27 Jun 2012

Another spectacularly flashy gi design from established Japanese brand. The New Star, like all the other Bull Terriers I have owned, is made with the usual extreme high standards of construction and quality plus the usual fireworks of patchworks, embroidery, screen printing and general outrageous blinginess.

I have no personal or business relationship with Bull Terrier. I bought this gi from UK stockists Grapplers Delight.

Gi Review: Bull Terrier New Star (single weave)

Summary Another spectacularly flashy gi design from established Japanese brand. The New Star, like all the other Bull Terriers I have ow...

22 Jun 2012

Version 2 of my series of honey badger themed rashguards will be available to buy from July 27th. It can already be reserved online here:

Tatami Fightwear



There will be other stores carrying this product but as far as I know, those are the only two websites offering a reservation service.

In other honey badger news,  a print magazine advert will appear in several publications next month (see image above) and I've decided to sponsor a select few nogi fighters who will wear the rashguard at competitions over the next few weeks. I'll be posting more details about the fighters on here soon.

Hope people enjoy the look and design this time around, it's a lot more aggressive than the first design. Some early bird reviewers have already been raving about how much they love both the design and the quality of the material.

July 27th people!

Here is BJJGearJunkie.com's video review of the rashguard (click for written report):

Click here for WhiteBeltAcademy.com's first impressions review with excellent photos.

More honey badger news soon...

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Honey Badger Rashguard News

Version 2 of my series of honey badger themed rashguards will be available to buy from July 27th. It can already be reserved online here...

17 Jun 2012

'Meerkatsu' is proud to sponsor the UK & Ireland Premier BJJ Championships for 2012. The Premier Champs is run by BJJ black belt Pedro Bessa and is run as a series of tournaments throughout the year. For each event, I'm planning to design a different poster that reflects the city it is being held in.

This is the poster for the tournament in Cork, Ireland.

and here is the promo poster for the following event in Bristol:

There will be one more this year - held in Gateshead and I'll be sorting out a poster for that too. In addition to posters, I'm supporting the event by designing medals and t-shirts.

For those interesting in how I put together the design of these posters, I wrote a little commentary on my art blog here: http://meerkatsu-art.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/event-posters.html


Meerkatsu Art: Event posters for Premier BJJ Championships

'Meerkatsu'  is proud to sponsor the UK & Ireland Premier BJJ Championships for 2012. The Premier Champs is run by BJJ black be...

13 Jun 2012

An interesting niche supplier of BJJ gi pants. Great high quality item with free shipping and great service. A useful service for those unhappy with the pant portion of their current gi.

JustGiPants.com does exactly what it says in the name - they offer gi bottoms, nothing more, nothing less. It's a great business concept and services a very vital need. Every day I read forum posts and blog reports about new gis that were great in every department except the trousers. Justgipants could be the perfect answer. The company was started by BJJ black belt Brandon Mullins who has an incredibly impressive cv: two time IBJJF nogi world champion at black belt, IBJJF nogi Pan American champion at black belt, two time US open champion (brown and black belt), two time IBJJF gi pan american medalist (2nd @ purple and 3rd @ brown) and numerous other titles from NAGA,Grapplers quest,etc.

The website offers just two models - Classic and Modern. The Classic here is made from reasonably heavy duty twill (drillstop) cotton fabric. The A1 sent to me weighed 600grams which is a tad heavier than most gi pants. The length was 90 centimetres brand new and I have to say, after three washes at cold temperature, they barely shrunk down to 86cm.

Notable features
There are three impressive aspects to the Classic that should be pointed out:
1. Very chunky rope drawstring - great for keeping the pants tied in place
2. Knee lining that extends all the way from above the knee to the base of the ankle openings.
3. Super comfy fabric - although thick and solid, they never felt heavy.

The pants have four belt loops and a moderate degree of reinforcements. Ankle openings are double stitched and the gusset region is triple stitched with triangular patches joining the pant partitions within. There are many gi brands with more copiously reinforced trousers, but the JustGiPants classic is certainly more than adequately crafted to withstand heavy usage.

Rolling report and conclusions
The classic feels very solid when worn during training. As mentioned above, they are not the lightest pair you can buy but that did not seem to impinge on their functionality. In fact I found that they were very comfortable. I find that the length is a little short for my personal liking. Something reaching down to around 90-93cm long. At just $39.99 and free shipping in the US, I think JustGiPants offers a great product at a great price and service. As the brand grows, it will be interesting to see if they offer more colours, more fabric types and, perhaps important for some, in between sizes.


Review: Just Gi Pants Classic model

Summary An interesting niche supplier of BJJ gi pants. Great high quality item with free shipping and great service. A useful service ...

