New addition to the syllabus?
Actually, this photo, by Ozzie snapper Brenton Edwards, is the 2007 winner of the Commonwealth Photographic Awards, and shows eleven-year old martial arts expert Giang Trong La balances on a bed of swords and spears. An exponent of Chang-Moo-Kwan Academy in Adelaide, South Australia since he was six, Giang has been learning the technique of being supported two metres in the air by eight razor sharp spears and swords for the past two years. This was one of the first times he had achieved this feat. Edwards had to get the image right pretty quickly as he could only tolerate being up there for ten seconds.
They sure to breed 'em tough down under.
Meerkat is gearing up once again for the annual Jikishin Ju-Jitsu Tournament. I may not be able to compete myself as it coincides with the due date of baby Meerkat#2, but it doesn't stop the rigorous training for the rest of the Imperial Club members. Groundfighting is once again high on the agenda and so far, Wayne 'Rage' is offering to represent Imperial in this category. There's a lot to do between now and the comps, so let's wish all out competitors good luck.
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