31 May 2011

The lads who run the Submission 1000 Nogi grappling tournament (this coming July 2nd) have made a highlight reel using footage from the last event. It's pretty grungy and cool I think, take a look:

Tckets are available here: http://www.lockdownfightingchampionships.com/


Submission 1000 II - Promo Video

The lads who run the Submission 1000 Nogi grappling tournament (this coming July 2nd) have made a highlight reel using footage from the last...

28 May 2011

There are no words that can describe the pure awesomeness of this belt. It belongs to my mate James. Every seminar he attended, he got the instructor to sign his white belt, simple. Check it out!

If you click the photo, you'll see a much larger version. In date order, the signatures are:

  • 11 - Renzo Gracie
  • 10 - Marcio Feitosa (right), Fabio Gurgel (left)
  • 9 - Ze Marcello
  • 8 - Royce Gracie
  • 7 - Murilo Rupp
  • 6 - Shawn Williams
  • 5 + 4 - Mario Reis
  • 3 - Cobrinha
  • 2 - Rafael Lovato Jr
  • 1 - Leo Santos

Thanks very much to James for agreeing to share his personal memento on Meerkatsu.

Actually James tells me he attended a load of seminars where he forgot to bring his BJJ Belt of Awesomeness so it omits a number of key signatures. The full list would fill the entire belt and then some. Or maybe he only got the person to sign if he actually liked the seminar? If so, then well done Nos 1-11 above, you made the grade.


BJJ Belt of Awesomeness!

There are no words that can describe the pure awesomeness of this belt. It belongs to my mate James. Every seminar he attended, he got the i...

25 May 2011

I'm so incredibly excited to write about this design. It's my first ever collaboration with uber cool fightwear brand Scramble.

Let me explain a little more about the 'Raspberry Ape'. It is the nick name for British grappler, and fellow Mill Hill BJJ team mate, Daniel Strauss. I have no idea why he calls himself that moniker, and I suspect neither does he. It's a sort of mash up of two words that should never be. But it be.

At the weekend Daniel set the UK BJJ scene buzzing with news of his exploits in Finland at the European qualifiers for the ADCC finals. For those who don't know, ADCC is the Abu Dhabi Combat Club. It is a no-gi grappling tournament, originally established by some very rich sheikhs, aimed at attracting only the very best of the best to compete for the lucrative cash prizes. Daniel won the European qualifiers in utter style. Submitting four opponents and winning one by points. It means he gets to compete in his division against the likes of JT Torres, Kron Gracie, Leo Viera, Marcelo Garcia, Gunnar Nelson...the list goes on. It is unarguably the single biggest no-gi grappling event on the circuit and we're all very proud of how far Daniel has come, and I rather suspect could continue to go very much further. We'll find out come September.

Here's a photo of him in action from the weekend (sorry photographer, I don't know who you are):

Oh, coming back to the T-shirt. Daniel asked me ages ago to draw him a mascot for his new nick name and I must have drawn about a dozen failed attempts at a raspberry themed ape of some sort. Then it hit me. After his awesome performance at the Submission 1000 event, why not draw a gorilla in full wrestling mask and cape regalia?

I think I probably spent a total of 20 minutes on the whole ape design which is unusual for me as I normally spend weeks on something. Anyway, Matt from Scramble loved the logo and requested to make the official Raspberry Ape t-shirt. He added his own, brilliant Planet of the Apes spin to the design and voila! The Scramble x Meerkatsu x Raspberry Ape signature T-shirt. Quite a mouthful!

The back:

and my not too modest trademark:

They're so tasty even I bought a bunch. I'll be giving a couple away on my Facebook page so tune in and see what cunning quiz I can devise this time!

Or you can buy them from the Scramble website. Hurry, they're selling out fast already I hear.



Raspberry Ape

I'm so incredibly excited to write about this design. It's my first ever collaboration with uber cool fightwear brand Scramble. ...

23 May 2011

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships. The forthcoming event, held at the Liquid and Envy Nightclub in Stevenage on the 2nd July promises to be even more thrilling than the first!

Henrique Santana is a Brazilian BJJ black belt who has been living and teaching in the UK for several years. Actually I first met Henrique back in the day when I first began BJJ, he was a purple belt then and me, a lowly white belt. It's nice to watch how Henrique's career has progressed as he is a fearless fighter and happy to take on any style be it MMA, no-gi or gi. I asked Henrique for his thoughts on the Submission 1000 event in July...

