30 Jun 2015

Two black belts under Roger Gracie - Nic Gregoriades and Oli Geddes combine to offer this 'greatest hits' package of assorted BJJ techniques designed to offer in depth tips that have personally helped the instructors themselves during their BJJ careers. Production quality and technical instruction is excellent and the set will offer help to beginners and advanced students alike.

Available to purchase as a digital download from the Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood webstore.
Price £31

Review - Progressive Jiu Jitsu by Nic Gregoriades and Oli Geddes

Summary Two black belts under Roger Gracie - Nic Gregoriades and Oli Geddes combine to offer this 'greatest hits' package of as...

21 Jun 2015

Here is a short film (3mins) I made about my instructor and the academy that I train in - Roger Gracie Academy Mill Hill in London. I hope you like it.


Video - Roger Gracie Academy Mill Hill

Here is a short film (3mins) I made about my instructor and the academy that I train in - Roger Gracie Academy Mill Hill in London. I...

17 Jun 2015

Excellent fitting, super light gi with stylish touches and barely any shrinkage. I noted a few areas where the material started to fray, but did not worsen over time. Overall, a fantastic gi.

This Suparaito was sent to me from the US Fuji store - it is priced at $134.00
Thanks also to Alfredo in Peru, who runs the El Jiujitero store

I have no business or personal connection with Fuji. All views expressed in this report are my own.

Gi Review - Fuji 'Suparaito'

Summary Excellent fitting, super light gi with stylish touches and barely any shrinkage. I noted a few areas where the material started ...

7 Jun 2015

I bought myself a new camera - the Sony A6000 - which takes beautiful HD footage at 60 frames per second. This means I can slow the footage down to 24 frames per second without any judder or loss of quality [as seen in the latter part of this clip]. This video is my first attempt filming video with the camera. It shows Sunday morning wrestling class at the academy where I train.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the footage. I hope to be filming more content showing the variety of classes and activities that one can train in at Roger Gracie Mill Hill.

Video - Wrestling Class at Roger Gracie Academy Mill Hill

I bought myself a new camera - the Sony A6000 - which takes beautiful HD footage at 60 frames per second. This means I can slow the fo...

5 Jun 2015

Available from www.rollmore.com priced $29.99 for one pair or $49.99 for two pair pack.

Plain, no frills but excellent value grappling tights from 93 Brand.

I have worked on numerous fightwear design projects for 93 Brand. I have had no involvement with this product. All views expressed are my own.

Review - 93 Brand Standard Issue Spats

Information Available from www.rollmore.com priced $29.99 for one pair or $49.99 for two pair pack. Summary Plain, no frills but exc...
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