28 Jun 2011

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships. The forthcoming event, held at the Liquid and Envy Nightclub in Stevenage on the 2nd July promises to be even more thrilling than the first!

With less than a week to go, we continue our series of fighter biogs and interviews with Claudio Silva - a BJJ Black Belt who fights under London Shootfighters.

Submission 1000 II: Claudio Silva

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships ...

25 Jun 2011

See the logo above? Nothing too weird, right? I mean it's perhaps a little unusual to see a ninja dude wearing a BJJ belt but the usual words+kanji+triangular G is fairly commonplace - stuff you see in a zillion other logos out there. But oh no, the ninjutsu commuity went ballistic at the sight of it. Here's the story...

Ninjutsu community Go Ape

See the logo above? Nothing too weird, right? I mean it's perhaps a little unusual to see a ninja dude wearing a BJJ belt but the usual...

21 Jun 2011

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships. The forthcoming event, held at the Liquid and Envy Nightclub in Stevenage on the 2nd July promises to be even more thrilling than the first!

Q: Hey Jack, please give us a brief resume of your training, height, wieght stats and fight record (grappling and/or mma)?

A: I train where ever and when ever I can. I love long grueling sessions with Valmyr Neto - 1 hour long rolls. I train with whoever is down to train. I was in Brazil training for 1 year every day 3 times a day and I also train with other pros when I can. I do lots of running cross country and skate boarding. I lift weights hardly ever, but rolling keeps me strong!

Q: Why 'Mad'? Would that describe your style?

A: My style is crazy! I see myself as a ninja of BJJ!!!! The 'Mad' name comes from my style outside the cage. I live where ever I can, train, spend most my time sleeping on gym floors, mates' sofas and tents.

Q: You are a brown under Gordo - how often do you train in Brazil?

A: I have been to Brazil 3 times I owe alot to Dennis Asche who has helped me out a lot and I always stay at Connection Rio. I have stayed with Gordo Jiu Jitsu since I was 17 when he was teaching at Gracie Barra.

Q: Looking at the fighters in the Submission 1000, who do you most fancy meeting up against?

A: I'd love to go against the weakest and most inexperienced so I can do lots of crazy stuff............If I'm honest, I would say the Rasberry Ape - he's very skilled and I have a lot of respect for what he has achieved. But when we start to roll, that's gonna be put on hold. I think we will have a good fight.[if we meet].

Q: The prize is £2000!!! What would you do with that money?

A: I would be very tempted to stop at Heathrow on the way home and go back to Brazil with my boys at ConnectionRrio and Gordo Jiu Jitsu but I dont know, I have a lot of students now who I am training with and my classes are getting bigger. I'd probably by myself a van and some mats so I could sleep in my van and travel around teaching BJJ.

Q: Cheers Jack, look forward to seeing you fight!

A: Thanks very much for this opportunity to be awesome x

 (click the store link and then events/tickets link)

Submission 1000 II: 'Mad' Jack Magee

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships . ...

20 Jun 2011

Okay guys, hands up, it was all a hoax. Why? Well I wrote my usual little end-piece for the new issue of Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine on how to design a BJJ kimono and as part of the article, I invented a silly brand called Terrosaur Kimonos. I even made up a back story about a mysterious Saudi backer and mined the internet for some microscope slides of 'nanofiber' lining. I mean come on? A gi that keeps you both warm and cool at the same time? Surely no one believed that? Yeah yeah I know I never had you fooled (despite the many emails to the contrary) LOL.

Anyway, I hope you can see beyond my cheeky parody and look at the fun side. I also hope you are all subscribing to Issue 3 of Jiu Jitsu Style. Details of how to access the online edition or the print magazine can be found on their website: www.bjjstyle.com
Trust me, it'll be worth the effort, even if it is missing the promised 'Most Orsum Gi in Wurld'!!


Terrosaur Kimonos - it was all a cheeky hoax

Okay guys, hands up, it was all a hoax. Why? Well I wrote my usual little end-piece for the new issue of Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine on how t...

19 Jun 2011

I took the opportunity of a day away from the kids to take photos and enjoy the action at the Grapplers Showdown nogi tournament held yesterday in London. There was a ton of great fights and one thing that seemed very evident early on, was the fact that nogi events such as these attract grapplers from all sorts of disciplines: wrestlers, jiu jitsukas, MMAers, judoka...it really was a melting pot of grappling styles, all adapting well to the nogi rule set.

