31 Mar 2011

Much hyped replacement for the first generation of Black Eagle Predators, the MKII is claimed to be one of the lightest gis on the market and even more astonishingly, to be completely shrink proof. This review looks at the Predator MKII in detail and examines the bold claims - however due to lack of A1 sizes, the rolling, fit and comfort performance will have to wait for Part Two.

UK martial arts uniform and fight gear company Black Eagle do not like to make low key announcements. During the testing and prototype phase prior to the release of this MKII kimono, the company were already making very confident claims chief among which were that this gi would be the lightest on the market, and will NOT shrink. They released a pre-release review here.

Their claims were too hard for me to resist so I nabbed a MKII the moment it landed on our shores - and challenged the company to a bet...

Gi Review: Black Eagle Predator MKII - Part One

Summary Much hyped replacement for the first generation of Black Eagle Predators, the MKII is claimed to be one of the lightest gis on th...

28 Mar 2011

Ginormous bag made from hemp fibres which are a zillion times stronger* than puny cotton, this bag can fit two small children and three quarters of me. Pros: good for smuggling small children. Cons: not so good for smuggling adults. Oh and handy for transporting your fight gear when out and about.

This bag was sent to me for review by Europe's most awesome MMA store: Made4Fighters.

When word got out on the forums that a new fight wear brand were marketing products made from hemp, everyone's ears pricked up. Hemp, as the publicity machine would have us believe, is much much stronger than cotton and is naturally microbial resistant. Their prototype BJJ gis have been floating around for a few months now and the full production models of their gis are currently just arriving at those who have pre-ordered. Hemp is cool, thin, light and very expensive to mass produce. That's why this bag costs a whopping £95!!

(* exaggerated for comic effect, actual strength factor is x4)

Gear Review: Datsusara Pro Gear Bag (PGB-03)

Summary Ginormous bag made from hemp fibres which are a zillion times stronger* than puny cotton, this bag can fit two small children and ...

26 Mar 2011

The rather awesome Slidey managed to find this long lost masterpiece on an internet archive. I've been looking for that article for years ever since I lost it when I upgraded computers and lost all my data, which coincided with the host server of my old trad JJ club website closing down. Seeing this again is like coming across a very old diary entry and half wincing, half feeling chuffed that I managed to record for posterity such a landmark moment in my life.

Anyway here it is in all its raw and innocent glory. Bear in mind that it was written for a Japanese Ju-Jitsu audience at a time (Apil 2003) when BJJ was much less prevalent in the UK than it is today...

April 2003
It may be from Brazil, but it's still Jiu-Jitsu.
By Seymour

So you've been a regular practitioner of Ju-Jitsu for several months, if not several years. You are learning new techniques and getting that warm glow of excitement as you see your own ability grow with each body drop and hip throw. You want to find out more by scouring the internet and thumbing through texts in the biggest bookshops. The 'Favourites' section on your internet browser is brimming with ju-jitsu websites and forums. Your own growing library of books will definitely include classics such as the 'White to Green' and 'Blue to Brown' books written by you-know-who.

My First Ever Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Lesson!

The rather awesome Slidey managed to find this long lost masterpiece on an internet archive. I've been looking for that article for year...

25 Mar 2011

A rare limited edition design from one of the most daring gi makers in the world, the Bull Terrier Limited Edition is aimed squarely at the extrovert with an eye for the outrageous. This Bull Terrier appeared to be cut a little smaller than many A1s I have sampled previously, it was still a very fun item to train in.

This gi was sent to me from www.BTfightgear.com via trendy UK fightwear company Scramble. UK buyers are able to purchase a select range of BT gear from the Official UK Seller for Bull Terrier (Facebook Group).


I can just imagine a meeting at Bull Terrier head quarters going a little something like this:

BOSS: Guys we only have 1,634 different gi models, we need SOME MORE! I want ideas!
DESIGNERS: [shrugs shoulders]
BOSS: Come on darnit, must be something new no one has ever tried before?
LACKEY: How about silver foil lining? And make it one of only 100 ever made.

Yes, welcome to the world where loud is just not loud enough. Bold is simply not bold enough. The rare and soon to never ever be sold again Bull Terrier Limited Edition is one heck of a gi! Let's kick off with the stats...but I know, you don't care, you want to see the shiny silvery things right? We'll soon get to that bit...

Gi Review: Bull Terrier Limited Edition

Summary A rare limited edition design from one of the most daring gi makers in the world, the Bull Terrier Limited Edition is aimed square...

22 Mar 2011

An update to the hugely popular Estilo gi, the Estilo 2.0 navy gi offers improved styling and a softer more comfortable fabric. It still maintains the same cut and strength as the first generation - aspects that make the new Estilo an even more outstanding gi.

