interview and win the gi, you've nothing to lose!

The competition closes at 23:59 (GMT) on Sunday 31st October 2010 where a winner will be drawn at random on Monday 1st November 2010 and announced online the following day. 

Watch out for more prize giveaways and interviews coming soon!

Win a Black Eagle 'Predator' Gi!

There's no doubt that I have morphed into a bonafide gi addict - talking about gis is just my way of expressing my love for the sport. O...

22 Oct 2010

[WARNING: This post contains nudity and explicitly Barbigraphic images]

Soap Review: A Lather Story

[WARNING: This post contains nudity and explicitly Barbigraphic images]

21 Oct 2010

We've all been there - you turn up to class, some newbie shows up wearing the hand me down club gi. He seems young and very keen - like all the newbies you've met before, but there's something different. He's not a nervous beginner, sure he seems unsure about a spider guard or a hooks guard but he's got game. You spar with him, and end up in all sorts of strange and unconventional difficulties. He's not big but has untold amounts of strength and determination. He is the BJJ-newbie who is actually an MMA athlete. Just like my club mate, Luke Dalmedo.

Luke is appearing at one of the UK's top MMA events, BAMMA 5 on December 4th. I thought it would be good to talk to this up and coming young fighter for myFfighter Profile slot, so here he is ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you Luke 'El Niño' Dalmedo:

Fighter Profile: Luke Dalmedo

We've all been there - you turn up to class, some newbie shows up wearing the hand me down club gi. He seems young and very keen - like ...

19 Oct 2010

Tatami Fightwear’s new top of the range gi is an attractively presented and impressively constructed BJJ uniform that will not break the bank. It carries the same excellent cut and fabric of both the ‘Navy’ and ‘Zero G’ gis but with added styling details. It is a strong, light and comfortable gi that fitted me perfectly. I consider this gi to be extremely good value with quality and looks that rival many import brands costing twice as much.

Gi Review: Tatami Fightwear 'Estilo' Gi

Summary Tatami Fightwear’s new top of the range gi is an attractively presented and impressively constructed BJJ uniform that will not br...

17 Oct 2010

Wow, I was interviewed by Caleb for the Fightworks Podcast. You can listen to the show by downloading the mp3 track here (about 24 minutes in):
Or through your Google Reader embedded player.

I'm absolutely stoked to be on the show - one of my mini BJJ life's ambitions now fulfilled! The Fightworks Podcast has been transmitting quality shows for several years now and is one of the very best BJJ media outlets for learning about what's happening out there in the BJJ world.

Caleb was kind enough to offer me a slot on the show where I talk about the winners of the Crazy-Ass Design a Gi Contest. It gave me a chance to describe on air the range of gi designs that were submitted and to thank all those who helped put this project together. I hope I don't come across as too geeky with all my 'um's' and 'you know's' and the Skype recording wasn't the best quality, but hey, I'm not complaining, it was such a thrill to be on the show!

For those clicking on this blog for the first time searching for pictures of the gi designs, please visit the official Crazy-Ass blog to see the winning designs, plus lots of others.

Thanks to Caleb for the invite and thanks to everyone for taking part in the contest. As I say in my interview, watch out for next year where I will announce more awesome gi-based contests.


I'm On The Fightworks Podcast!!!

Wow, I was interviewed by Caleb for the Fightworks Podcast. You can listen to the show by downloading the mp3 track here (about 24 minute...

14 Oct 2010

November 2010 issue out now!

Terere should be back in the UK towards the end of the year, but in the meantime, if you are passing though Switzerland, perhaps you can pop in to attend his many seminars there. See: http://mmaswiss.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/terere-seven-seminars-in-switzerland/
Thanks to Harman Bhamra for providing us with some Swiss BJJ news :)


My Terere Interview in Martial Arts Illustrated

November 2010 issue out now! Terere should be back in the UK towards the end of the year, but in the meantime, if you are passing though ...

13 Oct 2010

Had a really cool day today organising a photo shoot with three of the UK's finest BJJ athletes for a forthcoming edition of Martial Arts Illustrated magazine.

Here's a sneak preview:

Oli Geddes chokes Leoni Munslow

Delroy McDowell, Leoni Munslow, Oli Geddes

Back to front

I have to say though, our location - the BST MMA Gym in Northampton - Oh My God! this place is phenomenal!!!! It is absolutely hands down the most awesome MMA gym I have ever visited - it has everything you can imagine. Cage, boxing ring, Dollomar mats, weights, exercise machines, punch bags, swish changing rooms, showers - the list goes on. If you are ever passing by Northampton, stop by - if not to train, then at least just to gawp and witness the future of MMA in the UK, living and breathing right here, right now!

More Media News
Yes, the Crazy gi contest is finally over. We have three winners. Head on over to the Crazy Gi blog to see the winners.

Even More Media News
Literally just received the new edition of top martial arts magazine Martial Arts Illustrated and my Terere photo set and interview inside looks absolutely amazing. I'm really proud of that one! Will post more details later on.

Yet more Media News!
I'm going to be on the Fightworks Podcast to talk about the Crazy Gi contest I think it will air this Sunday.

Some Contest News!
Big well done to Jon Broster from Nottingham, UK, who was picked by random to win the Kombat Clinic Roy Dean DVD Box Set prize draw. Woohoo to Jon, enjoy those instructionals!


Me-dia darlings!

Had a really cool day today organising a photo shoot with three of the UK's finest BJJ athletes for a forthcoming edition of Martial Art...

10 Oct 2010

Old skool gi company returns with an in yer face bling model that offers much bang for its buck. Despite its attractive offerings, its slightly unusual cut may not suit everyone and patch placement may be an issue.

