This is me without a gi and belt. I mean what a lot of crap I have to wear just to protect my puny and fragile being (not flattering I do apologise!). From the top down, we're talking ear guard, mouth guard, elbow support, groin guard, knee pads, ankle support and more often than not (though not pictured) copious finger tape.
Of course most of this is not allowed in competition. I wonder how much of this gear I actually really need? Maybe they are my security blankets?
Take the ear guards for instance. The actual likelihood of getting caulied in the ear is very rare for me. I did not wear ear protectors for the first five years and all I got were just a little sore ears, but nothing major. So do I really need them?
And gum shields. I did bite my tongue once and it bled horribly, but it was a one off I reckon. Rash guards? groin guards etc etc....all excess baggage I think.
So when it comes to tournament time, shedding all that baggage and just donning my gi and belt (and gum shield) is very liberating indeed.
How much baggage do you bring to the dojo?
This is me without a gi and belt. I mean what a lot of crap I have to wear just to protect my puny and fragile being (not flattering I do ...