30 Jun 2013

Despite being available in bottled, can and fresh form for many years, coconut water has seen an explosion of interest in the health, fitness and grappling scene recently. This has coincided with a very visible and aggressive marketing campaign from several major brands. I test several commonly available (in the UK) brands of coconut water plus a real coconut.

Taste test: Coconut water

Despite being available in bottled, can and fresh form for many years, coconut water has seen an explosion of interest in the health, fi...

25 Jun 2013

River Dillon is another young BJJ fighter I saw in action at the recent BJJ Pro Cup City v City Challenge. His speed of execution, domination and great technique really caught my attention. It's no surprise that River is one of the UK's top blue belts in his division - more remarkable when you consider that he is still only 17 years old!

River has kindly agreed to represent my Meerkatsu clothing brand. He is also sponsored by the gi company Aesthetic. Here is a short interview with River...

BJJ Fighter Profile: River Dillon

River Dillon is another young BJJ fighter I saw in action at the recent BJJ Pro Cup City v City Challenge . His speed of execution, do...

22 Jun 2013

If you are a follower of the UK BJJ scene then one name will have been consistently heard over the past year or more - Sam Gibson. I first got a chance to see Sam in stunning action when he represented London in the recent City vs City challenge (Pro BJJ Cup Tournament). Sam had two fights, both against black belts (Sam is a brown belt). He submitted the first black belt and defeated the second by a huge points margin.

I'm pleased to say Sam has agreed to represent and endorse my Meerkatsu clothing brand (see opening photo). Sam is also sponsored by the gi company Faixa Rua. I spoke to Sam to find out more about his BJJ training...

BJJ Fighter Profile: Sam Gibson

If you are a follower of the UK BJJ scene then one name will have been consistently heard over the past year or more - Sam Gibson . I f...

20 Jun 2013

Got some new patches in the store - you can buy them here.

It shows an angry meerkat type of character that I drew and some swishy swirly starry things in the background that I just assembled because they looked kind of funky. They measure 3.5 inches in diameter and are woven onto paper/fabric backing with a merrow border, which means they are tough and durable but also cutely flashy, in a sort of black and white kind of way.

The important bit is the tagline "Original Artworks" because I'm keen for people to know that I draw all this stuff with my own fair hand. But you knew that anyway :)

Meerkatsu Art: New Patches - the Mini Meerkat

Got some new patches in the store - you can buy them here . It shows an angry meerkat type of character that I drew and some swis...

17 Jun 2013

Continuing my regular blog series featuring extraordinary people who have been touched by the jiu jitsu bug, today I talk to 41 year-old guitar-nut and BJJ addict Matt Swartz. I first came across Matt when he commented on my pirate picture on Instragram. I was curious why he would write: "hey that looks like me." I checked out his IG feeds and saw that not only did Matt have one leg, he seemed to not let it stop him from his grappling training. I had to find out more...

Real Jiu Jitsu Lives: Matt '1LegShort' Swartz

Continuing my regular blog series featuring extraordinary people who have been touched by the jiu jitsu bug, today I talk to 41 year-...

13 Jun 2013

This post has an updated version. Click here to see the 2024 updated map and spreadsheet.


I was commissioned by the US title Jiu Jitsu Magazine to write an up to date guide to training in London. The above map was created by me and is as accurate as I can make it. I emailed dozens of instructors and posted on several forums to grab the most accurate and up to the minute details. Many academies still listed on Google has since closed down or moved locations. Some new ones have sprung up but are not caught by Google yet. Others don't even have a website.

Despite the poor SEO and marketing of some academies, it is clear from the map that BJJ in London is thriving. there are over 40 venues to train should you choose to visit. Central London is especially well served with some zones, such as Kensington, with several clubs in close proximity to one another.

The issue of Jiu Jitsu Magazine with my complete write up should be out in a month or so.

In the meantime, an excel spreadsheet of all the London BJJ venues I could find can be viewed here.