Q: Hi Henrique, please tell the readers more about yourself?

A: I am a BJJ black belt, I am teaching classes in London.

Q: What is your fight record and tournament highlights? (MMA, nogi, gi etc)

A: MMA(7-5), Nogi (Grappling showdown champion 82kg), Gi (2007,2009 European champion).

Q: What is your fight weight?

A: Welterweight

Q: Who in the 8 man contest are you most looking forward to fight?

A: I am looking forward to fight the best, no name in particular

Q: What are you expecting and what are your tactics for this forthcoming event?

A: I am a fighter who believes that luck is a mixture of preparation and opportunity. Therefore I make my luck.

Q: Thanks Henrique, look forward to seeing you fight.

A: Thanks.


Submission 1000 II: Henrique 'Lagartixa' Santana

Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships ...
Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships. The forthcoming event, held at the Liquid and Envy Nightclub in Stevenage on the 2nd July promises to be even more thrilling than the first!

Kenny Baker, a BJJ brown belt, made it all the way to the final of the previous Submission 1000 event, losing by referees decision to Daniel Strauss. Kenny has been invited back again to avenge his loss and attempt, for a second time, to win the cash prize of £2,000. I asked Kenny his post Submission 1000 thoughts and how he feels he can improve in his attempt to win for the second event...

SUBMISSION 1000 II: Kenny Baker

  Submission 1000 is the mini-no-gi grappling event that takes part within the MMA tournament known as the Lockdown Fighting Championships...
I have to admit, I had not heard of Leo Santos before this seminar (not unusual as I haven't heard of a lot of people outside my tiny bubble). But one quick view of Leo's highlight video and list of very impressive achievements was enough to convince me that his seminar would be worth attending. I was not wrong.

Seminar Review: Leo Santos, Champ Camp, London

I have to admit, I had not heard of Leo Santos before this seminar (not unusual as I haven't heard of a lot of people outside my tiny b...

19 May 2011

Meerkatsu, in conjunction with Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine, will launch their exclusive new BJJ fightwear range, Terrosaur Kimonos (TM), in Issue 3 (out late June) - find out more on this very special gi in Issue 3 of Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine. Subscribe or buy the magazine in advance online at www.bjjstyle.com


Additional thoughts from me: Guys this gi will have a completely new weave pattern - we call it Terrosaur Weave (TM) which is kinda zig zaggy. The pattern looked like fossilised dinosaur footprints so that's what inspired the name. My partners and I have scoured the world (okay mostly countries ending in 'Stan) in search of the perfect materials. I'm proud to say, this gi will be truly the finest gi you will ever clap eyes on! We guarantee it will fit EVERYONE! Sorry, I cannot say any more, the full launch and details of this tremendous and unique gi will be disclosed in Issue 3 of Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine. Make sure you get it!!!


Terrosaur Kimonos

PRESS RELEASE 19-05-11 Meerkatsu, in conjunction with Jiu Jitsu Style Magazine , will launch their exclusive new BJJ fightwear range, Ter...

17 May 2011

What happens when you have a full time academy + a bunch of instructors and practically full time always-there students?
Answer, muchos goofing around.

Introducing...The Lock and Roll Show!

Let's meet some of the cast:

#1. Dr Hatrack

#2. The Rubber Bandito

#3. Raspberry Ape

#4. The Assassin

...there are more planned. Apparently.


The Lock and Roll Show

Question. What happens when you have a full time academy + a bunch of instructors and practically full time always-there students? Answer,...

16 May 2011

When the final line-up for the forthcoming Submission 1000 grappling tournament was announced, a few eyebrows were raised at the inclusion of Liam Corrigan. The only non-BJJ fighter in the mix, I asked Liam about his thoughts on the elite eight man grappling-in-a-cage tournament, and how he felt being regarded as the underdog...

Q: Hi Liam, please fill us in with your rank, years training, place of training?

Submission 1000 Challenge II: Liam Corrigan

When the final line-up for the forthcoming Submission 1000 grappling tournament was announced, a few eyebrows were raised at the inclusion o...
Regular readers of this site will no doubt be very familiar with Daniel as I have featured him on several occasions. For good reason too! Earlier this year, Daniel won the first Submission 1000 Challenge at the Lockdown Fighting Championships and grabbed a cool £1,000 prize money. He's back to defend his title and win an even cooler £2,000! Here are his thoughts on the previous event and his plans for the forthcoming elite eight man grappling in a cage tournament...