Oh, and of course, it was a chance for me to see folk rocking the comp T that I designed :D

Here are some photos:

Pippa 'Banana' Granger reffing and wearing the '8th Day' t-shirt

Tournament: Grapplers Showdown - London

I took the opportunity of a day away from the kids to take photos and enjoy the action at the Grapplers Showdown nogi tournament held yester...

17 Jun 2011

Man I am so pumped to soon meet the legend that is Robson Moura. Every BJJ aficionado worth their salt will have heard of Robson. Even if you have not, then you will have used techniques he has popularised at some point - I know I have. BJJ Heroes captures a summary of this amazing man's career here: http://www.bjjheroes.com/bjj-fighters/robson-moura-bjj-fighter
Robson is to the half guard like what Mozzarella is to pizza. My game is all about the half guard and I want a little bit of that Robson magic.

Robson Moura is coming to the UK!!!

Man I am so pumped to soon meet the legend that is Robson Moura. Every BJJ aficionado worth their salt will have heard of Robson. Even ...

15 Jun 2011

Mad Dog are a fightwear company based in Poland that specialise in limited run custom designed MMA and grappling clothing. The advantage of using their service is that they can produce bespoke fightwear in low numbers which contrasts with a conventional overseas factory who tend to only accept large run orders. I tried out the Mad Dog service by submitting my own vector artwork. The resulting product was very high quality and well constructed albeit with a few design-alignment issues. Overall, an ideal option for academies looking to obtain high quality fightwear branded with their own logos.

Apparel review: Mad Dog Custom Designed Rash Guard

Introduction Mad Dog are a fightwear company based in Poland that specialise in limited run custom designed MMA and grappling clothing. T...

11 Jun 2011

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships. The forthcoming event, held at the Liquid and Envy Nightclub in Stevenage on the 2nd July promises to be even more thrilling than the first!

Hi Chico, please tell us how long you have been training BJJ? And more about your team and jiu jitsu background?
I Started in 1994.

Q: When did you receive your black belt and where are you teaching now?
Leo Viera gave me my black belt in 2004. Now I teaching in Cheltenham, Bristol, Worcester and Telford (Checkmat BJJ / TROJAN FREE FIGHTERS).

Q: What is your fight record (MMA, gi, nogi) and what are your most memorable fights/wins?
I  hope debuting this year in MMA, I waiting my MMA coach Paul Sutherland tell me when I can debuting. All my fights are memorable for me whatever if I won or lost. Only a fighter knows the feeling!
Q: What is your prefered nogi fight weight?
Normally 78-79 kilos but i wanna cut to 75 kilos.

Q: How would you describe your fight style?
I dont know! You can help me after the event!

Q: The Submission 1000 event features eight elite grapplers, who among the 8 are you looking forward most to fight?
I respect all fighters, for me all names have really chances. 

Q: What will you do with the £2,000 prize money?
I will pay my bills!! Hahaha....

Q: How do you feel about (possibly) fighting a close team mate?
I don't have problem with that. I don't like fight with my team mates but when have prize money is different. We can split the prize but we will fight!

Q: Thanks Chico, I look forward to seeing you fight in July!
Cheers mate, see you there :)

 (click the store link and then events/tickets link)

Submission 1000 II: Chico Mendes

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships ...

Husaria Fight Team are an MMA and BJJ club based in Ireland run by Polish fighter Mariusz Domasat. The team was in need of some funky and menacing fightwear designs so Mariusz asked if I could draw something based on the imagery of the Husaria. These amazing warriors wore beautifully ornate armour and huge eagle wings on their backs. I never knew anything about the Husarria before this commission but now that I've seen paintings on the internet, I am absolutely fascinated! Next to the samurai, surely the Hussars are in the top list of most awesome looking knights ever!

With such rich material to work on, how could I refuse? Here's my early rendition, sketched in pencil and coloured in Photoshop:

Then Mariusz added a neat twist - he wanted the knight to wear a BJJ kimono. Hell yeah!

After many hours inking up using Adobe Illustrator, the finished result is as you see up top. Mariusz is going to print the design on rash guards, shorts, T-shirts etc. Already, my Facebook followers have reckoned it's one of their faves - especially the folk from Poland! I must say, I'm really pleased with this one, it was really fun to do and I learned a bit about history too.


Apparel Design: BJJ Hussar - Husaria Fight Team

Husaria Fight Team are an MMA and BJJ club based in Ireland run by Polish fighter Mariusz Domasat. The team was in need of some funky an...

9 Jun 2011

So, there's been this big hooha about whether Royler Gracie will take the ADCC superfight against Eddie Bravo this September. Will he? Won't he? Well, if he doesn't, there is one guy who DOES want to fight Eddie...Leo Vieira.

