30 Sept 2007

It's all over. My final session at RGDA-UK finished without incident (ie I thankfully didn't get injured). And, I must say, with a little tear in my eye, I will really miss the club.

For over the past 6 months my house move has been dragging on and on and now it is finally happening, it has dawned on me that due to the distance, I will no longer be able to attend my beloved Hackney BJJ club.

I started training there about 3 years ago and, although I had done a bit of BJJ at Carlson Gracie’s before, I was pretty much a raw beginner and was classic matt fodder as I got subbed time and time again. But I loved it then and I still do now. I’ve enjoyed my training there so much and really appreciate how Eddie and all the crew made me part of their ‘family’. It’s been a great ride. During my time there, I’d got to train with Royce, Royler and Rolker Gracie and rolled with numerous guys and girls who have become good friends. More importantly, I truly adhere to the club philosophy that BJJ should be more than just winning competitions and subbing everyone in sight. It is much deeper than that, and Eddie teaches it the way that Helio, Royler, Royce etc all teach it - as a martial art and self defence system to be enjoyed by all.
Thanks to everyone there, I consider myself very much still part of the RGDA crew and definitely hope to pop down every now and again.

So, the question is, where to now?

A quick scan on google reveals very few subgrapp or BJJ clubs in the Hertfordshire area. It got so depressing at one point I half considered joining a TKD or karate club (which there are in abundance in Herts), but, shudder the thought, I quickly put that one to rest.
There are however one or two clubs within driving distance that I may try. So, a new journey awaits and Meerkat will of course continue to report all his martial arts endeavours for your reading pleasure.

So long, farewell, alf wiedersehen, goodbye

It's all over. My final session at RGDA-UK finished without incident (ie I thankfully didn't get injured). And, I must say, with a l...

27 Sept 2007

New addition to the syllabus?
Actually, this photo, by Ozzie snapper Brenton Edwards, is the 2007 winner of the Commonwealth Photographic Awards, and shows eleven-year old martial arts expert Giang Trong La balances on a bed of swords and spears. An exponent of Chang-Moo-Kwan Academy in Adelaide, South Australia since he was six, Giang has been learning the technique of being supported two metres in the air by eight razor sharp spears and swords for the past two years. This was one of the first times he had achieved this feat. Edwards had to get the image right pretty quickly as he could only tolerate being up there for ten seconds.
They sure to breed 'em tough down under.

Meerkat is gearing up once again for the annual Jikishin Ju-Jitsu Tournament. I may not be able to compete myself as it coincides with the due date of baby Meerkat#2, but it doesn't stop the rigorous training for the rest of the Imperial Club members. Groundfighting is once again high on the agenda and so far, Wayne 'Rage' is offering to represent Imperial in this category. There's a lot to do between now and the comps, so let's wish all out competitors good luck.


New addition to the syllabus? Actually, this photo, by Ozzie snapper Brenton Edwards, is the 2007 winner of the Commonwealth Photographic Aw...

20 Sept 2007

English MMA fighter Rosi Sexton has been getting lots of press recently. It's understandable since she is a very good fighter and, as a female fighter attracts negative and positive publicity alike. She is also a Cambridge-educated maths post grad wh is not short of an opinion or two. Meerkat has followed Rosi's progress since she was a regular poster on Planetjitsu forums. Especially her account of training whilst heavily pregnant and studying for her degree. There is another clip on youtube where she subs a Brazilian fighter using a classic BJJ technique. It's like selling rice to the Chinese.

So it seems a shame but she will probably be reknowned as the girl that caused a horrendous injury to her Japanese opponent in a recent MMA fight. The clip above is not for the squeamish (the cameraman certainly wasn't).
The takedown looks innocuous enough. A rear leg sweep of some type, but the Japanese girl obvious got her foot stuck whilst the upper leg and body rotated. It's a horrible injury and one that reminds me of David Busst, ex-Coventry player who was tackled and suffered probably the worst football injury of all time.

Speaking of injuries, Imperial Club member Daniel popped into the dojo this week to say Hi. He showed off his thick scars and described the permanent metal pins that hold his shattered forearm together. Docs say that if this arm breaks again, he will lose the arm! Daniel is quite wisely staying away from jujitsu until he heals completely.

Girl Fight

English MMA fighter Rosi Sexton has been getting lots of press recently . It's understandable since she is a very good fighter and, as a...

11 Sept 2007

What to do during four days of bone aching flu, stuck at home, bored witless...I know, let's conjure a new kata, and with such a willing young protege as Baby Meerkat, a new form is born. It may look easy, but there are secrets hidden in there.

Iron-baby gong fu

What to do during four days of bone aching flu, stuck at home, bored witless...I know, let's conjure a new kata, and with such a willing...

5 Sept 2007

Two honed and highly trained athletes pit their skills in a bid to win the title, but one of them is vastly superior in strength and size. It seems almost unfair and, sadly, it is, the bigger competitor falls on top of the other and crushes his spine, he ends up paralysed. But he is the lucky one, others who have competed, have died. The result is calamitous and the press call for a ban in this barbarous sport. Just another day in the life of a cage fighting contest? Well you would be wrong, the event I am describing here is horse racing. But it could be rugby, motorsport, boxing, hell, even wrestling has its fair share of death and serious injury.

Spoilsports from the British Medical Council today released a press release in an all too predictable knee jerk reaction to a sport that is practised by thousands and enjoyed by millions. For a contact sport, the safety record is incredibly good and the rules ensure that this continues to be the case.

To be fair, shows like the UFC and Cage Rage don’t exactly help by building up the hype to promote their shows with words such as ‘Extreme Fighting’ and ‘No holds barred’ but this is just marketing. The critics say it is human cockfighting. No, it is a sport governed by rules where both competitors choose to enter at their own free will and the loser has the chance to always ‘tap’ out. Roosters that fight – nearly always do so to the death.

I don’t follow MMA as avidly as most of my training buddies, but I have been to many shows and even participated in training. It’s not my first love but I can understand the ‘art’ of the sport and appreciate how much conditioning and skill is required. Of course, there should be people who voice their concerns as this helps make it safer. A call for a complete ban on MMA (the press release also asks to ban boxing) is singling out one sport when there are others that create far worse damage. Personally I can’t stand golf and think it should be banned on the grounds that it eats up precious countryside and is pointless (oh and also includes it’s fair share of eye-watering injuries), but that’s another story.

Ban Everything - especially dull stuff

Two honed and highly trained athletes pit their skills in a bid to win the title, but one of them is vastly superior in strength and size. I...
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