Missed out from the map the following:
Nova Forca at the London School of Economics
Dartford BJJ branch in Ilford.


BJJ in London

UPDATE 29th DECEMBER 2024 This post has an updated version. Click here to see the 2024 updated map and spreadsheet. ** I was commissioned...

11 Jun 2013

A little plug here - I was interviewed recently for two publications. The first is Jiu Jitsu Magazine. Published in the US, JJM comes out monthly and my interview is in the current June/July issue - the one with Clark Gracie on the cover. Yes I know, it is unofficially known as the 'handsome' issue with both Clark and I as art of the content :D

The second interview I gave is for new online e-zine called Mixed Martial World. Here is the link to the interview:

Enjoy :)


Meerkatsu in the media

A little plug here - I was interviewed recently for two publications. The first is Jiu Jitsu Magazine. Published in the US, JJM comes o...

10 Jun 2013

On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2013 the BJJ Pro Cup was held at the University of East London sports dock centre. It was an event with many firsts, but also one with a connection to some of the very first BJJ tournaments in the UK.

Tournament: BJJ Pro Cup, London International Open

On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 2013 the BJJ Pro Cup was held at the University of East London sports dock centre. It was an event wi...

7 Jun 2013

I teamed up again with BJJ comic artist Mr Bong Abad who runs his Gawakoto clothing company to produce this piracy themed t-shirt.

Here's the story of how it all came together...

Meerkatsu art: Arrte Suave Pirate Collaboration T-shirt with Gawakoto

I teamed up again with BJJ comic artist Mr Bong Abad who runs his Gawakoto clothing company to produce this piracy themed t-shirt. Her...

5 Jun 2013

COMME des GRAPPLER (CDG) is a new jiu-jitsu based leisure and lifestyle brand based in the USA.

I was curious to know more about CDG and ask about the reason behind their identity - especially the question as to why the branding so closely mimics the Japanese fashion label Comme des Garçons?


We want to bring something to jiu-jitsu that has never been done, we are trying to bridge the gap between a fashion forward company AND a 100% jiu-jitsu based lifestyle brand. We feel the name COMME des GRAPPLER is the perfect play on the gap, the name itself is just a name that we loosely translate to "like the grappler" so everything we do, is like "we" the grapplers.

2. It closely mimics the name Comme des Garçon - a famous fashion house are you concerned about the branding overlap?

Not at all! In no way do we feel that their is a branding concern, COMME des GARCON is a high fashion brand. We in no way, other than "comme des" emulate or try to be like our inspiration COMME des GARCON. After all, "comme des" is a french expression and phrase. Excuse my french, (pun intended) comme des fuckdown might be asked the same question lol.

3. Why have you chosen a largely camouflage based series of designs?

Well, in our first release we dropped one camo inspired tee, we have a few other camo pieces that are coming out soon. But put it this way, for every camo design we have 5 more non-camo designs on deck as well. We just really like working with camo right now, its fun and we enjoy the flexibility and creativity with camo.

4. What are your future plans for the brand?

Well, we know where we want to go with the brand, we truly want to have CDG represent jiu jitsu as fashion forward industry that can impact and inspire those who may not do jiu-jitsu to spark an interest and gain an understand for the art, or just go to the local gym and get smashed on and fall in love with it, just as we have!

Thanks to CDG for sending me their tees. I look forward to seeing how their brand develops.


Apparel Brand showcase: COMME des GRAPPLER

COMME des GRAPPLER  (CDG) is a new jiu-jitsu based leisure and lifestyle brand based in the USA. I was curious to know more about CDG ...

3 Jun 2013

Last week I took my family down to Cornwall for a week's holiday. This meant I also got the chance to train with the team at Gracie Barra Cornwall, headed by Raphael Dos Santos.

Academy Tour: Gracie Barra Cornwall

Last week I took my family down to Cornwall for a week's holiday. This meant I also got the chance to train with the team at Gracie B...
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