I've been lucky to get the scoop from Leo on his thoughts about the whole Royler-Eddie-ADCC-gate saga and why he wants to fight Eddie Bravo again. Enjoy:

Q: Hi Leo thanks for taking time out to talk to me. First of all - another Mundials has flown by and another great result for Checkmat - you must be proud of how your team is doing?

Leo Vieira: I am very proud from Checkmat not only for the titles but for a good atmosphere we have inside the team. Last year we got 3rd place at Mundials and this year we were 2nd and I hope we can get number one soon! I have to share the title with all my affiliation and instructors, they are doing very good job in their schools.

Q: Okay let's get straight to the hot topic right now. ADCC in the UK this coming September - what are your thoughts on the way the Eddie Bravo v Royler Gracie matchup has been handled?

LV: I think they have everything to have a nice fight but everything was out of control when they put it out in public. Even myself I would like to see that fight again.

Q: Do you think it is right for Royler to ask for extra money to be compensated for his time away from teaching?

LV: Everybody have priority in his life and when you need make something that you need change your life. Sometimes this have a high price. Also, you need find what motivated you to do something, some people fight for money, some fight for family, glory or prestige. Anyway I dont think Royler is wrong, everyone have his own price, we just need respect. Royler is a big name in the show and he has nothing to prove, he already did a lot.

Q: People often talk about the famous victory that Eddie won over Royler in the 2003 ADCC, but a lot of people forget that it was you who won the title that year. Why do you want another match because you have nothing to prove here?

LV: People forget titles, but nobody forgets unexpected victoryie. I was at same brackets waiting for the winner between Royler and Bravo and everyone was surprised with the fight result, even myself.

When I started my fight against Bravo, I felt so confident in his guard and I put my game on him and win the fight with a large score and the finals after him.

The reason I want fight again, is because Bravo gave so much excuse after our fight, and when I hear that he challenge Royler to fight I thought it was wrong because we challenge who beat us not who we won against.

I am the guy who has competed more ADCCs, and I think it's fair they give me a super fight! If you look at my history at ADCC you will find:

- I got best fight at ADCC 2000 against Marc Kerr at open class (fighting for 10 min and draw).
- I won the title in 2003 and 2005.
- I got 2nd place in 2007 plus prize for best take down.
- I always made it to the semi finals in all ADCCs.

ADCC is in my blood and I have a special love for this competition.

Now Bravo have the oportunity to show your rubble guard and your revenge and I have a opportunity to show that I can do it again and no excuse in the end!!!!

Q: What about the money on offer, if this happens, will you too make a request for additional payment from ADCC to 'cover your expenses'?

LV: No, it's a great privilege to be inside a Great competition, also the prize is already good, and I have 3 good reasons; 1st Prestige, super fight at a big championchip like ADCC, 2nd Eddie Bravo and his Rubble Guard, 3rd 25.000 USD is too much money to motivate me to fight against anyone, even my brother... hahaha

Q: Back to this year's Mundials, tell me how you think the game has changed since you last competed at the World championships?

LV: Today people use so much strategy to fight, sometimes it makes the fight a bit boring, but we still having very nice match anyway. I loved the way Brazilian Jiu Jitsu change every year this is amazing with this sport.

Q: Who was the stand-out competitor for you this year?

LV: Rodolfo Vieira, no question, he was amazing at this Worlds and he is only 21 year old also very nice guy. I like when good people are winning. I have one more guy at Brown Belt. Alexander Trans,(Danish) from Checkmat Copenhagen. He just destroyed all his division and open class at this worlds and also at European and Brasileiro.

Q: Tell me about Checkmat - what are your plans for the future and growth of this team and in particular, how the team is growing in UK and Europe?

LV: We have our founders Rico Vieira, Leandro Vieira, Rodrigo Cavaca, Chico Mendes and Sebastian Lalli, who have so much work and responsability inside the team. Then we have head instructors in many countries around the world taking care from all affiliated close by them. In Europe we have Chico Mendes taking care from all affiliations in England. Then we have Peter Blackwell who start all our affiliation in Scandinavian 10 years ago, he take care Sweden and Hans Ericsson help him in Stockholm, Shimon Mochizuky is the Instructor of Alexander Trans, he is taking care from all affiliation in Denmark. After that we have many affiliation in Norway, Malaysia, Singapora, South Africa, Greece, Turkey and others.

Our goal is to introduce our life style and show what BJJ can make in your life. That's why we are going to every diferent culture showing how can our BJJ Program can improve health and fun in your life helping you to fight against the real opponent - stress and diseases.