Gi Review: Tatami Fightwear Estilo 2.0 in navy

Summary An update to the hugely popular Estilo gi , the Estilo 2.0 navy gi offers improved styling and a softer more comfortable fabric. ...

20 Mar 2011

You got to have some kohoonas to walk into the cage wearing a Nacho Libra style wrestling mask and cape. That's what my team mate, and eventual winner of the Submission 1000 Grappling Challenge, Daniel Strauss did when his name was announced to the bemused audience.

If you recall my many previous posts about the Sub1K Challenge, you'll remember the concept as an eight man submission wrestling tournament incorporated within the fight card of an MMA cage fighting tournament. It was a risky decision and may have sent the MMA audience off to the bar in disinterest. But on the night, it proved to be hugely popular and I have to give credit to the audience, who were very appreciative of the action and showed good vocal support.

Here is a potted summary of the action:

Event Report: Submission 1000 - Stevenage 19th March 2011

You got to have some kohoonas to walk into the cage wearing a Nacho Libra style wrestling mask and cape. That's what my team mate, and e...

16 Mar 2011

Good people, friends, readers, grapplers, we all have been shocked at the catastrophic events in Japan this past week. Our friends at fightwear company Scramble have offered a charity T-shirt for you to purchase. All profits go to the relief effort right now. There are of course other ways to donate but I know how emotionallly distraught the team behind Scramble, for whom all things Japanese are held so dear, are at witnessing these events. Please all unite and help support the cause. Osss!

The Scramble 'Endure' charity T-shirt can be purchased from the Scramble webstore for £15.00 plus shipping. It is literally being printed now and will be available early next week.

Help Japan

Good people, friends, readers, grapplers, we all have been shocked at the catastrophic events in Japan this past week. Our friends at figh...

15 Mar 2011

Hey! Remember my hugely popular Design a Crazy Ass Gi contest last year? No? Oh, let me give you a quick recap: You sent me colourful gi designs, we picked a winning entry, Tatami Fightwear made the winning gi, we then marvel at how gorgeous it is...and IT IS! See...

Here was the winner, Evan Mannweiler's original concept art for the gi:

This photo shows the insidey bit...

And here's the promo ad for both the gi AND the rashguard. Oh, did I forget to say? Yessiree, rash guard with the Pin Up will be sold too. High Five all jiu jitsu world!

You can pre-order the gi from the Tatami Fightwear website for an incredible £95!!!
The gi will be shipped out in six weeks. Tatami tell me they worked with their factory flat out to get the gi absolutely perfect and as faithful to Evans' design as possible. Thi gi incorporates a number of original and innovative aspects so I'm dying to get my hands on one and review the heck out of it. The gi will only be made in strictly limited quantities so I would say if you love the design, order now, before it is too late.


Pin up Pre-Order Starts Now!

Hey! Remember my hugely popular Design a Crazy Ass Gi contest last year? No? Oh, let me give you a quick recap: You sent me colourful gi des...

13 Mar 2011

A colourful and flamboyantly designed gi by a company that wears its faith based ethos boldly on its sleeve. This gi is well constructed and incorporates a number of novel details in both styling and construction. It was fun to wear and drew many admiring responses from team mates.
Please note: the final model will differ from this review sample.

Gi Review: Sacrament 'Enoch' gi (pre-production prototype)

Summary A colourful and flamboyantly designed gi by a company that wears its faith based ethos boldly on its sleeve. This gi is well cons...

12 Mar 2011

A couple of months ago, when I attended the Michael Langhi seminar a couple of us guys - who happened to be of Chinese descent - thought hey, let's form a Facebook group where guys and gals of similar cutlural background, and who train BJJ in the UK can all join and we would like, I dunno, just sort of be.

I thought it was an excellent idea and thus the Chinese BJJ Group (UK division) was born. So far we have over 30 members. Today was our very first Chinese BJJ open mat - kindly hosted by Simon Chan at Jude Samuel's Legacy BJJ gym in Hoxton, London.

1st Chinese BJJ (UK) Open Mat, Legacy Gym, London

A couple of months ago, when I attended the Michael Langhi seminar a couple of us guys - who happened to be of Chinese descent - thought h...

10 Mar 2011

It never ceases to amaze me the imagination of instructors and academy owners who suggest logo ideas for me to draw. Here are some recent designs I have created. Enjoy!

Greg Creely is a BJJ brown under black belt Pedro Bessa. Greg's own nick-name is 'hippo' so naturally he requested that I draw a cartoon hippo in a BJJ stance. And this is what I did:

Dragons, hippos and Octopussy...more of my crazy BJJ logos!

It never ceases to amaze me the imagination of instructors and academy owners who suggest logo ideas for me to draw. Here are some recent de...

