30 May 2012

Ladies and gentlemen I want to give something back to all the lovely people who have supported my artistic endeavours these past few years.

I’ve compiled what I think is the quintessential Meerkatsu-designed collection of items to give away to some lucky winners. Only folk who have an item in their wardrobe designed by me can enter. Is that narcissistic of me? Maybe. But who cares - it’s a massive prize giveaway!!

All the items below are brand new. The prizes are as follows:

How to Enter. 
Enter the app on Facebook - link here: http://www.facebook.com/Meerkatsu?v=app_254553244581393&rest=1

Submit your name, location, size gi and t-shirt, oh and this is most important, a photograph showing you wearing something I have designed in the past. That's right, this is a fan only contest. Get your mates and family to vote for your photo! Most number of likes wins the first two prizes.

You can enter as many times as you like, as long as each photo shows a different product bearing my design.

The winner of Prize #1 will be the follower who's photo acquires the most number of likes within the contest period (ends Tuesday 5th June 22:00GMT/BST).

The winner of Prize #2 will be the follower who's photo acquires the second most number of likes within the contest period.

The winner of Prize #3 will an entrant decided by me who has submitted the funniest/coolest photo (who is not winner #1 or #2)

The five winners of Prize #4 will be drawn at random from entrants who have not won prizes 1,2 or 3 above.

What next?
Sit, wait, bite your fingernails... deadline for entries and fan voting is Tuesday 5th June 22:00GMT/BST.

 I will announce a winners via this blog on Thursday 7th June noon (GMT/BST).


Terms and conditions
No cash or prize alternative, no swapping around or being picky with items, just hope something in the bunch fits you, otherwise feel free to give it away or sell it on. I’ll ship it to you but if you live overseas, you might have to pay customs charges if applicable. You agree that I can use your photo as part of my Facebook and blog gallery showing you wearing my designs.


Meerkatsu’s Humungously Big Give-away Contest

Ladies and gentlemen I want to give something back to all the lovely people who have supported my artistic endeavours these past few years. ...

28 May 2012

Last year I was asked by Tatami Fightwear to provide an illustration to test out their custom rashguard design services. The result was my original honey badger themed rashguard - you can read about it here.

The theme took off again when earlier this year Tatami released my honey badger BJJ gi - which you can read about here.

We didn't make too many of original rashguards but I kept receiving emails and comments requesting when it would be back in stock. Instead of re-issuing the older design, I decided to completey revamp the design and draw something new. And here it is, the v2012 honey badger rashguard, designed by me, made under my trademarked 'brand' Honey Badger Fightwear and manufactured and sold exclusively by Tatami Fightwear.

Well, it will be when the full production run has completed. So far, I have a small sample of prototypes that I have given out to various reviewers and athletes for testing. I estimate the final version will be on sale (through Tatami Fightwear's website and their various worldwide distributors) around mid July.

In the meantime, here are some more photos...

Meerkatsu Art: Honey Badger Rashguard v2012

Last year I was asked by Tatami Fightwear to provide an illustration to test out their custom rashguard design services. The result was m...

26 May 2012

Roy Dean gave a seminar today at one of his UK affiliates - the Basingstoke School of Martial Arts. Regular readers may recall that I attended Roy's previous visit to the UK at his Poole affiliate academy.

For those who have not heard of Roy before, you may want to check out the many videos he posts on YouTube in particular the student belt demonstrations. Roy is also a prolific producer of high quality instructional videos. My blogger buddy Can Somnez, aka Slideyfoot just reviewed Roy's Brown Belt Requirements DVD - check it out here. I'm a keen follower of Roy's instructional output and his latest DVD is a very good pep talk on what it means in his opinion to become brown belt level standard. Given that I am a four stripe purple belt, you can bet that I have been taking notes!

Seminar: Roy Dean, Basingstoke, UK

Roy Dean gave a seminar today at one of his UK affiliates - the  Basingstoke School of Martial Arts . Regular readers may recall that I ...

24 May 2012

A thoughtfully designed kimono with a couple of interesting and innovative touches, this pearlweave A1 fitted me very well and was comfortable to wear in training. Priced at $129 ($139 for blue) from the Ezekiel Kimonos website, it represents a good solid gi.

Disclosures: I was sent this gi by Ezekiel Kimonos. I have no business or personal connections with Ezekiel Kimonos.

Gi Review: Ezekiel Jiu Jitsu Kimono

Summary A thoughtfully designed kimono with a couple of interesting and innovative touches, this pearlweave A1 fitted me very well an...
Quick plug for my dragonfly inspired rashguard design.

I created this piece for Jiu Jitsu Style magazine. I always thought dragonflies were the coolest insects ever, but they would be even more cooler if they somehow merged with a Chinese dragon. And this is my result!

The rashguard is available to buy through Tatami Fightwear's website here: http://www.tatamifightwear.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=dragonfly

You can also read in more detail, how I created the artwork here: http://meerkatsu-art.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/dragon-fly.html


Meerkatsu Art: Dragonfly Rashguard

Quick plug for my dragonfly inspired rashguard design. I created this piece for Jiu Jitsu Style magazine. I always thought dragonflies ...

22 May 2012

Red Belt (9th degree black belt and above) is the highest rank attainable by a BJJ instructor (also the name for a terrible movie but we'll skip that anomaly). There aren't many of these grandmasters around but they are there, somewhere, mostly in Brazil, a few in America. You can bet one thing - they have stories to tell, they know a lot about the sport and they've probably seen it all already.