Q: Dude, congratulations on winning the title - how does it feel to be the winner of the very first Lockdown FC - Submission 1000 Event?

Submission 1000 Challenge II: Daniel Strauss

Regular readers of this site will no doubt be very familiar with Daniel as I have featured him on several occasions. For good reason too! Ea...

13 May 2011

Regular readers of the blog know that I'm fascinated with both jiu jitsu and visual arts. If I can find a way to combine both passions, I will. Hence my own efforts at BJJ illustration and photography. So it's particularly warming when I bump into other like-minded BJJ-obsessed artistic folk, so much so that I began an exclusive Facebook Group called BJJ Artists. The group consists of professional and amateur designers, illustrators and artists who share a passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Every so often, I will highlight some of their BJJ-related artwork right here on this blog. To kick off my BJJ Artists series, I would like to introduce you to New York based artist - John Smalls.

Meerkatsu: Hi John, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. Let's begin with a little introduction - how old are you, where you live, BJJ rank, BJJ school and how long you been training?

BJJ Artist: John Smalls (Part One)

Regular readers of the blog know that I'm fascinated with both jiu jitsu and visual arts. If I can find a way to combine both passio...

11 May 2011

My good friend and inspirational BJJer Ebe Gansah from Gracie Barra Milton Keynes organised a charity BJJ training marathon over the weekend. He was attempting to break the world record for the longest continuous aerobic exercise class. The previous record was 29 hours.

Well he did it - 30 hours and one minute that is - thus beating the old record by one hour and a symbolic one minute. There were time keepers, cameras and officials all there to ensure legitimacy and so was I. Well okay I did not do the full 30 hours, that job was reserved for the 11 warriors hand picked by Ebe to last the distance. But I was there for around two hours of the event and I thoroughly enjoyed my session.

Anyone who knows Ebe will acknowledge that he is an amazing teacher. His style is at once hilariously entertaining, with his self deprecating one liners and at the same time he easily brings out a deep knowledge of not just jiu jitsu, but of all martial arts and how the human body works. A very wonderful fella.

Ebe and team were raising funds for Keech hospital. You can still donate here: http://www.justgiving.com/Bjj-world-record

The event was sponsored by fightwear and leisurewear clothing company Luta Clothing - themselves with a very interesting story to tell. But I'll save that for another post.

Oh and just to add extra coolness, the news was reported by the prestigious Gracie Magazine!

Me with Sahid, one of the hardcore 30-hour mob!


Guiness World Record BJJ Training Session

My good friend and inspirational BJJer Ebe Gansah from Gracie Barra Milton Keynes organised a charity BJJ training marathon over the wee...

9 May 2011

A couple of months back I was honoured to be able to photograph and report first hand at the inaugural Submission 1000 nogi grappling event. To recap - it was the rather novel attempt to introduce jiu jitsu grappling to an MMA audience by pitting eight elite fighters against one another in the hunt for the cash prize of £1,000. My event report is here: http://meerkat69.blogspot.com/2011/03/event-report-submission-1000-stevenage.html

My mask wearing buddy Daniel Strauss won the event in sensational style.

Well, it's back! And this time, the prize is a whopping £2,000!!!!!

Daniel will defend his title against seven new and one of two familiar faces. It's going to be another gripping show and you can bet his scribe and snapper will be covering the build up in full detail!
Here's a poster I made up to illustrate the event, it's my first ever event poster design so it's a little rough around the edges.


The return of Submission 1000! - July 2nd

A couple of months back I was honoured to be able to photograph and report first hand at the inaugural Submission 1000 nogi grappling event....

5 May 2011

Here's the blurb...

Leo Santos coming to the UK - 22nd May - be there!

Here's the blurb...

Eagerly anticipated contest winning design entry finally arrives and is worth the wait. The cool grey gi fabric and novel stripey inner lining already make this gi stand out above the crowd. The pin up logo and subtle red trim add up to quite possibly one of the finest looking gis on the market today.

This gi is the product of a winning design from a contest that I devised last year and sponsored by Tatami Fightwear. I was among the judging panel that shortlisted this gi design, which was eventually voted most favourite by members of the public. I have not profited from this contest in any way and I am not sponsored by any company.

Gi Review: Pin-Up Gi by Tatami Fightwear

Summary Eagerly anticipated contest winning design entry finally arrives and is worth the wait. The cool grey gi fabric and novel stripey...
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