8 Mar 2011

Our eighth and final fighter for the pretty awesome Submission 1000 event at the Lockdown Fighting Championships in Stevenage this Sat 19th March is BJJ black belt, Luiz Tosta. A very familiar face on the UK BJJ circuit, Luiz was one of the earliest instructors here in the UK. Here are his thoughts on the forthcoming event:

Q: Hi Luiz, please give us some stats about yourself: age, weight, belt rank, MA styles etc?

A: Luiz Tosta, 30 years old, 68 kg, black belt in brazilian jiu jitsu...I been training bjj for the last 10 years.

Q: What is your fight record (gi, nogi, MMA etc)?

A: Gi and No gi i have no idea...Mma is 3 wins and one lost...

Q: What is your finest grappling achievement?

A: I been twice European champion in 2007 and 2009... But i believe my best result was the third place in the world's championship in 2009...

Q: What can people who may never have seen submission wrestling or BJJ expect?

A: Well... Two guys grabbing each other with funny positions.

Q: The 8 man division contains some top level fighters, who are you most looking forward to fighting against?

A: I don't know... All of them are really good... So anyone.

Q: Do you think you can adapt to the rule changes for the night?

A: Ohh yes... For me all the submissions should be allowed... I like ADCC rules...

Q: What will you do with the prize money?

A: I gonna pay some of my bills... I have too many... :-)

Q: Good luck and look forward to seeing you fight at the Submission 1000 tournament at the Lockdown FC.

A: Thanks... See all of u there...

So there you have it. Eight talented grapplers, contesting in a cage, fighting no-gi submission wrestling for the prize of £1,000. Go buy your tickets and be a part of this spectacular event!



Submission 1000: Fighter No.8 Luiz Tosta

Our eighth and final fighter for the pretty awesome Submission 1000 event at the Lockdown Fighting Championships in Stevenage this Sat 19th ...

7 Mar 2011

Guys the Submission 1000 event at the Lockdown Fighting Championships in Stevenage on the 19th March is hotting up like you would not believe! Before I go on to introduce our seventh fighter for the £1,000 prize mini event, I have to congratulate Fighter No.1 Andy Roberts who was promoted to black belt by Roger Gracie this weekend!!! This means the event will include a field of THREE black belts among the eight. WOWZA!

So moving on...allow me to introduce to you the skilled hands of grappling sensation, Kenny Baker!

Q: Hi Kenny, please give us some stats: age, weight, belt rank (if appropriate), MA styles etc?

A: I'm 27 yrs old, weigh 78kg and rank brown belt. I train under Renzo Gracie/ John Danaher.

Q: What is your fight record (gi, nogi, MMA etc)?

A: I have had two pro MMA fights a few years ago after only a couple months training with a record of 1-1 losing my second fight to Arni Issakson. I havent had as much competiton experiance as the other guys but I've done well the time I have including winning the Bristol open, Ground control advanced division (closed the bracket in final ), silver medal at Gracie Invitational and last year got Bronze in the IBJJF New York Open losing a close fight to Clark Gracie!

Q: What is your finest grappling achievement?

A: I've been training for about 5 years gaining brown belt within 3 years which was a great acheivement in such a short period and have trained a lot with my good friend Gunnar Nelson. I also have trained a lot with Gregor Gracie, Erik Owling, Tom Barlow and Luke Costello.

Q: What can people who may never have seen submission wrestling or BJJ expect?

A: People at the show can expect great athletes/martial artists that have been training very hard in one of the most technical and exciting sports, give it there all and at the same time they will see how important the grappling art is for MMA and how exciting it really can be watching it live!

Q: The 8 man division contains some top level fighters, who are you most looking forward to fighting against?

A: This tournament has some great fighters from the grappling world so its going to be tough whoever you draw but either way I'm looking forward to the challenge and I will be ready!

Q: What will you do with the prize money?

A: I would spent the money on my beautiful 2 yr old daughter who I share my life with along with training, she said she wants a hoilday!! lol

Q: Good luck and look forward to seeing you fight at the Submission 1000 tournament at the Lockdown FC.

A: Thanks Seymour, see you there!


Submission 1000. Fighter No.7 Kenny Baker

Guys the Submission 1000 event at the Lockdown Fighting Championships in Stevenage on the 19th March is hotting up like you would not belie...

4 Mar 2011

A stunning prestige gi offered at a prestige price, the Gameness Elite uniquely (afaik) incorporates a built-in rash guard lining. This gi is generously cut and is both simply beautiful to look at and beautiful to wear.

Gameness gis are available directly from their webstore or through various resellers. I obtained mine through the UK online store BJJGISHOP.

Gi Review: Gameness Elite

Summary A stunning prestige gi offered at a prestige price, the Gameness Elite uniquely (afaik) incorporates a built-in rash guard lining....
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