Q: Thank you Leo, I hope we can meet soon when you visit the UK...hopefully you can compete in the ADCC?

LV: Thank you so much for interview, sorry my English. I will be in UK, 2 weeks before ADCC, I am doing my Camp here in Brazil but I will finish the camp in Chico Mendes's academy in Cheltenham were I will run some seminars around England more info contact Chico Mendes at chicobjj@gmail.com and follow us on twitter @leovieirabjj, @Chicobjj or @Checkmatbjj.
God Bless you!


WOW! People. You heard it hear first. Leo wants to make RUBBLE or Eddies RUBBER Guard! Do we wanna see this or what?



So, there's been this big hooha about whether Royler Gracie will take the ADCC superfight against Eddie Bravo this September. Will he? W...

7 Jun 2011



Terrosaur Kimonos (TM) are proud to announce further details of their unique BJJ gi fabric. The Terrosaur Weave (patent pending) is the culmination of two hard years of product development between our laboratory and our textile factory. The unique fabric - not found in any other BJJ kimono -  incorporates two unique features, both of which were designed to address common problems normally found in other BJJ kimonos:

(1) The zig-zag weave pattern provides a stronger fabric than either ripstop, twill or canvas cotton while still complying with IBJJF regulations.

(2) The fabric also incorporates an interior facing micro-sized 'fluffy' lining. The micro-fluff traps a thin layer of air between the skin and the main weave allowing the wearer to be both warm and cool at the same time. Our field tests have shown that the Terrosaur Weave (patent pending) can be comfortably worn in academies regardless of ambient temperature.

Full details of the Terrosaur Kimonos will be published in Issue 3 of Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine, on sale late June.


Meerkatsu's inside scoop: Man I've been told off by my Saudi backer for revealing too much too soon the last time, but I'm sticking my neck out here - this gi will be the best BJJ gi in the history of gis, ever! I cannot wait to reveal the entire uniform in all its glory but shhh, mum's the word. Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine will launch the full outfit come issue 3. Be there, or be, without!


Terrosaur Kimonos - Latest developments

PRESS RELEASE 06-06-2011 TERROSAUR WEAVE (TM) DETAILS Terrosaur Kimonos (TM) are proud to announce further details of their unique BJJ...

6 Jun 2011

I did something a little unusual last night. I opened my usually firmly clasped wallet and spent some money. The lucky recipient? The Budovideos live broadcast of the 2011 IBJJF World Championships. It was money well spent!

I saw all the brown/black belt women finals, all the mens quarter and semi finals and most of the mens finals. It was a true visual treat for us BJJ fans and I have to thank Budovideos for putting on a great show - with quality picture streaming (albeit with the odd hiccup) and fantastic commentary from Caleb )Fightworks Podcast), Shawn Williams and Budo Jake himself.

It was a privilege to watch superstars of the BJJ world compete in the comfort of my own home. For me, the big surprise of the night was Leticia Ribero against Njyah Easton. I've never heard of Njyah before but after her superb gutsy display against the pressuring might of Leticia, I think we'll see a lot more of her for years to come. Leticia won of course, but it was close.

Another great final fight was between Michelle Nicolini and Kyra Gracie. Both fighters exhibiting great skill but Nicolini is in my opinion, something else! Her guard is superb and was able to snap out triangles at will. Brilliant stuff.

The mens division was not short of drama and action. I loved watching Caio Terra smash his way through the early rounds but was defeated by the supreme Champ, Bruno Malfacine. These two are like the Sampras and Agassi of BJJ. Always meeting up in finals and snatching wins off each other in a tit for tat struggle to claim to be the best rooster in town. Awesome!

I managed to catch all the rest of the mens action bar the Absolute and loved watching them all. Marcelo Garcia proved he is still the best in his division and topped that with the best after-match speech ever! I could go on, but I'm sure all the BJJ news sites and forums will debate the Mundials matches for many weeks to come. My only regret was not to see Roger or Braulio in action (due to their injuries) but roll on ADCC in September!!


The Mundials Live Streamed Into My Head

I did something a little unusual last night. I opened my usually firmly clasped wallet and spent some money. The lucky recipient? The Budovi...

2 Jun 2011

I was kindly invited by the organisers of Ground Control to design the competitor T-shirt for their next event - Ground Control No Gi, Manchester, June 26th.
All online entrants will receive this T-shirt free. It's strictly limited edition and exclusively for competitors - it will NOT be available to buy.

Here's how I designed it...

T-Shirt Design: Grappling THING!

I was kindly invited by the organisers of Ground Control to design the competitor T-shirt for their next event - Ground Control No Gi, Manc...
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