31 Jan 2012

Very comfy and easy to fit ear guards offering good protection during sparring. Slight worry over chin strap 'gagging' effect, but this was lessened by loosening the chin strap.

Details: UK customers can purchase the Venum Wind earguard from Osaka Fightgear for £29.99

Disclosure: I am not sponsored nor have any other connection with Osaka Fightgear or Venum. This review represents my own opinions.

Regular readers will know that I produced a large earguard review a while back looking at three Cliff Keen earguard models versus my battered old Brute model. I had been using the Brute but only reluctantly, however once I tried on the Cliff Keen Twisters, I found a product I genuinely enjoyed wearing. Could the Venum Wind match the awesomeness of the Twisters? Or even go one better and, dare I say it, replace the Twisters as my go to earguard of choice?

Review: Venum Wind Earguards

Summary Very comfy and easy to fit ear guards offering good protection during sparring. Slight worry over chin strap 'gagging' ...

27 Jan 2012

Mike Sixx is an artist and BJJer who has just started his own clothing label, House of Daggers, based loosely around grappling and jiu jitsu themes. I talked to Mike about his background and plans for House of Daggers. (You can also see a couple of his t-shirts below that he sent me.)

Apparel and Artist showcase: Mike Sixx, House of Daggers

ARTIST PROFILE: MIKE SIXX, HOUSE OF DAGGERS Mike Sixx is an artist and BJJer who has just started his own clothing label, House of Dag...

23 Jan 2012

This gi incorporates original art created by me for Strike Fightwear who kindly hired my services. This report is not a gi review. It is a showcase of the art I created for the gi. The photos show the pre-production samples, the final gi will be available to buy from Strike Fightwear around late March, April 2012. A full in depth review on the gi itself will be available from me and a couple of impartial gi reviewers soon.

Here are some more photos...

Gi Preview: Red Dragon by Strike Fightwear

This gi incorporates original art created by me for Strike Fightwear   who kindly hired my services. This report is not a gi review. It i...

21 Jan 2012

Competidor Brand are a new company based on the island of Guam. They approached me for some product design ideas and I came up with OctJitsu Man and OctoDragon (the Competidor guys love octopuses apparently!)

Anyway, I drew these up in exchange for their new Guardian BJJ gi and a bunch of other merchandise. I'll be reviewing the gi in a later post on this blog.

The t-shirts are available now from their website.

On my Meerkatsu Art blog, I'll discuss the art direction and image concepts in more detail. In the meantime, here are is the T-shirt photographed up close:


This wallpaper came out of some unused concepts for Competidor t-shirts. I combined them all into one artwork which you can have as a desktop wallpaper background.

1600x1200 version here: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7034/6735815003_d7ae39287b_o.jpg

3200x2400 version here: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7001/6735814283_9ac993fcbf_o.jpg


Meerkatsu Art: Competidor T-shirt and Wallpaper

Competidor Brand are a new company based on the island of Guam. They approached me for some product design ideas and I came up with OctJ...

19 Jan 2012

Continuing my series of blog posts where I introduce new fightwear companies and showcase some of their products. 

iMMACULATE are a UK based fightwear range that describe themselves as 'much more than just another fight-wear company.' I chatted to iMMACULATE owner Miad Najafi, a brown belt BJJ instructor under Alliance BJJ about his new company and what he hopes to achieve with the brand.

Apparel Showcase: iMMACULATE

Continuing my series of blog posts where I introduce new fightwear companies and showcase some of their products.  iMMACULATE are a UK...

17 Jan 2012

I'm super pumped about this, my latest tee design. I call the character 'Skullorantula' and the words on the bottom say 'Guarda Aranha' which is Portuguese for spider guard.

I co-funded this alongside webstore Grapplers Delight. You can buy it from their website for £22.95 - free postage within the UK, extra for overseas. We only made 50 in either navy blue or maroon. I chose those two colours because the base tee shows through so the belt rank colour shows through. I also got a couple black and brown belt versions printed as special gifts for my instructors. Sorry white belts!

I hired the excellent t-shirt printers Advertees to make these up and requested they print using soft inks - a process known as discharge printing - so the print texture is nice and soft, not plasticky.

You can read more about the story behind this image on my Meerkatsu Art Blog here. Now go buy! Before they run out!


Meerkatsu Art: 'Skullorantula' aka Guarda Aranha

I'm super pumped about this, my latest tee design. I call the character ' Skullorantula ' and the words on the bottom say ...

8 Jan 2012

I was asked by Swedish grappling blog GRAPPLINGBLOGGEN.SE for an interview, you can read it here:
(the English version follows directly after the Swedish language version.)

In the interview, I discuss the ins and outs of reviewing BJJ products and all things Meerkatsu in general. Enjoy!


Swedish Interview

I was asked by Swedish grappling blog GRAPPLINGBLOGGEN.SE for an interview, you can read it here: http://grapplingbloggen.se/?p=9143 ...

2 Jan 2012

Two very different gi types from same brand. Both models share the same high levels of quality and value for money but I found one of them in particular to be ultra comfortable, with a near perfect fit.

Disclosure: The contents of this report are my own opinions. I have in the past worked with a number of fightwear brands, including Ronin Brand, on various projects which are unconnected with this product.

Gi Review: Ronin Brand Gold Class and Insignia gis

Summary Two very different gi types from same brand. Both models share the same high levels of quality and value for money but I found o...

1 Jan 2012

Goodness, 2012 already! Where has the time flown? As eagle eyed followers will notice, I've changed the header picture to this blog - as I do every year. Went for a Hell's Angels tattoo kinda vibe, hope you like it cos it's gonna be there for the next twelve months! The pic here is the original which I designed for use as a desktop wallpaper 4:3 ratio - feel free to download and share. Anyway, I thought I'd take this opportunity to reflect on a fantastic year...

Happy New Year!

Goodness, 2012 already! Where has the time flown? As eagle eyed followers will notice, I've changed the header picture to this blog...
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