This gi was sent to me for review by online fightwear store: www.made4fighters.com
Readers can obtain a 10 percent discount (valid until 30th October) off all products on the made4fighters website. See below for full details.

Gi Review: Typhoon by Storm Kimonos

Summary Old skool gi company returns with an in yer face bling model that offers much bang for its buck. Despite its attractive offerings...

8 Oct 2010

When I recently wrote a gi review and mentioned that I thought all my gi skirts were too long on me, my good online buddy Andre, who writes the Portuguese White Belt blog, pointed out that I seemed to prefer to tie my belt above my iliac crest (hip bones) whilst other folk prefered to tie theirs around their iliac. I had never really given it much thought before. Surely one would tie their belt around the narrowest portion of their body? Obviously not.

See the photo above: that's me on the left and World Champion Rubens Charles 'Cobrinha' on the right. We're both roughly the same height and wear the same size gis, so how come I look dorky with my seemingly longer skirt and he looks far cooler with an apparently shorter skirt? The answer, as Andre kindly pointed out, must be my belt placement. That picture alone was like a slap on the face...and this is what I did about it...

Dorky Belt Wearing

When I recently wrote a gi review and mentioned that I thought all my gi skirts were too long on me, my good online buddy Andre, who writes ...

6 Oct 2010

A short while ago I was lucky enough to meet, train with and interview BJJ Black Belt and instructional video guru Roy Dean. It was a great session and I really admire the way Roy communicates BJJ principles and techniques in such a clear manner.

My interview was written as a narrative feature story and published in Martial Arts Illustrated magazine in the UK. But as always, once the magazine has finished its run, I like to re-publish my interviews for all to see, for free. So if you head on over to the brilliant e-zine site Kombat Clinic, (and register your email to log in) you can read the full, and updated, Roy Dean interview.

But not only that, you'll get the chance to win ALL FIVE ROY DEAN INSTRUCTIONAL DVDs! That's right, just enter your details and Kombat Clinic will pick one random winner to receive Roy Dean's entire DVD instructional box set. If you bought it online it would set you back $175!
The set contains: the highly acclaimed Blue Belt Requirements, Purple Belt Requirements, No-gi Essentials, Art of the Wrist-lock and his Year 1 Seminars DVD. I kid you not when I say Roy's body of work is out there as some of the best BJJ instructionals on the planet.

Man, even my blagging powers cannot garner myself this box set (although to be fair, Roy's Honor gi makes up for it hee hee!)

Win these!

Win All Roy Dean's DVD Instructionals!

A short while ago I was lucky enough to meet, train with and interview BJJ Black Belt and instructional video guru Roy Dean . It was a great...

4 Oct 2010

UK company Grab and Pull have produced a novel light weight gi made entirely from ripstop cotton. The A2 weighs just 1.38Kg. The whole uniform is cut fairly large to take into account the large degree of shrinkage expected within the first couple of washes. This gi takes a little getting used to but is very handy for tournament weight cutters and those who intend to travel light and represents an interesting rival to the Koral Light and Vulkan Ultra Light gis.

Grab and Pull are offering readers a 10% discount (which ends 1st November 2010) - see end of review for further details.

Gi Review: Grab and Pull Rip Stop Light Gi

Summary UK company Grab and Pull have produced a novel light weight gi made entirely from ripstop cotton. The A2 weighs just 1.38Kg. The ...

2 Oct 2010

Quickie post, in case you've not seen these before...

1. The Jackpot - body triangle squeezed so tight that the guy in guard pukes:

2. The Stain - guy seems to have an issue with his bowels:

3. SLAM! - this is why body slams are illegal in grappling (4:08 in)

Bad things that happen in grappling

Quickie post, in case you've not seen these before... 1. The Jackpot - body triangle squeezed so tight that the guy in guard pukes: ...

1 Oct 2010

As you can probably tell, I'm just a teensy wee bit OCD in many areas of my life. Grabbing discount codes and making up Facebook Groups are just two examples. I can't stop it! But I hope at least I can share the products of my OCD with you, dear and loyal Meerkatsu reader...take part in stuff, join up, punch in codes, buy cool gear, most of all...enjoy!


5% off everything by typing 'Meerkatsu' at checkout. Valid until Dec 31st

5% off everything by typing in 'meerkatsu5' at checkout. Valid until 31st October 2010

5% off everything by typing in 'meerkatsu' at the checkout. Valid until 31st October 2010

Get 10% off everything by using code 'meerkatsu' at checkout. Valid until 30th October 2010

Grab & Pull
Get 10% off all fightwear (not the events or contests) using code 'MEERKATSU' at checkout. Valid until 30th October 2010

Tatami Fightwear
Get 5% off everything using the code: 'MEERKATSU5'. Valid indefinitely.

The firms above are not random companies. I have personally bought or exchanged lengthy dialogues with all these companies and can vouch for their good service and excellent products. These discounts were secured because I nagged 'em. As far as I know, these companies don't often operate promotion codes, so use them while they last!

Facebook Groups

Gi Addicts Anonymous
Love BJJ gis? Even if you can't afford them, you still love them anyway? Pimped up patched gis or plain and simly elegance, then you are a gi-addict. Join now.

Crazy-Ass gi Design Contest
The contest is over, but you can still head on over and see all the crazy designs.
To see the finalists, then visit the Tatami Fightwear Facebook group.

Guild of BJJ Bloggers

Do you blog? If you don't, then do you just like reading blogs? In either case, join now!

Galo & Pluma

Are you the small guy or gal in your dojo? Join now for warm hugs and sympathetic small person jiu-jitsu stories.


Discount Codes and Facebook Groups - UPDATED!

As you can probably tell, I'm just a teensy wee bit OCD in many areas of my life. Grabbing discount codes and making up Facebook Groups ...
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