Film maker Hywel Teague, owner of the popular video site BJJ Hacks, will be making a documentary about these extraordinary men. He will track down, interview and film the remaining red belt masters living in Brazil. It'll be an amazing film. In his words: "it will be an intimate and revealing look into the art of jiu-jitsu, focusing on a group of men with amazing history in the sport."

Hywel has form. He made the awesome films on Kyra Gracie, Miyao Brothers and a whole ton of BJJ films for BJJ Hacks. Formerly, he was also editor of Fighters Only, one of the the biggest MMA magazine publications in the world.

The red belts Hywel wants to film each have over 50 years of grappling experience. We're talking about guys who were learning their craft when jiu jitsu was barely known about in Brazil. As Hywel says, these guys are now mostly retired and sadly been largely forgotten.

"Most exist outside of the knowledge of those within the jiu-jitsu world. The attention is firmly on current world champions, but we should be careful not to forget the lessons these masters can teach us."

So here's how you can help. Go visit the http://www.redbeltbjj.com/ and read more about the film. Hywel needs to raise money to make the film. The fund raising website is here: http://www.indiegogo.com/redbeltsbjj

Listen to Hywel describe the project on the FightWorks Podcast.

You can buy items or just donate. I'm supporting the campaign by offering strictly one-off art prints, signed and sent by me to the donor. There's other cool stuff too, like rare BJJ gis, videos, books, prints and all manner of goodies. The spending of every cent involved will be on full public display - no shady hand dipping into the pot here, it's all above board.

Genuinely it's a media project that I want to see get made. I hope you can help too.


Red Belt: The Grandmasters of BJJ

Red Belt (9th degree black belt and above) is the highest rank attainable by a BJJ instructor (also the name for a terrible movie but w...

19 May 2012

UK fightwear company Masaru offer a fast turnaround, no unit number limit custom print rashguard servce. I tested out the service using my own artwork. I was impressed with the speed of delivery and the quality of the final product.

Masaru are a UK based fightwear company producing a variety of gi and nogi apparel. They recently established a custom design rashguard service aimed at both individuals and academies. The service offers a fast turnaround (roughly 3-4 weeks but can be as quick as one week depending on numbers and demand), and an easy to use online ordering service for those not familiar with Adobe Illustrator or digital artwork production. See my art blog for details of how I produced the bat art itself here: http://meerkatsu-art.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/morcegao-rashguard.html

Review: Masaru Custom Rashguard Printing Service

Summary UK fightwear company Masaru offer a fast turnaround, no unit number limit custom print rashguard servce. I tested out the servic...

12 May 2012

Roll, Adapt, Win are a fresh new fightwear brand from the US. They sent me some of their tee designs and I thought it would be nice to speak to them and find out more about the brand:

Q: What is roll adapt win all about?
Roll Adapt Win is about producing a simple, detailed, and clean product with lasting power. So many brands become obsolete these days because they focus on fads or what so and so brand is doing. We don’t design for obsolescence, we don’t follow fads, and the result is something everyone perceives, to be fresh and authentic. The whole premise behind the brand is our message, Roll Adapt Win. The minute we try to keep up with the Joneses will be the same minute we lose our identity.

Fightwear Brand: Roll, Adapt, Win (RAW)

Roll, Adapt, Win are a fresh new fightwear brand from the US. They sent me some of their tee designs and I thought it would be nice to s...

9 May 2012

My Monkey King vs Dragon King t-shirt has finally been printed. I created this design for Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine and the tee itself will be available first at the Body Power Expo in Birmingham and then via the Jiu Jitsu Style online shop

You can read more on how I designed this t-shirt on my Meerkatsu Art blog.

Speaking of Jiu Jitsu Style, their latest issue (8) is out now and is a brilliant collection of BJJ news, interviews, reports, reviews and techniques...


Meerkatsu Art: Monkey King T-shirt

My Monkey King vs Dragon King t-shirt has finally been printed. I created this design for Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine and the tee itself...

4 May 2012

That was the cry that greeted me as I walked into training tonight. Well, my learned friends, that thing on my face is the very latest in cool sports eyewear - the PROGEAR EYEGUARD. It is an all polycarbonate pair of prescription spectacles that are, in the words of my optician, practically bullet proof!

I'm not going to review them by testing his claim, that would cost me £300 in shattered glasses but I can at least describe my experience wearing them in BJJ class...

Myopic BJJ - on being short sighted and rolling

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ON YOUR FACE MAN?" That was the cry that greeted me as I walked into training tonight. Well, my learned...

2 May 2012

I've had the privilege in the past few months of providing fightwear illustrations for Oss Clothing, so I thought it was high time I introduced the brand formally on my blog. Below, I chat to Nick Haloski, owner of Oss Clothing. Nick has been in the fightwear business for a long time and shares some of his memories as well as thoughts on fightwear design.

Q: Tell us about your background Nick?

Fightwear Brand: Oss Clothing

I've had the privilege in the past few months of providing fightwear illustrations for Oss Clothing, so I thought it was high time ...

1 May 2012

Being the proud instigator of a crazy brand such as Honey Badger Fightwear means I get to connect with all sorts of awesome people. One chap, Bret Perchaluk reached out to me and asked if I could give his team and himself a little mention on the blog. As a hardened honey badger fightwear devotee, how could I refuse!

Honey Badger Fighter Profile: Bret Perchulak

Being the proud instigator of a crazy brand such as Honey Badger Fightwear means I get to connect with all sorts of awesome people. One ...
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