7 Jun 2012

Thanks to everyone who entered and took part in my Meerkatsu swag giveaway. The winners are as follows:

#1. Honey Badger gi and v2012 rashguard
Quintern Knipping from Singapore: 694 votes

#2. Dragonfly rashguard and t-shirts
Bradley Lehuta from the USA: 678 votes

#3. T-shirt pack
BJJ Gear Junkie with his Thor vs Honey Badger/Cap'n America set-up, I picked this as the funniest.

#4. Sticker packs, five winners chosen at random are:
Kevin Cole
Phil Clegg
Angus Guthrie
Han Yang

Thanks once again to everyone who took part. It was ultra interesting to observe the pitched battle between Quintern and Bradley who were neck and neck throughout the campaign and even to the last minute were fighting hard to get all their friends to vote. Awesome work guys you deserve your prizes which will be winging their way to you soon.

For the others, I will be bugging you all for addresses for send the stuff to. More contests again soon!!


Humungous Meerkatsu Giveaway Contest Winners

Thanks to everyone who entered and took part in my Meerkatsu swag giveaway. The winners are as follows: #1. Honey Badger gi and v2012 ras...

4 Jun 2012

A good quality and well fitting gi made from a material claimed to be stronger than cotton and antimicrobial.

I have no personal or business relationship with Submission Fight Company.

UPDATE 3rd March 2014
This product has been tested by a lab and the report reveals the Submission FC Hemp Sensation is made from 53.58% polyester and 46.42% cotton. The Lab report (see further down) states that this product does not contain any hemp fibres.

Gi Review: Hemp Sensation by Submission Fight Co

Summary A good quality and well fitting gi made from a material claimed to be stronger than cotton and antimicrobial. Disclosures I h...

3 Jun 2012

I had the great pleasure of attending the SENI Expo yesterday. SENI is a biannual expo for the martial arts industry and is always a great magnet for students, instructors, apparel and gear makers all over the UK to join together in one venue.

I was there to compete in the London International BJJ Open, which I helped by contributing designs for the official winner t-shirts and posters (as modelled in the photo above). I competed in the purple belt masters category in the under 65kg division. I only had one other competitor - Brendan from London Fight Factory. I fought Brendan before at the last SENI two years ago. Previously I was puled into Brendan's guard and submitted with a cross collar choke. This time round I fared a little better. I managed to pull guard, sweep him and then worked my closed guard. Unfortunately I can't quite recall how I made a mistake but I did and Brendan managed to pass my guard and land an excruciatingly painful knee on belly. I nearly tapped from this alone, but he transitioned neatly into an armbar. I quickly tapped, relieved that the knee was off my stomach. Despite the loss, I can take lot of positives from the fight, I feel good that I managed to at least work some of my game and to be honest, maybe I'm wrong for not taking things more seriously, but I had a blast! I love competing for the pure rush of fighting on the mat. I don't really get too bothered about losing (which admittedly, happens a lot!). Anyway, I have no plans to stop unless old age or injury decide for me.

The rest of the tournament was brilliant to watch. My own team mates performed exceedingly well against some very tough opponents. For a photo gallery of the day, check out my Facebook page gallery here.
It was also lovely to meet so many people - familiar faces, friends from other academies, fightwear contacts, art clients and just regular readers of the blog and my FB page. Oss to you all!

Finally, here's a nogi fight that was happening on the mats next to our BJJ tournament. It features my friend Danielle 'The Curse' West. Check out her gravity defying submission around 1min18secs. I've met Danielle many times at comps in the past. I also created her personal logo, which you can see below the video. I casually dubbed her armbar submission a Flying cartwheel armbar but I then dubbed it the Flying Cursebar. Anyway, looks like her fight as gone a bit viral!!


Tournament: SENI 2012

I had the great pleasure of attending the SENI Expo yesterday. SENI is a biannual expo for the martial arts industry and is always a grea...

2 Jun 2012

Just a quick post to say just how awesome it has been to have Mestre Ricardo de la Riva resident at our humble academy this past week. De la Riva kicked off the week with a masterclass on the de la Riva guard on Saturday and he has been teaching normal classes all week. Last night was especially cool as he took a q&a to answer our BJJ related problems. He answered each query with an elegant, and in many cases, previously unseen before (to us) solution. As he explained and demonstrated his techniques it just rammed home to me the fact that here is a man that is the very essence of jiu jitsu. Everything he does, the way he moves, the way he expresses his jiu jitsu is on such an infinitely higher plane than pretty much most other people. It's been an honour to have him share his knowledge with us.

He's also quite the joker too (see the final photo below). If you ever get the chance to attend one of his seminars, I urge you to go.

Triple de la Riva guard in action!


Ricardo de la Riva at Mill Hill BJJ

Just a quick post to say just how awesome it has been to have Mestre Ricardo de la Riva resident at our humble academy this past week. D...
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