29 Jul 2013

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a wonderful sport full of lovely people and lovely techniques to learn. But some aspects are, how can I put this delicately...some aspects could do with a bit of cleaning up. Here is a list of all the gross things that a typical BJJer will experience at some point in their training. Enjoy! Or not.

  1. Sweat from training partners - commonly dripping right into your mouth but the eyeball and ear canal are also targets.
  2. Mat crap - any room where sweaty men and women congregate several times a day, every day is going to accumulate a load of dust, fluff, hair and all manner of bleurgh no matter how fastidious the cleaner. That fluff crap will inevitably end up in your mouth at some point. Yuk!
  3. Beeee ooooh - people smell, it is a fact of life. Some smell worse than others. Then, there are the (thankfully) rare individuals who surpass even this. They are the great unwashed. They should not be allowed to pass AT ALL!
  4. Feet - great part of the body for joint locking. Also great for picking up crap from the floor. I once saw a competitor at a tournament stand at the urinal having a pee IN HIS BARE FEET!!! The floor was damp with wee and yes, he then went on to compete on the mat. EWWWW!
  5. Razor sharp nails might be cool if you are Wolverine. Or Edward Scissorhands. But they have no place on the mat. CUT THEM SHORT!!!
  6. Going 'Commando' is really only for hippies. As a grappler, I DO NOT want to know that your 'boys' have been set free and come loose. I have not personally experienced a training partner who has developed a 'stiffy' but someone on Facebook did say this happened to them once.
  7. There are some techniques where it is an inescapable fact that if you showed them to the general non-BJJ public, you would be arrested for lewd behaviour. If you do find yourself with your face on someone's crotch, stay calm, do not panic and think of England.
  8. My wife is a very understanding type. She has to be for many a time I have come home with the unmistakable scars of stubble burn as my grizzled training partners scour their chins across my face. I simply tell her no eye contact was made during the coupling and she's cool with that. Ahem.
  9. I personally have not witnessed this particular stain, but I have it on good authority that it does happen and quite often. I honestly hope it is something else, like, the person is a fan of Belgian chocolate and just so happens to be quite clumsy and frequently drops it on their gi pants. Umm, yeah, that'll be the reason.
  10. I'm sure we've all seen that video. You know, the one where the very large person empties their bowels, seemingly unaware, all in front of an incredulous cameraman. God forbid this should happen to you, either as the excreter or the excretee. 

I'm sure there are a litany of gross things that happen when training. Comment here if you like and let me know of ones that I have missed. I will save the best for a Part Two article!


The 10 Grossest Things That Happen in BJJ (part 1)

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a wonderful sport full of lovely people and lovely techniques to learn. But some aspects are, how can I put this d...

27 Jul 2013

An assured third offering from Scramble. It does exactly what its name implies - a lightweight and slim fitting uniform designed for those who need a competition (but still Scramble stylish) gi. My sample contained a couple of small quality control issues and the sleeves, as with previous Scramble gis, shrank down too much for my long arms (size A1).

Available from the UK Scramble store for £100 plus delivery.
Also available in the US here: http://store.scramblestuff.us/

Other colours: blue
Made in Pakistan

I have worked for Scramble on a number of projects in the past - I have had no input with this product.

Gi Review: Scramble Athlete

Summary An assured third offering from Scramble. It does exactly what its name implies - a lightweight and slim fitting uniform designed...

17 Jul 2013

UK brand throw away conservative past and bring out new all singing all dancing model. The Elite is beautifully designed and constructed with all the trim and detail seen on many other premium brands. The A1 came up small on me compared to some other brands. Overall, an exciting new introduction to the Faixa Rua range.

Faixa Rua website: http://www.faixarua.co.uk
Cost: £94.99
Sizes A0 - A4

I have no business or personal connection with Faixa Rua.

Gi Review: Faixa Rua Elite Navy

Summary UK brand throw away conservative past and bring out new all singing all dancing model. The Elite is beautifully designed and c...

16 Jul 2013

These koi were hand drawn by me and printed onto white t-shirts for nutrition advice company Unorthodox Nutrition. Buy it here.


Meerkatsu Art: Unorthodox Nutrition Koi Carp

These koi were hand drawn by me and printed onto white t-shirts for nutrition advice company Unorthodox Nutrition. Buy it here . ...

14 Jul 2013

This is a gi I designed for 93 Brand. It features my mandrill artwork previously found on the Man Drill To Win t-shirt and rashguard.

This article is not a review. I merely shows photos of the gi, provide specifications and discuss my reasonings behind the design work. I was paid a fixed fee to design this gi.

Gi Preview: Mandrill Gi by 93 Brand

This is a gi I designed for 93 Brand. It features my mandrill artwork previously found on the Man Drill To Win t-shirt and rashguard. ...

13 Jul 2013

I review belts from four well known BJJ brands - ranging from cheap to premium prices. I noted how the belts not only differed in price, but also in width, thickness, length, colour and durability.

Gear Review: BJJ Brown Belts

Summary I review belts from four well known BJJ brands - ranging from cheap to premium prices. I noted how the belts not only differed ...

6 Jul 2013

Aesthetic first burst onto the scene last year with the launch of two highly stylish gi models. They continue their campaign with the release of their navy coloured Aurora gi and a soon to be released tournament rules friendly  'custom' gi (black). The two gis are polar opposites in terms of fit, feel and comfort.

Gi Review: Aesthetic Aurora (navy) & Aesthetic Custom (black)

Aesthetic first burst onto the scene last year with the launch of two highly stylish gi models. They continue their campaign with the...
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