Meerkatsu Brand: Super Jiu Jitsu and Armbar Artworks, Kawaii themed t-shirts 2019
February 28, 2019
I've designed two new T-shirts for sale at my store over on
Both were inspired by the Japanese obsession with all things '
kawaii' (cute).
More photos and some explanation:
Super Jiu-Jitsu, the Japanese text beneath the title translates as: cross knee guard pass. The Japanese text at the very bottom translates as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. |
This t-shirt is 50% cotton and 50% polyester. |
Sleeve design combines all the text elements. It's inspired by 'Japanglish' products in Japan that use random English words mainly for visual design effect rather than information. |
The text along the right side reads: Ude-Hishigi-Juji-Gatame (腕挫十字固) The text along the left reads ju do 柔道 The logo at the base is my own name in Chinese: 楊 蜀望 The text at the very top: kansetsu-waza 関節技, joint techniques The text beneath the word ARMBAR reads: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu |
The main theme behind the tee designs are to mimic the way Japanese (and Chinese) graphic design often use English words out of context - so called Japanglish. I’ve done the same, but in reverse. All the text I’ve used relate to bone ride Judo and Jiujitsu techniques |
About the Author
Author & Artist
Meerkatsu is the artist name for BJJ black belt Seymour Yang.
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